Page 43 of Revival
A soft knock startles me from my thoughts. "Mom?"
I've barely seen Mason since I got in this morning. I rise to my feet and motion toward the door, then join him outside so as not to wake his sister. "Hey, my handsome boy."
"How's she doing?"
"She's fine. Sick to her stomach, but she'll live."
"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have let Madison run off with the group she met. If Petra and I would have—"
"Nope. I'm going to stop you right there. This has nothing to do with you and everything to do with your sister learning to make her own choices and dealing with the consequences. You're not always going to be there to protect her. And you were there when it mattered. Daniel told me about you stepping in to make sure Madi didn't get arrested. That would have sent your father through the roof."
"Yeah, speaking of this Daniel guy… care to explain? He seemed really protective of you—and us. Creepy, if you ask me."
"He's a friend of Jacob's I met last weekend in Washington."
"And nothing."
"Nothing? You left your retreat in Montana to come bail this guy out of jail, and you're telling me it's nothing."
"Speak of the devil." I jump on the opportunity to change the subject when I see Daniel and Lindsay approaching us.
"Am I interrupting something?" Daniel asks.
"Not at all. Mason and I were just catching up. What's up?"
"Since I’m useless to the Hustlers’ stage crew now”—he raises his busted arm in the air—“I was wondering if you wanted to check out backstage with me."
"Are you sure it's a good idea, Mom? You got in early this morning and have had a crazy day. Don't you think you should stay here and watch over your daughter?"
"Go!" Lindsay pushes me toward Daniel, then cuts her eyes toward my son. "It’s a hangover, Mas-face, Madi will be fine. She just needs to sleep it off.” She wraps an arm around my reluctant son’s shoulders and tugs him close. “Let your mom have some fun.”
Fun? Not sure I have it in me. I'm exhausted, emotionally and physically wrecked, and my brain is still spinning from the last forty-eight hours. But I leave Lindsay with my kids anyway, determined, at least, to try.
Daniel side-eyes me as we walk. "We don't have to if you don't want to. I know it's been a long day for you."
"No, I'm fine. Let's go."
"Are you sure?" Daniel raises an eyebrow, questioning my response. "Your face is telling a different story."
"That obvious?"
He searches my eyes, then his lips curve into a smile. "Come on. I have a better idea." Daniel grabs my hand, pulling me behind him toward his truck. "I have someplace I want to take you."
He opens his truck door, and I climb in, making myself comfortable. I don't know where Daniel is taking me; honestly, I don't care. There is nothing safe about this man who may break my heart, but I like how I feel when I'm with him. And, even knowing my heart is on the line, I somehowfeelsafe with him.
We drive for nearly fifteen minutes before Daniel breaks the silence. "So, how many items on the revival list have you been able to check off?" he asks.
"Just one. But, I mean, it's only been a week or so," I joke. "And trust me, it's not like I'm not trying. I could use a good one-night stand to release all this built-up tension." My cheeks burn with embarrassment, but it's so true. What I wouldn't give for a good fucking orgasm right now.
He’s polite enough to refrain from laughing at my over-sharing, but a smile dances on his lips. "This may not be as good as a one-night stand, but how about a cheap, greasy meal with some good company?"
We pull into a parking lot and my eyes widen at the iconic yellow and black sign. Grinning, I turn toward Daniel. "You remembered."
"Of course I did. I remember every conversation we have. Now, let's go grub on some late night waffles."
We grab a booth, and I intensely study the menu like it's a test my life depends on. Daniel chuckles as I point to each item and mumble, 'I want that' to myself.