Page 48 of Revival
With a sigh, she begins, "The Hollywood Blaze website said you and Bailey are being investigated for dealing drugs out of your shop and got twisted up with some gang, and you two set up this robbery to get the insurance money and run."
Andrea's words suck the air straight from my lungs. With my mind racing wildly, I'm unable to respond. This must be why the investigators want to talk to me, but I don't understand why Joel didn't tell me my name is being dragged through the mud.
Hopping off the tailgate, I position myself between her legs. "Andrea—" I pause, pulling in a deep breath. "I had nothing to do with this. I have never been involved with drug dealing or gangs. I smoke pot for my anxiety, but even then, only since the incident. Bailey is my friend. I would never do anything to put her in danger. You believe me, don't you?"
"I do. I asked you to be honest with me, and I have to trust that you are." Andrea looks both ways to make sure no one is watching before placing a soft kiss on my lips. "I believe you."
"Thank you, dollface. You have no idea how much I needed to hear you say those words."
"Why do you think this website posted this stuff?" she asks.
"I don't know, but something is going on. The investigators are asking to talk to me again. Someone visited Bailey claiming to be me, and now this." Pushing up her chin, I bring her eyes to mine. "This is what I wanted to protect you from. All my madness."
"When you care for someone, their madness becomes your madness. Don't push me away."
Needing, wanting, craving Andrea more each time we touch. She makes me want to take my walls down. Without thought, my kiss takes hers.
"Do you still want me to come to L.A.? I know you have things you need to take care of—" Andrea’s eyes stare at the ground as she shuffles her feet in the dirt.
I gently lift her chin, forcing eye contact between us. "As I've said before, you bring a sense of peace to me I've never felt before. I could use you there with me. I'm not sure what will happen during the investigation. I want you there with me."
"I've got to take my kids to the airport this morning, and then I'm all yours." Andrea slides her arms around my waist.
"It's about a sixteen-hour drive back to Los Angeles. There is no way I will make the drive in one day, especially with my wrist. Would you like to meet me for dinner tonight?"
"I'd like that." She reaches up, sealing outr date with a kiss.
"I'm going to take off so I can take care of a few things. I'll text you and let you know where to meet me."
After walking Andrea to her R.V., I stop by Jacob's bus to say goodbye.
"So, are you and Andrea a thing now?" he asks as soon as I step inside.
"What, are we in middle school, man? A thing?” I shake my head at him. “We're friends."
"I didn't mean it like that. I'm happy for you. I just know how guarded you've been."
"I don't know what's going on. I like Andrea, but the guilt kills me. Bailey's in a coma because of me. It's not fucking fair."
"No, it's not, but you can't live under a mountain of guilt for the rest of your life. You know everything happened so quickly that there was nothing you could do. I will give you two things to think about, neither of which you will like very much. First, I know Bailey is your best friend, but you said kissing her was like kissing your sister. Are you willing to lose something potentially good for you for something you are not even interested in? And second…” Jacob’s words trail off. As he holds my gaze, obviously debating whether or not to say what he’s about to say, my stomach sinks. “Don't hate me for saying this, buddy, but what if Bailey doesn't wake up?"
I am punched in the gut for the second time this morning. I avoid the thought of Bailey never waking up at all costs. “Shewillwake up,” I growl.
Jacob winces. “Rome, I—”
"Thanks for the pep talk, man. I'm outta here. Talk to you later." I’m out of the bus faster than he can respond, and with that, I'm off on an eight-hour road trip with nothing but me and my over-thinking mind.
What if Bailey never wakes up? It’s not even a possibility. Shewillwake up.
She has to.
The road trip is quiet and lonely. Living my life in a tattoo shop, noise has always been around me. When it's quiet, my brain runs wild, and currently, Jacob's words are on repeat in my head.
Bailey and I went on one date, which was extremely awkward. When she wakes up, I don't want to continue dating her. I don't want to lose her. I want Andrea. The guilt I feel over Bailey's condition will always weigh heavy on my shoulders, but what if Jacob's right? What if Bailey doesn't wake up?
I know Andrea said she'd wait, but for how long?
Pulling off to get gas and stretch my legs, I search the halfway point between Denver and Los Angeles; Richfield, Utah. I send a text to Andrea.