Page 54 of Revival
2. Skinny dip in the ocean
3. Get a tattoo
4. Adopt a dog
5. Have a one-night stand
6. Eat at a Waffle House
7. Visit a U.S. Landmark
8. Take a picture with Winona Ryder's Hollywood Star
9. World's largest rubber duck
10. Go to a festival
Folding the paper up, I put it back into my purse and take a deep breath. Well, now where? I don't want to head to Los Angeles if he doesn't want me there anymore. And he obviously doesn’t want me there.
“Fuck it,” I say on a sigh. “Let's go to Vegas, baby!” I've only been a few times and never by myself. Jason would drag me and the kids along to his conferences every few years. While he was in meetings all day, I chased after the twins. At night, we'd be the happy little family.
Google helps me find an R.V. park with availability for tonight, so once I’ve booked a spot, I punch the location into the navigation app, and I'm off.
By dinnertime, I will be sitting at a Blackjack table, getting drunk, and gambling away my ex-husband's money.
I should feel more excited than I do.
Just after six o’clock, I pull into the Riviera RV Park. Checking my phone for the thousandth time, I still haven’t heard from Daniel and my text remainsdelivered, notread
I knew what I was getting myself into, knew his guilt over Bailey made him vulnerable, and the whole situation building between us was too much for him. I knew this, but I went for it anyway. Truly, I only have myself to blame.
I shower, get myself all sexied up, and call an Uber for a night out on Fremont Street. It has always been one of the places I wanted to visit, but Jason would never allow it. Wasn’t high end enough for the Bay Area’s hottest plastic surgeon.
After tonight, I will check two more items off my silly little list. Fremont Street has to count toward number seven on my list, right? It’s definitely a US landmark in my book.
Walking down Fremont Street alone, an overwhelming sense of loneliness comes over me. I see a restaurant Lindsay would love or a shop Madison would spend all her money in, and there's no one here to share it with me.
I guess this is my life now.
I've never been a gambler; during my marriage, Jason made it clear he was the one who made the money, and gambling was never a way to risk it. But after watchingThe Hangover, I becameobsessedwith Blackjack. I've played on my phone for years, but never for real money. I wander through the Golden Nugget casino, knowing precisely what I'm looking for.
Intimidated by the live tables, I find myself an electronic game with low one-dollar bets.
"Drinks? Cocktails?" the server asks, coming around.
"Vodka cranberry, please. Light on the cranberry."
By the time she comes back, I'm down forty bucks and am ready to move on. "How much do I owe you?" I ask.
The server tilts her head in confusion. "Drinks are free, ma'am, as long as you're gambling, but tips are greatly appreciated."
"Really? Nice."
She giggles at my response as she tucks the ten I hand her into her cup.
"First time in Vegas?" a handsome silver fox asks behind me.
"No, but it is my first time gambling. My ex-husband wasn't into it."