Page 80 of Revival
“Anything you want, dollface.”
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Andrea and I are finishing dinner, listening to the rain of the summer storm, when we're interrupted by a soft knock at the door.
"Are you expecting anyone?" I ask.
"I'm not. Are you?" She shakes her head. Still cautious, I check the peephole before answering. "It's Bailey."
"Don't leave her standing on the porch. Let her in. It's raining cats and dogs out there."
"Get in here. You're getting soaked." I laugh, opening the door and pulling her inside.
"Thanks. It's crazy out there."
"Right? I thought it never rains in Southern California. Please, sit. Hungry? I made my mother's enchiladas," Andrea says.
"No, thank you. I don't have long." She sits down opposite me at the table.
"Is everything okay? Are you okay?" I ask. I will always protect her, no matter how upset I've been with Bailey.
"Yes and no." She shrugs, tears welling in her eyes.
"Punky, you're scaring me. What's going on?"
"Good news, there won't be a trial. At least not yet. Juan Carlos Villanueva got sloppy a couple nights ago. He was apprehended in a strip club in San Diego near the border. He was caught slipping pills into drinks and attempting to steal people's money."
"That's great news. So, now things can go back to normal, right?" Andrea asks. “We’re all safe now?”
"I'll never be safe from Juan Carlos or the cartel." Tears freely flow down Bailey's face. Andrea puts her arm around her for comfort. "I came to say goodbye."
"Goodbye? Where are you going?"
"I will be entering the witness protection program in exchange for telling the feds everything I know about the Diablo Family Cartel. I leave in the morning."
"You just walk away from everyone and everything you know? What about tattooing?" I ask.
"You're the only person I'm walking away from, Rome. You're the only person since my parents died that's given two shits about me. I thank you for every day you looked after me. You are my guardian angel, and you didn't even know it. I will forever be grateful for the day we met. You taught me so much about art and being an artist. I might not tattoo again, but I'll never quit being me."
"What about Marco? Are they still looking for him?" Andrea questions.
"I can't say much, but he'll be okay." She winks, letting us know he'll be disappearing with her. "Andrea, take care of this one for me. I don't think he knows how special he really is." Bailey hugs Andrea before turning to me. "Looks like this is it."
"Looks like it." My voice catches.
"She's a keeper, Rome. Don't miss this one up." She laughs to swallow back her tears. Bailey reaches up and wraps her arms around my neck. "I'm scared," she whispers.
"You got this. Be the survivor I knew you were born to be. You have a chance to start over, a clean slate. Go live your best life. I love you, Punky."
"I love you too, Rome." I open the door for Bailey and watch her walk out of my life forever.
I stand frozen, unable to move. My heart is in shock. Andrea slides in behind me and shuts the door. Pushing her body against mine, she holds me. She doesn't say anything, just hugs me tightly for a long time.
"You okay?" she finally asks.
"I will be. It's funny how, unknowingly, this has become a revival journey for more than just you. Bailey gets a clean start to become the person I knew she was destined to be."