Page 10 of Reckless Abandon
I would have recognized those dark eyes anywhere. They'd invaded my dreams for the past week. Why was my blonde beauty now this red headed vixen? Was this her? Or was I just that exhausted that I was thinking that any girl that smells like coconut was her? She turned to grab a drink off the bar, and I saw them; the two butterfly tattoos that decorated her side. She shook my hand, “I’m sorry, I missed your name,” I questioned.
“Vaughn. Pleased to meet you, Mr. Sims,” she said demurely.
No. Fucking. Way. Vaughn. My blonde beauty was a stripper.
“I’m going to lose it all, man. Everything I worked so hard for is going to shit and all I can do is admit that you were fucking right,” Damon said as he put his head in his hands. His wife left him three months ago when she decided that being married just wasn’t for her. I warned him not to marry Isabell. There was always something about her I didn’t trust. Fake, little gold digger from Miami. I saw that one coming a mile away, and ran. Damon was convinced Isabell was his soulmate and married her way too quickly. Within a year they bought a house, two new high end cars, and he even put her name on the deed to his fucking club. I had been hearing the gossip around town about her only being in it for the money. Vegas may be a big town, but people here love to run their mouths. Especially strippers. Rumor had it, Isabell only planned to stay long enough to take half and then she was out of there. I hated to say I told you so, but I called it on day one. I’m a poker player. I could usually see when people were bluffing. Damon doesn't have an ounce of card shark in him, and when it came to Isabell he only saw her with his dick rather than his eyes.
“Dude, we will figure it out. We always do. Give me a week. I may have a solution,” I told him as we watched the girls dance on stage. Life may suck at times, especially when your lady walked out on you and took half of everything, but having a huge set of tits bouncing up and down in front of you, can certainly make you forget for a while. As for me, I might just reap the benefits of my friend’s misery. The tits were just a perk. Yeah, I'm a selfish bastard sometimes.
A week later, I invited Damon, his lawyer and my financial advisor to lunch. “Gentlemen, I have a business plan that may get us all what we want in this situation. My advisor and I have been looking for different ways to invest my poker winnings, something where I can be a silent partner. And all I know is poker and women. Everything else is left up to Damon.”
“Man, really? I know my way around the ladies,” Damon laughed.
“Dude, if you did, none of us would be here right now. Now, back to business. In front of you is a business plan for The Cave, what could be Vegas’ hottest new strip club and bar. The club you have now, Damon, is not the club you dreamed of having. We can sell it. Give Isabell half of the money and get the hell away from her. I've found the prime location two blocks from the Aria that's twice the size of what you have now,” I explained.
“Sounds great man, but the half I get from the club won’t be able to buy and create The Cave. Nice idea though,” Damon voice held a hint of defeat.
“And that’s where I come in. I need something to invest in. I’ll be a silent partner. The plan we’ve drawn up say the profits are one hundred percent yours until you're free and clear from Isabitch.” The whole table chuckled. “Once you pay me back, we’ll split the profits seventy-five and twenty-five percent. If that works for you. I’m serious about being a silent partner, besides on paper this is your club. I just request my own VIP booth,” I laughed as my friend and his lawyer were going over the paperwork.
With that, The Cave was born. Because this was an investment that I would be spending a great amount of time at, I wanted it to be a place where I could come and just chill out. We wanted The Cave to be different than the other strip clubs in Vegas. We definitely had the room, with the building being one of the largest three stories in the area. Damon and I came up with the idea that every man needed his cave, and designed rooms and bars with a particular theme in mind. Within six months, we were up and running; within a year we had made the Las Vegas top ten list of best strip clubs. We were obviously on the right track. I had definitely made the right investment with my winnings, despite my advisors' hesitations.
After watching the dismay of so many relationships of the people around me, a girlfriend was not something that I wished to pursue. I was married to the game of poker. Keeping me up late, taking all my money, and making my back hurt like a bitch. Yeah, the game of poker was all the woman I needed. Anything else was just a distraction to my success. But of course, like any other red-blooded man I got horny and needed the feel of a soft woman underneath my body. Surprisingly, there are poker groupies. Women thinking they can fuck their way into your heart and grab a piece of your winnings. Yeah, I may be one of the younger players on the tour, but I was not the naive pup most of these cougars think they were getting their claws into. My life became the epitome of wham, bam, thank you, ma’am,
I had been in Australia for the past month playing in the Down Under Hold ‘em tournament. After being on a plane for the past seventeen hours I was ready to crawl into my booth at The Cave with Vanessa and forget the bad luck streak my trip ended on. Vanessa’s been with us at The Cave since it opened and she and I had developed a genuine bond. I had yet to fuck her, but definitely thought about how nice her pussy would feel wrapped around my cock. Her petite frame, huge tits that were all her own, and ass that would keep any man following her around had made my dick hard quite a few times. At first, Vanessa was just doing the job I paid her to do by listening to me, but over the past year we had genuinely become friends.
“Hey, champ,” she said as she seductively slid in next to me. Vanessa had “come fuck me eyes.” Eyes that grabbed ahold of me and had me wanting to smash my lips on hers. But technically, I was her boss, so I probably shouldn’t let my dick lead in the situation.
“Hey, baby,” I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. “Did you miss me? How’s business?”
“Don’t I always,” I loved the way she flirted with me. “It has been so busy around here lately. After the kickass summer we had last year, Damon decided he should a hire a few new girls. I was stoked when he asked me to sit in on the interview process. We interviewed about one hundred girls, watched forty dance, and brought ten back for a party night. We ended up choosing three new dancers,” Vanessa’s eyes got bright as she explained all this to me. I knew when we hired Nessa she would be more than just a dancer if we could figure out how to use her assets. “O-M-G, Nathaniel, you would have died laughing if you could have seen some of these girls. There was one girl who had said that she has been here before on one of our theme nights and had a suggestion for us. You’ve heard of furries right? Well, she comes out with just the head of a fox costume on and this hideous orange thing on and does an entire pole dance to, of course, What Does the Fox Say? And the best part was her name, Fanny Fox.”
“A furry? Can’t say I’ve heard of that one. And by the sound of it, I’m sure I want to. So who are the new girls?” I asked looking around to see if I could spot any new faces.
“Why? You getting tired of me already?” she crawled into my lap and began kissing my neck. Vanessa was good at her job and knew how to keep her customers happy. But she also knew exactly where her lines were drawn, and I respected her for that. Other guys at The Cave have asked her out, but dating her clients was something she wouldn’t do. That’s the other reason I’ve never attempted to take it a step further with her.
“Of course not, baby. But like they say variety is the spice of life,” I said, coming off completely cheesy.
“The only one working tonight is Jordyn. Young little college thing,” Vanessa pointed to the stage. “Might be just your type, champ. Would you like to meet her?” she whispered in my ear.
“Sure. If you think she might be my type,” I winked at her as she went to pull Jordyn off the stage. I needed to remember to have a talk with Damon about Vanessa later. She might just be manager material.
Both Vanessa and Jordyn came back to my table with beers and Jack Daniels shots. “Ah, women after my own heart.” Jordyn was undeniably gorgeous. She was tall, with sexy legs that I could imagine feeling incredible wrapped around my body. With the tight lace corset she wore you could see her perfect hourglass shape. And those baby blue eyes that had this crazy sparkle to them. Introductions and typical strip club small talk were made. Where are you from? Do you have a day job? All that bullshit.
'So Hott' by Kid Rock started playing over the speakers. Vanessa and Jordyn gave each other this sexy as fuck look and I knew I was in trouble. Jordyn crawled up and straddled both Vanessa and myself, one leg in between my legs and the other between Nessa’s. Jordyn leaned into Vanessa and kissed her softly from her chest all the way up to her lips. Vanessa’s tongue invaded Jordyn’s mouth like she couldn’t get enough of the way she tasted. A deep, throaty moan came from Vanessa and Jordyn’s thigh squeezed tighter around my leg. Jordyn sat up and leaned over and gently nibbled on my earlobe. I felt my dick beginning to press against the side of my jeans. She slowly stood up and moved her tight body directly in front of me. She spun around, bent over to take a sip of her neon green drink. Jordyn’s ass was two perfectly shaped globes, it was taking everything I had to not press my face into her and bite that cute little butt.
As she took a drink with one hand, she reached around behind her and pulled on the string that was laced up the back of her black and red lace corset and her top fell. Usually, I preferred natural tits- big, small, perky, or saggy—it didn’t matter to me. But between growing up in Los Angeles and now living in Las Vegas, real boobs were hard to come by. Jordyn began to sensually dance in between Vanessa and I, dragging her nails up and down both of our chests. Fuck it was hot. She continued to dance her way closer to me until she was completely straddling my lap. Vanessa stood up to leave. “Where are you going?” I asked, grabbing her wrist, still unable to keep my eyes off Jordyn.
“Enjoy,” Vanessa smirked before walking out and leaving Jordyn and me there alone. This girl could rock her hips like no one I had ever felt before. She continued to grind into my lap and with each shift of her hips, thrusting her sex, there was no stopping, no self-control and my dick continued to grow. She knew what she was doing, it was as if she read my mind and knew just how I liked it and what turned me on. With each bite of her lip and every moan she let escape, I could barely restrain myself from touching her back or better yet pounding the fuck out of her pussy right then and there.
From our conversation earlier, I knew Jordyn was new to Vegas and currently single. “So,” I leaned in close to whisper in her ear, “How are you getting home tonight, sexy?”
“I was hoping you had that answer to that, baby,” she answered in a raspy voice that spoke of sex and trouble.
After that night, Jordyn and I were inseparable. If we weren’t working, then we were fucking. Damon wasn’t thrilled that I was seeing one the girls, but as long as it didn’t interfere with business there wasn’t much he could say about it. I loved watching my girl strip. Something about it gave me a rush straight to my dick. She wiggled that cute little ass and flaunted those beautiful tits for other guys, but it was my mouth all over her body each night.
It didn’t take me long to fall head over heels for Jordyn. She got me. She understood my love for poker and my late nights, she understood my enjoyment strippers, and she understood how to make my dick happy. Four months into our relationship, Jordyn got pregnant. It wasn’t in our plan, but ultimately we were thrilled. At twenty-four, I wasn’t sure if I was ready to start a family, but I really didn’t have a choice anymore. Nine months later, Ella Marie Sims was born.