Page 12 of Reckless Abandon
Hot for Teacher
After my first night at The Cave, all my emotions were tied up in a huge ball right in the pit of my stomach. I was scared to death to get on stage and dance. I'd always been shy but that night, with more of my body exposed than ever, I felt confident. I didn’t dance, but in my barely there outfit, I allowed myself to be free. Now I just needed to figure out a way to let this new found confidence beat the nerves.
“So, what’d ya think?” Vanessa asked as we are walking out of the club. “Can you do this?”
“I think I can. It might take me a little bit of time to take it all in but I know I can do this,” I quietly replied.
“You need to have a bit more confidence in yourself, girl. In this extremely low cut V-neck top thing you have on, there wasn’t a man, or a woman for that matter, that could take their eyes of you and your girls and you weren’t even dancing. You were damn sexy tonight,” she said as she slid her finger down my chest.
“Really?” I'd never seen myself as sexy. I was the kindergarten teacher or the wife. I guess I never thought of myself as someone who could even be sexy. Lucas was always more concerned with the end product rather than making me feel desired.
“Damn straight! You ready for Stripper 101 tonight, Teach?” Vanessa shouted as she cranked up the stereo of her Wrangler and ripped out of the parking lot.
There were a few cars in Vanessa’s driveway when we pulled up. I recognized Rose’s truck and assumed the rest of the cars belonged to the other girls. “Stripper 101, huh? This could be interesting,” I mumbled as we walk in.
“Holy shit,” I mumbled when I stepped into her place. Chairs were set up in the living room for dances and there was some weird lap dance tutorial video playing on the big screen. In Vanessa’s dressing room, all the outfits I purchased the day before were laying across the table, and there was an area set up in the corner for pictures. “Oh. Hell. No.” When I looked across the hall into Vanessa’s bedroom, I noticed a stripper pole in middle of the room. Nice, girl!
“Hey biotch! You ready for some fun tonight?” Rose jumped in front of me out of nowhere and handed me my regular vodka and cranberry.
“More than you know,” I answered grabbing my drink and walking out of the room with a smirk.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” Rose shouted.
I handed Jade my phone and told her to play Closer by Nine Inch Nails. “Rose, sit your ass down in that chair.” My best friend was the only one I think I could do this with for the first time. I quickly sucked down the rest of my drink. “Alright, here goes nothing,”
The music started. I got down on my hands and knees and started crawling towards Rose. I threw my hair around in a sexy flip that guys seemed to go crazy for. I stopped just in front of her, sat on my knees and rubbed my hands up and down her legs as my body bounced up and down. I could see the surprised look on Rose’s face as I started to dance in front of her. When I stood up, I ran my hands all the way up her body and straddled her lap. As I swayed my hips back and forth in front of Rose all the girls around me started to cheer me on. Lap dancing was all about moving your body in a way that mimics sex and actually fucking someone with your eyes.
“Is there something you need to tell me?” Rose asked, cocking her head to one side.
“I can dance,” I laughed.
“Umm, obviously. Care to explain this sudden knowledge of lap dances?”
“Well,” I started to climb off Rose’s lap, “since my divorce, I needed to do something for me. Lucas had this weird aversion to strip clubs, and the last thing he ever did toward the end was make me feel sexy. And you know that I hate the gym, so I started going to Ms. Jewel’s dance studio. You should see my ass work the pole.”
“Looks like we can skip the dance lessons,” Vanessa chuckled. “On to the ensembles!”
The girls reluctantly pushed me into the dressing room to start trying on outfits. “Fine,” I huffed, “but what’s the point of the pictures?”
“You want to make a lot of money fast right?” Ashlynn asked. I nodded. “Well, then you need to look like an eleven every fuckin’ night.”
“She’s right,” Rose chimed in. “Even I did the pictures. The girls will help you match up outfits that make your body look the best. And you’re even more of a challenge because we need to match wig and contact colors to change your appearance. The pictures will allow you to see the outfits you like.”
“Alright, ladies. I trust you. Let’s do this!” Clothes, shoes, and wigs started flying everywhere.
“So why did Nathan hightail it out of the club when you introduced him to Vaughn?” Ashlynn asked Vanessa.
“He started following the Vaughn Haley Instagram after he drove us back to the hotel after the dirty-thirty!” Rose jumped in to answer.
“Wait! Nathan was there?” Ashlynn squealed. “And where did this Vaughn Haley come from?”
“Yeah, baby, he was. We may need to have a chat with him about that,” Vanessa answered. “And I have no idea why he left so quickly.”
“What’s Mr. Nathaniel Sims’s story?” I inquired.
Vanessa turned to me. “Nathan is a regular. He’s a professional poker player and comes to The Cave to unwind. He’s been coming there since it opened. He and Damon have been best friends since college. The rest is his to tell.” Something told me there was more to the story by the look on Vanessa’s face.
The rest of the night was a blur of outfit changes, camera flashes and pole dances. For a world that I felt so apart from two weeks ago, now it seemed normal. It was time to start living my life for me.