Page 4 of Reckless Abandon
“So what’s in all the boxes?” I asked, knowing damn well that Rose brought something that I am way too modest to wear out. I've always been the introvert of our group of friends. It’s not that I was shy, but I definitely was not the person that liked to have the spotlight on me. Lucas was a light that could shine bright in any room. He was that type of guy that could fit right in no matter where we went. Conversations were easy for him. I was happy just living in his wake.
“Your birthday outfits,” Rose said with a sly grin. Outfits? More than one? What the hell were we doing tonight?
The next few hours were relaxing. Rose and I caught up on the latest gossip of our friends and family, video-chatted with my grandmother, and laid by the pool for an hour. Our schedules were completely opposite, so our time together these days was precious. Rose was the sister I never had. I wanted to tell her exactly what was going in with my life. I knew she sensed something was off, but being my birthday she didn’t ask. I think she just blew it off as me feeling crappy about turning thirty. And she for sure wasn’t going to let that drama-llama takeover, as she so eloquently put it.
New teachers do not make good money. After Uncle Sam, insurance, and retirement all take their cut, I wasn't left with much to live on. What I brought home barely covered my rent and living expenses. Not to mention, my student loans and the damn lawyer fees from my divorce that still plague me every month. Come to find out, when you have been married less than five years, and don’t own any property together, you can walk away free and clear. And wouldn’t you know that Lucas served me with divorce papers just in time. Being that we only work ten months out of the year, we have those wonderful summer months with no paycheck. For the life of me, I cannot save a dime. Struggling as much as I did was exhausting.
At exactly three o’clock all hell broke loose in my condo. Four girls that work with Rose at The Cave came in with every hair, nail, and beauty accessory you could possibly imagine. Some of the devices that they started plugging in I had never even seen before. I thought I was girly, but I was out of my league here. Vanessa (the head glam-bitch) pushed me down in the chair already set up in my oversized bathroom. “Ready to be glamified, Teach?” she proudly asked as she started brushing through my long, straight hair. I'd only met Vanessa a few times, but I really did like her.
By the time the girls were done, I seemed like a totally different person. Hair, makeup, and nails all done to the hilt. Rose walked into my room with the first of many birthday shots to find me lost in my reflection. “Honey, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing. I promise. I look hot,” I paused for a moment as I looked myself up and down. My dress was an absolutely gorgeous sheath lace, navy blue sleeveless mini that fit my ass perfectly. It was a little shorter than I usually wore but at least the girls were covered up. Yet, remembering that Rose used the word outfits still had me nervous. “I just don’t look like me, that’s all. But, thank you and your friends for all that you’ve done for me.”
“Oh, sweetie. I would never want to change who you are but did you ever think that maybe it’s time to find a new side of you?” Rose hugged me tight, knowing that’s exactly what I needed. “The night has just begun. Cheers!” And to that we raised our glasses and let vodka burn down the back of our throats.
The limo arrived at a quarter after seven already full of people. Jeremy and a couple of his work buddies were hitting the mini bar, my brother and his flavor of the month were making out on the back seat, and the few friends that have been by my side since high school were rapidly catching up. As Rose and I climbed in, all I could think is that I was going to make it one kick ass night.
“Hot damn, woman! Looking good,” my friend Travis said as he handed me my usual vodka and cranberry. His wife, Ari slapped him on the arm as I kissed her on the cheek and took a seat next to her.
“Thanks.” I felt my cheeks turn red. I was totally out of my comfort zone.
“Own it, girl. You looking fucking amazing,” Ari said only loud enough for me to hear.
“Ahem,” Rose cleared her throat to get everyone’s attention. “Raise your glasses. Here’s to having one of the best nights of our lives tonight, to the last of us to have their dirty-thirty, and especially to new beginnings.”
“And not to forget—it’s summer vacation!” I chimed in.
“Cheers!” We all cheered in unison.
We pulled up to the Aria right before eight, and I knew the only place we could be going to is Bar Masa for the most amazing sushi in Vegas. As I got out of the limo and made our way across the casino, I could feel eyes on me from all directions. Or maybe I was just that self-conscious, I wasn't sure. What I do know is that I needed to take Ari’s advice and "own this shit" tonight. With a little bit more liquid courage I could maybe make that happen.
When we walked into Bar Masa, they led us to a back room that I didn’t know existed, despite the hundreds of times we've eaten there. Must be Rose and her connections. Gotta love Vegas! As we went through the doors, I noticed the green and purple (my favorite colors) motif around the room and balloons everywhere. Damn her. We came to the second room and there sat all my family, close friends and co-workers. “Surprise!” They all yelled as they came over to give me hugs like they hadn’t seen me ages.
Dinner was absolutely amazing. There’s a reason why it was one of the top rated restaurants on the Vegas strip. It was so nice to be able to catch up with my mother before her boyfriend whisked her away on another trip, and also to be able to spend time with my co-workers outside of work; without all their kids running around. I loved their kids to death don’t get me wrong, but sometimes the constant reminder is difficult. My thoughts were broken by the sound of Rose tapping her wine glass with a fork.
“I hate to cut this dinner short, but tonight will be an epic night of new and exciting experiences for our birthday girl. We're are off to our second destination to start the dirty part of this “dirty-thirty” party. Some of you we will see later and some of you have a great summer,” Rose announced. I could see the look of confusion on my teacher friends’ faces, wondering what were they being left out of. But if I knew Rose, I didn’t need to mix my set of friends anymore tonight.
The same people all piled back in the limo, along with a couple of my cousins that Jeremy’s buddies picked up. When we pulled up in the front the Wynn, I instantly got giddy inside. “Oh, please tell me we are going dancing at XS?” I asked Rose. I may be an introvert when it comes to conversations and meeting new people, but on the dance floor I felt free.
“You know it, babe,” she gave me a wink as we exited the limo. “Just one quick stop first.”
As all my friends went left to the club, Rose grabbed my hand and pulled me off into the other direction. “Where are we going?” I asked.
“Ssshhh, little one,” she smiled. “Trust me.”
Up the elevators we went. They kept going, and going until we hit the top floor. “Holy shit, you didn’t? You can’t afford this. Jeremy is going to kill you.”
“Like I said before, trust me. I have connections. This place is ours for the night. Enjoy it,” Rose boasted.
We walked into the suite and Vanessa’s already there waiting for me in the vanity area. “Hey, Teach. You ready for outfit number two?”
“What? I’m really liking this one. I’m finally feeling comfortable,” I said as I played with the lace hem of the dress.
“Off with the nice family/teacher dress. Time to slip into something sexy to show off those curves, woman. You have a rockin’ bod, use it. Let’s get you ready to dance the night away,” Vanessa demanded as she moved over to the vanity to get me freshened up. She touched up my make-up, re-curled my hair, and tucked me carefully into a skin tight bandage dress. I didn’t remember the last time I felt so sexy.
“I’m not sure what I did to deserve all this but thank you guys. I needed it,” I said to my friends. I sat there willing myself not to cry. “The past year has been on the worst of my life, I'm ready to start my thirties off with a bang.”
Our next stop was dancing at XS Nightclub. Vanessa’s cousin was a bouncer there and was able to hook us with a VIP booth for the evening. Grey Goose and cranberry on a constant flow. I lost myself in the rhythm of the music, my body naturally moving with the beats. It was such a Zen feeling to be able to finally let go of the shit that I'd gone through recently and what I was dreading telling my best friend. Or maybe it was the all the alcohol, either way I felt fan-fucking-tastic.
“Hey, beautiful,” I froze as I felt arms slide around my waist. “Ready to move on to our final destination? We have something special planned for you.” I flipped around to see Vanessa standing quite close. It almost seemed like she was checking me out. Time to lay off the vodka, Ryann.
“I’m only beautiful because you made me that way,” I teased.
“Keep telling yourself that, sweetheart,” Vanessa said as she grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the club.