Page 17 of Born to be Bad
“I was hungry. It smelled good.”
A low growl rumbles out of me. To everyone else in Boston, he might be the fucking Reaper, but to me, he’s a subordinate who does what I fucking tell him.
“I hadintendedto teach her an important lesson. And that lesson wasn’t that she was to have supper with one of my lads when I wasn’t available.”
“It won’t happen again, Fitzy,” Niall assures me. It better fucking not. The woman is trying my patience. First, she has Niall unlace her dress. Now she’s eating dinner with him. She better watch herself.
If I didn’t trust my lads implicitly, I would be assigning a different bodyguard. As it is, I want the fear of the Reaper in her. At least until I get a better read on her.
I nod stiffly at him, finishing my meal and dropping the plate in the sink, draining my beer, and throwing the empty bottle in the trash.
He drifts back to the sofa as I stalk upstairs, pissed off as all fuck right now.
A glance assures me Tiggy is asleep in my bed when I get into the room and that she is on the left side of the bed. Good. I sleep on the right.
Ignoring her presence, for now, I move directly to the bathroom to discard my bloodstained clothing and shower. I took a hard hit to the shoulder, but the blood isn’t mine.
Tiggy is still asleep when I come back into the bedroom. Her dark hair is spread across her pillow, and I see a bare shoulder peeking out from under the coverlet. Now that's something I can get behind. Does she sleep naked?
I eagerly tug down the sheets, smiling smugly when I see she is in another one of her little nightgowns. This one is baby blue. Again, she’s not wearing panties underneath it.
Licking my lips, I kneel beside the bed, pulling her legs open, tugging her towards me, and burying my face in her wet heat. I can tell the exact moment she wakes up, her soft little moans getting deeper.
Tiggy’s legs wrap around my head, her hips lifting to thrust her clit that little bit deeper into my mouth. I smirk against her, using my forearm to pin her hips down as they try to roll, and plunge two fingers inside her, curling them until they’re pounding on her g-spot with every thrust.
Tiggy is writhing now, coming with a gasp and a whimper. There’s my little liar. I stand, flipping her over and plunging into her, still standing beside the bed.
Anchoring her hips in position, I pound into her, my hand creeping around to pinch her clit as she arches her back and comes again, hard. This time, there’s no whimper. Instead, she moans.
“Oh fuck,Seamus.”
The sound of my name moaned out of that sexy little mouth means I only have to pound a few more times into that tight little channel before I groan out my own release.
Withdrawing, I slap her ass, feeling cocky about making her come twice. So much for her never enjoying herself in bed with me.
Tiggy spins around, anger and defiance flashing in her eyes.
“Don’t spank me,” she spits. My eyebrows shoot up as I grab her chin, leaning in close. Her eyes dip to my lips briefly, and I smirk. Not going to happen,leannán. I don’t kiss my women.
“Next time I’m not home for supper,” I breathe into her face, menace clouding my tone, and she freezes, “you eat alone in the dining room. My wife doesn’t eat alone with other men. Especially notmymen.”
We stare into each other’s eyes for a long moment. I wonder if that steel backbone I get glimpses of sometimes will come out. It better fucking not. Not on this. Finally, Tiggy closes her eyes and nods. It’s a sharp, jerky movement, and I know instinctively it is a surrender.
“I’m sorry,” she murmurs. She doessoundcontrite. “I should have realized it was inappropriate. It won’t happen again.”
“See that it doesn’t.”
I release her chin with a small shove, climbing into the bed beside her. Tiggy rolls on her side. I stare at the ceiling, wondering if I’m going to be able to fall asleep with all the noise of another person in here. After about twenty minutes, her breathing evens out as she falls asleep.
Chapter Six
Niall shoots me a glare as I walk into my yoga class. I had to give up a lot of my life for this marriage, but this class is one thing I insist on keeping.
Seamus initially said I couldn’t. But I managed to swing it by telling him that the only reason I was so flexible in bed was the yoga. He backed down wicked quick.
I don’t know how often I will be able to thwart my husband’s orders using sex, but I’m definitely going to pull out the big guns when it matters. After all, if you don’t try, you’ll never know.