Page 72 of Born to be Bad
We’ll have to sort that mess out, but that’s tomorrow’s problem. Right now, I want Tig tucked up tight in bed, safe in my arms.
“D’ye want a bath,mo bhean chéile?” I murmur, knocking the bedroom door closed with my elbow.
Tig lifts her head, nodding slowly. “Will you come in with me?”
A bath with my wife? The answer to that will never be no. “Sure, and someone needs to keep yer dressing dry.”
Tig giggles softly, my heart clenching at the sound. That’s what I want to hear – that Tig will be okay. She brushes her teeth while I fill the bath, ensuring it’s not too full. My eyes find her as she perches on the edge of the toilet, my gaze following her left hand.
“Ye’ve been lucky ye keep hurting yer right side, not yer left.”
Tig rolls her eyes at me. “I wouldn’t call breaking fingers or getting shotlucky.”
I glower at her as she rinses her mouth and attempts to strip her clothes.
“Let me,mo bhean chéile.” Crossing to her, I remove her clothes with infinite care, stripping myself and helping her into the tub. Settling in the warm, fragrant water, I draw Tig down until she’s laying on my chest, between my legs.
“Ye’re not to be getting injured again.”
I grab the washcloth, dipping it into the water and trailing it over her pale skin.
“I’ll do my best.” Her words are dry, and I chuckle against her ear.
“I have plans for this body for the rest of our lives. I’ll need it in pristine condition.”
Tig snuggles her head back, resting it in the crook of my neck as I watch my hand moving the washcloth over her glorious breasts. Tig wriggles her arse, pressing it against my growing erection.
“Maybe wash somewhere else?” she suggests with a giggle.
“No. I’m fine washing ye here.”
Tig sighs, turning her head so she can glance up to see my face. “I’m sorry about my father and his plans.”
“That wasn’t yer fault, Tig. Yer pa was a fecking psycho. Ye are perfect.”
“You didn’t pick me.”
“I would have picked wrong. My Pa knew what he was doing.”
“You don’t mind that you’re stuck with an arranged bride for the rest of your life.”
I look down at her in surprise. I didn’t know she worries about that shite? I thought I’d made it obvious how much I love her? How more than okay I am with my future.
“Maybe I would have been if my bride hadn’t been ye, Tig. I couldn’t imagine wanting to spend the rest of my life with anyone else.”
“Truly.” Lowering my head, I brush my lips over hers. With a groan, I lift my head, quickly finishing the job of washing her and helping her stand. I want nothing more than to fuck her in the bathtub, but she was shot today – I’m not that much of an arse.
Lifting Tig out of the tub, I towel her dry and help her into her nightgown, taking her into the bedroom.
“Tucking me in?” Tig laughs as I carefully tuck the coverlet around her shoulders.
“Aye. Savor it. It won’t happen a lot.”
Tig laughs as I slide into bed, curling myself around her. My lips brush over her jawline.
“I couldn’t live without ye, Tig. Don’t get yerself into a situation like that again.”