Page 17 of Faux Holiday
“What? I thought we were doing the Christmas Markets with Mom.”
“I got this thing in London that I’ve got to go do over the holidays.”
I glanced at the kids. “Okay, then, how about we go to jolly ol’ England with Unc and Gammy?” They cheered in excitement. It made no difference to them where in Europe. They only cared about being together, which is what I tried to do as much as I could outside of work.
“Alright, let’s talk soon and figure out this England thing.”
Julian nodded, scrubbing a hand over his beard. “Yeah, I’m gonna go pack up.”
Sophie grabbed the top of the bed and kicked her little legs with all her might as she tried to pull herself onto it. I cupped her bum and pushed her up as she grunted from the effort.
“Is Bexley coming home with us?” she asked in her soft childish voice, a sight lisp to her words as she still tried to master English.
“Would you want her to?” I asked with a smile. Sophie nodded and clapped her hands in delight as Tommy jumped onto the bed next to a sister.
“I like her, and I know you like her. You always say it’s important we spend time with people we like.”
I nodded my head. “That I did, so then, if it’s okay by you guys, why don’t I invite Bexley to come home with us?” A soft choir of agreement from my kids spurred me on, so I abandoned packing and headed back out to the living room where my dad was sitting.
“Where’s Mom?”
He lifted his eyes from the TV to glance at me before he shrugged. “She said she needed to head to the main lodge. Something about a dance class or something.” He grimaced at the idea of being forced to dance, making me laugh.
“Yeah, well, she wants to have a memorable last evening here. Nothing says Mountain Resort like Filthy Footwork.” Dad snorted in agreement. “Do you mind keeping an ear on the kids? They’re playing in the room. I’m going to head to meet Bexley so we can have a quick chat.”
There was a strange flash in my dad’s eyes at her name. I couldn’t quite put my finger on what it meant, but it turned my stomach with unease.
After a pregnant pause, he finally nodded. “Sure, that’s fine.”
I grabbed my cabin keys off the side table and headed out. My watch said it was pretty late in the afternoon, which meant Bexley had probably done her shift and was either back at her cabin or heading there. So, I headed there first. Checking over my shoulder to ensure nobody I knew saw me, I veered toward the staff cabins.
Knocking on her door, there was no reply, so I plunked on the steps to wait. If my calculations were right, it would be only a few minutes before she returned. I figured I’d wait it out, but still, I pulled out my phone to text her and let her know I was waiting for her.
After a half hour, nerves had thoroughly settled in my belly. When she still hadn’t appeared, I rose from the step and turned to face the window. Cupping my hand against the glass, I leaned in close to look inside.
If the nerves had been knots in my belly before, they damn well exploded at this point.
The small cabin was spic and span as if nobody had been there all this time, which was crazy because I knew for a fact she’d been here last night.So, where was her stuff?
Grabbing the door, I turned the handle and jiggled it slightly in hopes of getting through, but it was firmly locked. She was gone.What the hell had happened?
Pulling out my phone, I tried to call her, but it went straight to voicemail.Had she blocked me?More panic rushed through me as I jumped down the two steps.
“Are you looking for Bexley?” I turned to a staffer, watching my every move.
Nodding my head, I said, “Yeah. Have you seen her?”
“She left about an hour ago. She quit, and they told her she had to move out.” Cold rushed through me that she hadn’t told me. What did that mean?
“Do you have any idea where she went?” The girl’s eyes flicked to the main lodge. “I’m guessing she called an Uber to take her to the airport.”
“Great, thanks,” I said as I took off in a run, heading straight for the main lodge.
I was closingthe trunk when someone spoke.