Page 20 of Faux Holiday
“Right.” She took a deep breath and then smiled. “This is going to be a big change.”
“Hopefully, a welcome one.”
“Definitely.” She smiled before nodding at the aisle, “I have to pee. I’ll be back in a second.” She undid her belt and rose, shimmying past me before heading for the bathrooms.
My eyes flicked to the screen on the back of the seat ahead of me, watching the tiny cartoon airplane make its way across the country toward California. We were nearing halfway. It would be a good time for a complimentary beer.
Just as I was about to hit my button, my phone pinged from the cup holder where it sat, and I glanced at my colleague’s reply to my message. Picking it up, I opened the messaging app and leaned back in my seat to read it over. I grinned to myself as I read the terms they were offering. She was going to be so excited.
Rising from my seat, I made my way to the bathrooms, rapping my knuckles on the door. “You alright? It’s been ten minutes.”
The door was open, and her face appeared in the crack. “Yeah, just a bit of motion sickness. I guess first class isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.” She smiled at me, but it didn’t reach her eyes. I tilted my head and stared hard at her.
She hadn’t mentioned she suffered from motion sickness before. Only one other thing caused motion sickness, but it couldn’t be that. We had only been together for a week …
Brushing the thought away, I tried to ignore the ball of excitement forming in my belly. I reached through the crack to stroke her cheek.
“Want me to get you some soda crackers and water?”
She nodded her head. “Yeah, that would be great, maybe a ginger ale too?”
“Sure.” I offered her a smile and then held up my phone. “I also wanted to show you this. I could’ve waited until you returned to your seat, but I was excited.”
She lifted an eyebrow and took my phone. She didn’t look at it immediately as she backed into the bathroom and flushed the toilet. She set it on the counter before washing her hands and drying them with the towels. After that, she carefully picked up the phone as she pushed the door open and read it on her way out.
The minute she read the most important part, her entire body stopped, and her eyes slowly lifted from the screen to stare into mine.
“Is this—?” Her breath hitched, and her chest rose and fell rapidly. “Is this real?” she whispered, looking back at the messages.
“Yeah, that’s the manager for Renaissance Revival. He’s a friend. I sent him the recording we made the other night on the mountain and explained it wasn’t perfect, but it was all I had. I’m sure you have a demo you could send him when we get back. But he loved your stuff. He said between our contacts, we could probably have an album released in the next few months and then—” I nodded at the phone, “—like he said, Renaissance Revival would love to have you as an opening act. If you’re all right with that.”
The grinon my face said it before I launched myself into his arms, wrapping around his body.
“As my boyfriend, you’re probably not going to want to hear this, but I have been obsessed with Roman Knolls since I was a teen. I love his stuff, and the idea of touring with him? Oh, my God.”
I could hardly believe this was real life. Not only had Bastian already gotten someone interested in my music, but he’d also managed to slot me a highly coveted spot touring for the biggest rock band in the business right now. I pulled back with another huge grin and saw the happiness on Bastian’s at my elation.
“Well, I suspected you were in the age group that would’ve grown up with him.” He teased before kissing my lips. My tongue swept along his lower lip greedily, begging for entrance. Glancing over his shoulder to ensure the flight attendants weren’t watching, he backed us into the bathroom.
“Have you ever joined the mile-high club?” He asked with a smirk. I chuckled, the sound rumbling through my body as I nipped his bottom lip.
“No, but I bet it’s as fun as it sounds.”
He grinned and reached behind him awkwardly to push the door shut. “I suspected it is, but anything with you is fun.”
He pressed me tight against the bathroom wall, our hands feverishly removing the layers of clothing we needed to get access to what we wanted. One problematic part of the mile-high club was the fact we were on a tight schedule. There was no time for build-up at the risk of wasting too much time and being discovered. This put “quickie” to the test and sought to answer just how fast youcouldget off when you were determined to.
His fingertips slicked along the seam of my pussy as he growled, feeling how wet I already was for him. I rolled my hips against his hand with a soft moan, needing more than the fleeting pressure he offered me. Since that first romp in the woods, whenever we had the chance to get our clothes off, we had because there was this aching hunger inside of me only Bastian could fill.
Suddenly, he pulled back slightly. “Is this okay? You were feeling sick a minute ago. I don’t want to take advantage of you while feeling poorly.”
I huffed in mild annoyance even though his concern was life-ruiningly adorable. “I’ll be even sicker if you don’t fuck me right now.” My fingers squeezed his cock before I shifted around and pulled him closer, edging my cunt toward his cock head. It only took us seconds before we found the right position to connect discreetly as his cock sunk inside my tight folds.
He smothered a moan against my shoulder. “Fuck, you feel like a velvet glove. It feels so fucking good.”