Page 10 of Bleeding Heart
“What’s this?” My fingers brushed along a bandage covering the front of her shoulder.
“A tattoo,” she said quickly, grabbing my face and pulling me back to her with distracting kisses.
“Is it new?” I managed to ask between sprinklings of her lips.
“Yup.” She undid her bra and leaned back on her elbows to let me soak in the sight of her heavy breasts, sitting there waiting for me.
I kissed along the tops before pressing her legs open. With one more glance, I looked up to seek permission. When she nodded, my mouth came down on the wet fabric, tasting her on my tongue as I sucked and enjoyed the moan that escaped as she fell back on the bed, arching for more.
I teased her for a few more moments, enjoying myself before I grabbed the fabric with my teeth and pulled it away, allowing my nose to nudge along her clit where it poked out between her lips.
Catching her panties with my finger, I held it to the side before slowly licking along her slit, flicking the little button with the tip of my tongue.
“Oh, fuck, Beau!” Her hand slammed the back of my head as she pressed me for more. Slowly, I circled the same spot while I enjoyed how much it drove her mad. Then, when she was begging for it, I sunk my tongue into her core, stroking her entrance. “Oh, God, more… I need more.” Her fingers curled around my shoulders and dragged me back to her mouth, pulling me onto her. “Pants. Off. Now.”
I chuckled against her lips before rearing back to undo my jeans, pushing them down my hips. I attempted to get them off, but she reached for me, curling her fingers around me, and my mind blanked.
“It’s been a long time,” I tried to tell her, easing my hand onto her stomach to slow her, but she was undeterred as she nodded.
“Me too. A long time since I wanted someone this bad.”
Pleasure and anger mixed inside of me. I was pleased it was me she had chosen and angry someone had hurt her enough to make her feel like she couldn’t want someone like this.
“Then, let’s enjoy it.” I caught her wrist and pulled her hand away, pinning it over her head before leaning down and kissing her again. When I sunk my length into her, it felt like going home.
Rose cried out, body arching into mine, and I held myself there for a moment, savoring the sensation. As the ecstasy painted itself on her face, I knew it was true.
I was home.
Last nightwith Beau was incredible. But the best part was waking up in his arms this morning. I’d never felt so safe and loved. The way he curled into me, his arms tightening like the very thought of losing me could cripple him … It was everything.
And despite an evening spent doing a lot more than just sleeping, when we woke again, we ended up wrapped up in each other once more before the sounds of Silas calling for me pulled us from the hazy bubble of honeymoon love.
As I walked to get him, I realized it was the first night in a long time that Silas hadn’t woken up. Maybe he was just as comfortable as I was with Beau and claiming him for our forever family.
“Hiya,” I smiled at the receptionist as I lifted the tray of coffees from Rhythm and Brews before heading through the station to Beau’s office. I was passing a notice board with posters for police investigations when a face caught my eye.
My heart jumped into my throat, and I looked around quickly, confirming no one was looking at me before I grabbed the piece of paper and yanked it off the board.
I stared at the color photo of Silas with the headline AMBER ALERT across the top. My eyes scanned the information, confirming my ex had put a notice out for him and claimed I abducted him. Funny how there was no information about how he shot at both of us before I ran out.
“Rosie.” I looked up at the sound of my name, shoving the paper under the tray of coffees, and turned to Beau. I had to force a smile onto my face. Seeing the notice only left me feeling more jittery than the coffee would.
Had he seen it? Did he already know?
“Hey, Beau.” I crossed over to him, holding out the tray to let him take his drink just as he leaned in to kiss me. The tray bumped his chest, and coffee sloshed out the hole, dripping onto my hand and the paper.
“Ah, whoops. Let me help.” He began to take the tray from me, and I pulled back quickly.
“No, I’m fine.” I exaggerated my movements as I twisted the tray out of the way and kissed him, hoping to pull his attention away from my hand again.
“Sorry I rushed out this morning. I’m not normally late, but …” He blushed slightly as he recalled exactly what made him late this morning, “I can’t say it wasn’t for a good reason.”
I smiled and kissed him again before nodding. “It’s fine. I wasn’t offended. I locked up like you asked and put the key in the plant pot.”