Page 9 of Snowdrop
“It was sexy,” I remarked, resisting the twitch in my hand that longed to reach out and touch her again. She brought her chin back down and looked directly at me.
“It felt sexy.” She smiled, for the first time, in a way that reached her eyes, making them glimmer. “I’ve never felt so … desired or free as I just did. So, thank you.”
I grinned, stepping closer as I gave in to my needs. “Well, let me show you how desirable you are …” Gripping her hips, I pulled her closer to me and kissed her again, sinking my tongue into her mouth as I greedily drank in her taste. She moaned into my mouth, and the sensation reverberated through my body, making me tingle right to my toes.
My cock sprang, pressing against her soft belly as I stepped closer, longing to lift her and sink into her. As soon as the idea hit, my hands sunk lower as I cupped her ass and began to do so.
“Whoa, what are you doing?!” Her eyes flew open as she pressed her hands to my chest.
“Picking you up, and then I’m going to press you against these tiles and fuck you until you’re screaming my name. Any objections?”
“Yes. One: you can’t lift me,” she said, despite lingering on her toes.
I frowned as I stared at her. “Of course, I can.” I looked at myself, then her, and back to her eyes. “I’m 6’4, I’m 240 pounds of muscle—I can lift you. Easily.”
“June.” We stared at each other, and that’s when I realized what she was so damn worried about. Sighing, I kissed her nose. “June, you may believe you’re bigger than the women you seem to think I like, but I assure you this waist, these hips, that ass, these breasts … all of this … that’s what I want. And if I want to pick it up, I can, and I will. Got it?”
She stared at me, blinking through the water running down her face as she tried to wash the disbelief off her features. If she needed me to keep going, I would.
“Hopefully, too, I’ll get the chance to have you sit on my face, and when you do—”
“I’ll suffocate you,” she said point-blank, making me laugh.
“Then I’ll die a happy man, but I highly doubt you’ll suffocate me. I’ll be too busy to die.”
“Evan …” She sounded exasperated, but perhaps there was a tinge of acceptance in her tone? Taking my chance, I cupped her ass again and lifted her, guiding her legs around my waist.
“See?” I said with a cocksure grin. “Now, if you don’t have any other objections, I’d like to make you come so hard you see galaxies.”
Unable to stop it, a massive grin spread on her face as she wrapped her arms around my neck, “I never thought this was possible.”
“That’s because only real men can lift their women.” I returned with self-satisfaction, shifting my hips enough to nudge against her entrance.
As I sank into her, she moaned but was not distracted enough to miss what I said. “Their woman?”
“Too caveman for you?” I pressed her back against the wall, digging my fingers into her thick hips and sinking into her with a snap of my hips.
“No, it’s perfect.” She grinned, leaning in to kiss me again as her nails scratched along my shoulders and back. With nothing left to say with our mouths, we let out bodies talk as we came together again and again.
Being next to her stirred old feelings I recalled from my youth. Something about her presence made me feel at ease, and I remember her comforting me over the history project we’d been assigned to work on together that fall when my dad died. She was the only one who got through to me when I was numb to everyone else. Their voices din compared to the pounding I constantly heard in my ears.
But these new feelings that were erupting in the short time we’d been together were something more, something stronger, and I knew the word for it. I saw it with my parents when they used to dance around the kitchen to Oldies or when my dad surprised my mom with a Sunday bouquet during brunch … I knew the word for it, and it filled my heart with so much joy it seeped through into the rest of me, making me feel effervescent and bubbly for the first time in a long time.
This, without a doubt, had to be love.
If you’d askedme a month ago if I thought I’d be waking up in Evan Butler’s arms, I would have thoroughly assured you it wasn’t out of the realm of possibility, but it definitely would have been over my dead body.
But now, I couldn’t envision doing anythingbutthis for the rest of my life. His thick, strong arms were tight around my waist, and I could feel his morning chub against my backside as we snuggled in the bed. I didn’t want to leave.
But my phone buzzed from the bedside table where I’d left it last night, and I reluctantly rolled away from his warmth to reach for it. My dad was supposed to be coming at some point today, so I needed to be ready.
Hey Butterfly, it seems the storm didn’t stop until early this morning, so most of the roads into town are closed right now while they wait for back-up from Pleasant Lake. I won’t be able to get out to you today. Do you have enough provisions to get through another day? I’m going to try and get to you by tomorrow.
“I’m here all weekend. You’re welcome to stay if you want to.” Evan’s lips touched my shoulder, and I looked away from my phone to see him hovering behind me.