Page 60 of Revenge
Even though my panties still covered my pussy, I could feel his dick pushed straight up against it, throbbing, warm against my wetness. I ground down against him, hard and fast, as if fucking him for the first time all over again. Except, this time, he wouldn’t get all of me.I would leave him wanting, just like I had wanted him.
“Fuck, Kat,” Elliot seethed, clawing at the rim of my panties. I swatted his hands away. “Takeemoff.”
“Says the boy who insisted he wear a condom,” I muttered, remembering how on our first night alone together in his carhe’d refused to fuck me pretty because he lacked protection. What a Prince Charming. “Not this time, babe.”
I ground down harder against his dick, my wetness practically soaking clean through the cloth of my panties and onto his skin. I kept up the pace, rocking back and forth on him, digging my hips deeper, feeling the tip of his cock puncturing my vagina under the cotton of my panties.
“Come on, Kat,” he whined again. “Stop the dry-humping.”
I cracked a wicked smirk at hearing him beg and tightened my grip around his waist by pushing my legs closer against him on either side of his pelvis. Straddling him like you would a horse, squeezing tight, rubbing against him hard and fast, masturbating him.
Until suddenly, I stood up from his lap, leaving him helpless, sweaty, naked, unsatisfied.
“You want me to takeemoff, huh?” I said, slipping my panties down my thighs slowly, so slowly it must’ve killed him by the time they dropped to the floor at my ankles. “Then here.”
I kicked them off and onto his lap, letting the soaked-through piece of cotton land on his dick.
“Take it as a souvenir,” I said, tugging my skirt back over my legs.
He just stared up at me, stunned, like a little boy who had just gottenrejectedacross the face from the girl he liked.
“If you want any more of this, if you want me, then make good on what you said.”With that, I turned tounlock the door and existed back into the hallway, leaving Elliot wanting.
I slammed the door open, and it went careening into the wall as I entered the room. Jason was still there, standing against the wall. The door nearly hit him by inches.
Walking into the center of the room, I put my hands on my hips, and scanned Leo and Felix’s expressions. I’d let them think whatever they wanted about me and Elliot, about what we just did and what we didn’t do. I had zero fucks left to give.
It was time for some real action.
“What’s the plan?” I said, my eyes focusing back on Jason. “Your deal. What is it?”
He rubbed his hands together as if preparing to give some nerve-wracking speech. I’d never seen a jock look so much like anangstyrunt.
“Okay, here’s the thing,” he began. “Vivi’sworried that your mom isgonnafreak out—”
“Already happened,” I said flatly.
“Hear me out. She’s worried your mom’sgonnareport this to the University President, and that a whole thing will come out of it that’ll possibly get her expelled, or suspended, or something like that.”
“Sounds great,” I interrupted again. “You can leave.”
“I’m not done yet,” Jason muttered. I rolled my eyes. Obviously. “In order for this not to happen, she needs you to talk to your mom. Convince her not to contact the University about this.”
I tapped my chin with my index finger, as if seriously considering it.
“You know what?” I said in mock enthusiasm. “I honestly don’t think my momwasconsidering contacting anybody about this, but now that you mention it, it doesn’t seem like such a bad idea.”
I could’ve sworn that Jason’s skin turned a shade paler than it had been before. Vivian must’ve had some kind of a grip on him. Maybe she’d blackmail him if he messed this up.
“This isn’t funny,” he said weakly. I snorted.
“It kind of is.”
Jason shook his head, taking a step toward me, reaching out as if grabbing me by the shoulders and shaking me back and forth would change my sense of humor.
“It’s not just Vivian who will get in trouble. I’m the one who took the video. You’re the one who’sinit,” he said slowly. “And your little boyfriend… well, it’s obvious he’s in it, too. Even if he doesn’t go to Freeman, both school administrations will get involved. It’ll be bloody.”