Page 45 of Recover
“Sweet dreams,” he murmured, kissing the back of my neck.
“You too, P,” I replied.
There was no way he’d get a ticket for tomorrow night, but I’d make sure we booked him something before I left. I couldn’t guarantee that things would be perfect when he returned home, but I could make sure that by the time he arrived that I’d clear the air with the boys. Let them know that they would have to do what they knew how to do best—share.
It was Elliot I was most worried about.
Pierre started snoring in my ear after a few minutes had passed, and I reached for my phone to set an alarm. I wasn’t going to come all the way to London and miss out on some good street food and culture. Maybe we could head to a museum before lunch.
When I looked at my screen, there was a text from Felix.
Hey, he wrote. Just letting u know, I’m not gonna be coming back to N. Carolina. My dad needs me here for something.
Drawing my eyebrows together, I stared at the message for a few seconds before typing back, What do you mean, you’re not coming back? What about school?
He responded almost right away.
I’m taking a leave, he said. I don’t know how long I’ll be gone. Maybe a few days. Or a week.
I felt a pit in my stomach, and wanted to ignore it. But I couldn’t deny it any longer. I felt something–something more toward him, something that made me want to be near him.
Before Pierre had appeared in the library, I was ready. I was ready to have Felix to myself, all to myself.
I had wanted him so bad.
Ok, I wrote back. Do the others know?
I waited a moment for his reply, but he must’ve walked away from his phone or gotten distracted. I turned off my phone, and stuffed it under my pillow.
One breath in, one breath out.
Tomorrow would be a good day. For Pierre, I’d make it good.
“Just one good day,” I whispered to him, wondering if he could hear me. “I promise.”