Page 75 of Recover
Another breathy moan escaped my lips. The three of us had established a steady pace—Elliot’s dick shooting me up for Pierre’s to plunge me back down. I wasn’t fucking, I was being fucked. Raw and simple pleasure and pain was my recipe for ecstasy.
“The only dirty work I’ve had him do is what he’s doing right now,” Elliot whispered, his lips moving against my earlobe. “And it’s for you. Not me.”
“Leo said you bullied him,” I continued. “Why?”
The only sound that Elliot made in response was a series of grunts as he rammed his hips up harder into me. Once he did this, I could feel Pierre growing frustrated. All of a sudden, his dick pushed my ass down twice as fast as Elliot was from beneath me. The pace was changing, in Pierre’s direction, at his will. In a matter of seconds, my body became a battleground for dominance between these two men.
“He did.”
Pierre’s chin was hooked over my shoulder, and I could feel his stomach arch over my back in a tight embrace.
“How do you know?” I replied.
“Felix,” he said. “He got in touch with me after …” He let out a ragged breath as his pushed himself deeper into me. “The library. Texted me to tell me about Elliot. And Leo. Everything. Why you shouldn’t trust him.”
“Bullshit.” Elliot’s hand moved up the center of my stomach, and his fingers began to work at my breasts. “Of course he would say that. We hate each other. He stole from my family. Destroyed us.”
“And you destroyed Leo,” I pushed back. “You destroyed Pierre. Me. Who knows how many other people you’ve hurt, just because …”
“Because he’s evil inside,” Pierre hissed from in back of me. “Because he likes to hurt people. Plain and simple.”
“You’re wrong,” Elliot retorted. “You don’t know anything about me. You don’t know why I did the things I did.”
“So tell us,” I spat. My hands found his face and cupped it on either side. I stared into his eyes, which looked like they were watering. “Please.”
“He’s right,” Elliot drawled. “It is plain and simple. Has to do with a little something called insecurity and envy. Of you.”
“What do you mean?” I could barely get the words out as I felt my pleasure building into a climax. “You’re jealous of me?”
“No. I loved you,” he said, his arm hooking around my neck to pull it down toward him so that he could speak the words to me, and me alone. “I was jealous because you were from a different world, and I couldn’t be a part of it.”
My thighs trembled as his hips gave me one final shove, and Pierre did the same. That did it. I collapsed across Elliot as I came, and felt both boys follow my lead. My whole lower half felt soaked in hot, sticky bliss, their scent overwhelmingly masculine, marking me as their territory. Each got me in my entirety. Maybe it was selfish, but I didn’t want it any other way.
I could hear Elliot’s heart beating through his chest, feel its pulse under my cheek while Pierre’s own face rested against my shoulder, his breath whispering into my ear with no sounds, just feelings. Both boys’ cocks were still wedged within me, warm, keeping me anchored to that feeling of ecstasy.
Elliot’s words ran through my head again, and this time, I tried to give them some kind of empathy.
“A different world, meaning…” I said, lifting my head up, my tits peeling off his chest like his sweat was glue. “… my background. Not the high school we went to together.”
Still lying beneath me, Elliot shook his head. “You wouldn’t have liked me, back then. You hated me before I even spoke to you. Before I did anything.”
I rolled my eyes at his comment. Maybe there was a sliver of truth to that—he was the rich, popular boy that kept chasing girls who weren’t me. Of course, I had some resentment toward him. I jealous for him before he was jealous for me.
“So, you liked me before you pretended to hate me,” I said, lifting my finger to trace the soft edges of his lips, and let his teeth graze my nail. “Love turned to insecurity, which turned to jealousy, to hate. And back to love again.”
“You said it, sweetheart,” Elliot murmured, his eyelids fluttering as if he were getting pulled into a deep sleep. “And I’m sorry.”
“You should be,” Pierre said from behind me. I let out a soft yelp as he pulled his dick out from behind me in a slow, almost languid movement, as if to say, You don’t know how it was until it’s gone. “You fucking bastard.”
“Care to elaborate?” Elliot responded. Even though he closed his eyes, I could tell he was only doing it to refrain from releasing too much pent-up anger. “Because you would’ve killed a guy just to get money.”
“It wasn’t just for money,” Pierre hissed, removing himself from the mattress. “Wasn’t just for me.”
“Then what was it for?” Elliot pressed, pushing himself up with his elbows so that he could look past me. I shimmied over to the opposite side of the bed, and tried to breath even. “Spit it out.”
“For Kat.” Pierre was sitting on the edge of the bed, his eyes glued to the floor. “I thought that maybe … if I had what you had, then she’d love me. That you,” he lifted his head and gazed at me, “would love me. I mean, how could you ever love a broke, mentally-ill loser like me when you already take shit from a more attractive asshole with money?” Pierre let out a snort. “I mean, you go after the shit you don’t deserve, right? That’s what everyone says. The good girls go for the bad boys because they’re bad, but they make up for it with their fucking Corvettes and their Ralph Lauren and shit. Maybe I wanted to show you that my flaws could be just as enticing if I wasn’t so strapped for cash. If I was stable on the outside, even if I wasn’t on the inside.”
“P,” I said, and drew in a long breath. “You know I’d love you no matter what. But if anything, having an empty wallet and mental breakdowns aren’t flaws.” I paused for a moment to dab at my eyes. “Killing a man to prove your loyalty to me is.”