Page 16 of Broken Reign
“Hey, you leaving already?” He glances up from his food, wiping the corner of his mouth with a napkin.
I smile, hoping there’s no lettuce in my teeth. “Yeah, my lunch break is over.”
“Already? I feel like I just sat down with you.” He pushes his chair out so that he can stand up next to me. He’s only about two inches taller than me but this makes it so I can look into his beautiful gray eyes so I’m not complaining. “I’d love to see you again,” he says and his voice takes on a rumble that I feel in my veins as he steps closer to me, taking the time to let his gaze wander on my face.
“I’d like that too.” I smile.
“So, can I have your number?” he asks.
“Sure,” I respond and he pulls out his phone for me to enter the digits. I start walking away feeling a flush of heat on my skin.
“Oh, wait!” he gasps. “You left something.”
I turn around to see what it is and he’s handing me back my money.
“I’ll pay for it,” he says with a cock of his head.
“Oh, no, no. That’s okay. That’s not necessary,” I say, feeling bad since we’ve just met and I’m capable of handling my own bill.
“Come on, I value your company and I want to show you I appreciate it, let me pay,” he whispers in the last part. “Don’t embarrass me?” He smiles.
I laugh. “Okay, thank you. I appreciate it.” I take the money back. “I’ll treat you next time,” I say just to say it, still a bit uncomfortable with accepting kindness from a stranger, unsure of what will be expected in return but he’s probably just being a gentleman and I doubt I’ll ever hear from him again. I didn’t give him my number expecting him to call although it would be nice if he did.
I hurry back to work, my mood elevated, feeling like I can take on the rest of the day. That’s exactly what I needed, a break from all the seriousness of the last year and a half of my life. As soon as I step through the doors of the hospital though, my eyes are clocked in like an eagle. I search the place with a smile and a mask on my face.
I spend the rest of the day observing suspicious characters and tending to patients, updating fellow recruits on my findings, asking them to relay the information to Julissa who I’d rather not speak to at the moment.
On my way home from work, my phone chimes and I look to see a new message from a number I don’t recognize. When I open the message, it reads:
By the way I never got your name and you didn’t get mine. I’m John, the guy at the restaurant. If you’re actually down to meet up, maybe go on a date, let me know when you’re free? I look forward to seeing you again.
I’m giddy. I find myself smiling so hard, my cheeks hurt. I wait until I pull into my driveway to respond.
Selena: Hahaha You’re right, I was so caught up in the moment, I forgot to get your name! I’m Selena. I’ll have to move some things around in my schedule but I’m looking forward to seeing you again too!
Chapter 12
“Ifyouhaven’tfoundthe slut, why are you still standing here in front of me?” I yell in my perfected American accent, dismissing one of my foot soldiers as I stomp my high heel in the toe of his shoes out of frustration.
He hops out of the room as I grumble beneath my breath. I’ve traveled back and forth between America and Russia for most of my life since my family, otherwise known as The Wasps have dealings in all the American states. We’ve been operating in America for decades and we’ve never had a whole group of us wiped clean. If even one of us were killed, their death was avenged within a week. So I’m more than infuriated by the fact that we can’t find this fucking Julissa tramp for over a year.
I know the whore is back. She fucking raided my brothel and I can’t seem to reach any of my contacts from the place. Going by her history, I assume they’re fucking dead. More and more of my people keep vanishing. Officials in government and law enforcement I had dealings with have walked off the face of the earth and I know that’s her doing because it’s not mine and it’s not the doing of any of these other riff raff mobs I keep my eyes on.
I press my fingers in my scalp, massaging it with deep pressure while stroking my long red hair. I don’t know what she’s up to but she seems to think that getting rid of my brothers and cousins, only to form some fucking cheap knock off replacement crime syndicates, too pussy to show their faces would have been easy. She doesn’t know what she’s up against. Except she’s shown her face, out of stupidity or bravery, the face of the devil I will destroy. She’ll learn soon that you don’t fucking mess with The Wasps, we don’t just stay gone.
I’ve picked up the frame holding the pictures of the family members that she took from me. I straighten my all black pants suit before sitting at my desk in my mansion, stroking their faces, frozen in time, with an unspoken promise to them to avenge their deaths. A tear comes to my eye and I clear my throat in forbidden emotion, frustrated by all the fucking dead-ends I seem to keep encountering when I think I’ve seen her or I think we’re close to catching her.
I’ve only got one potential solid lead. Selena Gonzales. All our investigations seem to keep circling back to this one bitch who hasn’t done such a great job of staying under the radar. She’s suspicious for sure but I’m not certain if she’s working on her own or with the scorned prostitute which is why I haven’t killed her yet. All my hospital contacts have reported that whenever she’s alone with one of my waste of space pimps, they seem to disappear and my whores get set free. I’ve managed to recapture some of those whores though and pimps are a dime a dozen but that doesn’t mean I want someone messing with my stock. She’s only alive because I’ve got a hunch and I’m hoping she’ll lead me to the one I want. So I’m keeping a close eye on her.
There’s a knock on my door and I instruct one of my bodyguards to open it as I grab hold of my weapon hidden beneath my desk in case I need it. In walks a gentleman dressed in loose jeans that fit his ass just right and a white T-Shirt. He’s one of my more high-end pimps, one of the more appealing ones to look at.
I’ve partaken in laying with him a few times, myself even though I don’t make a habit of getting in bed with the help.
He wears the expensive cologne, not that cheap shit and his teeth aren’t cheap. He’s spent a thousand dollars on each tooth, an investment I think is a waste of money, but it has improved his attractiveness so I guess that was a good choice for him. He takes care of his skin and he’s got great grooming habits. He’s one of those metrosexual types with a hint of hypermasculinity lurking in his manner, the kind of guy that seems to get women to swoon over him which makes him perfect for business.
He smiles at me and I loosen my grip on my gun, though not releasing it. My bodyguard closes the door behind him as he walks over to take the seat in front of my desk.