Page 23 of Broken Reign
“You’re pretty breathtaking yourself,” I respond, leaning in.
He smiles and looks up at me. “Yeah?” He leans in as well. “Thank you.” His minty breath caresses my face leaving me all warm inside. “Do you know what you’d like to drink?” he asks me, moving to ever so lightly brush his finger across the hair in my face, sparking electricity through my body. A part of me wants to say fuck it to the drinks and take this out of here but I’m trying to be a lady.
“Um…a bloody Mary would be nice,” I whisper.
“Ooh.” He scrunches his face and purses his lips. “Dangerous.” He grins.
Oh, he has no idea. Maybe I should’ve ordered something that sounded a lot more seductive. He orders a whisky with no ice and when the waiter brings our drinks over, he moves in closer to me saying a cold drink might make me colder, so he’s just sharing the heat of his body out of concern. He wouldn’t be much of a gentleman if he let me freeze to death as apparently his jacket wasn’t enough. With the heat of his body against me, I start to move in closer to him as well and before I know it, we’re so close, gazing into each other’s eyes that when he rests his hand on my leg, it feels right.
“I hope I’m not being too forward,” he says, realizing that it’s been lingering there. He lifts his hand up and starts pulling it away.
“I mean, I like your hand there. You can keep it there if you want, you know, for warmth and all that.” I smile.
He presses his body up closer to me so that we’re basically snuggled into each other on the couch before he rests his hand on my leg again. “So, you’re saying just my hand gets you hot?” he asks before moving it higher. I don’t stop him. Even though there are people around us, they don’t seem to be bothered with us. They too, are consumed with their others as nightfall is upon us. The lounge lights are dim and I haven’t been touched this way in so long that I guess I’m desperate for him to keep going.
The closer he gets to my inner thigh, I shiver. “Actually, I think that one might have just sent chills up my spine.”
He leans down in a moment that feels like, ‘finally!’ and he takes my lips with his, breathing me into him as our bodies rock with the light motion of tug and war our lips are playing. He hasn’t touched me where I want to be touched yet and he says, “You wanna get out of here?” in a voice that’s grown deep and husky.
“Yeah,” I respond, my voice cracking and whispering as well.
He jumps up and goes to pay the waiter while I make sure that I’m steady on my feet before I start walking. I feel the night air on my nipples beneath the dress and I pull his jacket tighter around me as I wait for him to join me at the door. We hurry past more people coming in as it seems that the later it is, the spot gets more desirable, attracting crowds looking for a good time.
We keep exchanging glances at each other, giggling as the wait for the elevator becomes excruciating. When it stops for us, I’m begging for it to be empty when it opens. A group of people pile out and we rush in, ready for the door to close, hoping it’s going to be our luck when a group of other people crowd it with us in it. We’re squeezed together and the tension is building as temptation begs us to yield. He does the only thing he can do in such a tight space and he moves his hand around my waist. The glide of his touch causes my legs to wobble and I run my hand up his back as he moves his over my ass.
By the time we get to the car, I’m so hot and ready, I can’t wait to climb him. As I grind against his hips, he breaks the kiss, stopping me. I'm out of it as I stare at him, confused. He laughs. “Let me take you back to my place, where we can get more comfortable,” he says.
I groan. “Oh, the wait.”
“Will make it so much better.” He reaches over to pull on my lips with that vacuum motion that makes my toes curl.
On the drive over, as the immediate adrenaline rush eases, I’m left with nerves the longer the drive gets. I take a look at myself in the drop down over head mirror and I startle myself with how much my lipstick is smeared over my face. He sees me looking and laughs. “You still look so hot, it’s crazy,” he says.
I laugh. “You’re such a liar!” My earlier neatly tucked updo is fuzzy with pieces unraveled.
I’m trying to fix my face with my lip gloss in my bag and a wipe when the car pulls to a stop in front of a luxurious mansion. I didn’t know we had made several turns to come here but we’re at the top of the mountain overlooking all of Las Vegas.
“Wait, you live here?” I ask him, breathless.
He turns the car off. “Yes, now let’s get inside before I lose my mind over not having you.”
He jumps out of the car, shutting it behind him and coming around to my side to scoop me up in his arms.
“I could’ve walked,” I say.
“With those heels, it would’ve taken you too long. I want you now.” As he’s carrying me toward, somewhere, I have no clue where; he’s kissing me. I close my eyes and give myself into the exploration of his tongue in my mouth. I feel my body going upward and it registers that he’s taking me up a flight of stairs. He opens a door and all of a sudden, I’m lying flat on my back as he stands before me, unbuttoning his shirt. Mm. I’ve been wondering what he looks like underneath his clothes and now I can’t wait to feel his skin against mine.
I untie my halter and pull my dress over my head. I’ve got no bra on so my breasts are bare under his gaze. He whispers, “yes” to himself as he moves toward me, kissing me and moving me further up on the bed, rubbing himself against me while pulling his belt and buckle. I can feel his hardness already and I pant, moving to remove my panties before his lips crash down on my nipples. I pause in the middle of removing my last layer to sigh and run my fingers through his hair. His mouth comes up to crash against my lips until he raises himself up to pull his pants off himself. I hurry to free myself of my underwear and I watch his bulge in his underpants with an aching desire to set it free. I make a move toward it but he bounds my hands with his, lowering himself between my legs and dry humping my wet slit.
After he succeeds in driving me insane, he bares himself to me, plunging deep as I lose myself in the penetration. It’s like I’ve just been set free, roaming like a bird in the sky. The world offers itself to my being. I close my eyes and let go, surrendering to the pleasure set on fire inside of me. He doesn’t give me any control as he moves from pinning me with his hands as I lie on my back to flipping me on my knees and bounding my hands on my lower back, while he takes me from behind. I consent to every moment of it, even as I tip over, my head pressed against the bed sheets while he drives himself on repeat into me.
He pulls himself out, shuddering as he collapses onto my back, our breaths unite in pants and our sweat mingles. He kisses me on the back of my neck, grazing his stubble against the sensitive skin as he leans over to give me a kiss on my cheek before rolling off me. I smile and stretch before leaving the room to pee. I lock myself in the bathroom to give myself a moment to celebrate what just happened, to bask in increased levels of dopamine, quickly lowered when I catch a glance of my reflection in the mirror.
Wow! I jump at the hairs sticking out in different directions and the eyeliner smeared on my face and under my eyes. Great! And I was concerned about how I looked in the car. Now I look ROUGH. I hurry to pee and rinse between my legs before moving to the mirror to get to work on the scene before me. Girl, it’s not like he hasn’t seen it, I think to myself but fixing it could make him forget, I lie to myself as I proceed to rinse my face with warm water since I can’t find anything I can use on my face except for bars of soap in his bathroom drawers and aftershave. Yeah, I don’t have a beard at the moment so I think I can skip that. After managing to minimize the trainwreck on my face with water, I rip off a few hand towels to remove the rest to allow my face to at least appear fresh.
I search my head for the bobby pins, almost vanished, wrapped with strands of my hair burying it in the nest. When I manage to grab them all, I think, I wet my hand and tip my head over to shake my hair out. If hairs are going to be sticking out everywhere, I might as well let the whole thing loose and try to work them into the rest of my hair. I’d much rather the messy bed hair look than the rough night.
Once I’m satisfied, I leave the bathroom, still nude to find him sitting up and waiting for me which is a nice surprise. Usually after hooking up with someone, they’re passed out and I’m left doing the whole confused push and pull thing, wondering if I should stay, leave, let him sleep, wake him up mambo jambo.