Page 29 of Broken Reign
He looks at me with his tongue hanging out. He clears his throat as his skin flushes. “Damn.”
“Come in.” I step aside and as he walks past me, I watch him. I know he feels my eyes on him as I close the door behind him. “Thanks for coming by on such short notice,” I tell him. “I’m so grateful.”
He drops his bags and makes his way over to me. “How grateful?” he asks, coming close enough that I can feel the heat of his body without him groping me or rubbing himself against me. He smells like heaven and I begin to grow hot as well. I need to remember that I’m the one teasing him and it’s not the other way around.
“Well, let’s see you get it done first and I’ll let you know.” I giggle as if I’m not on fire right now. I walk away from him and as he begins to take out his equipment from his bags, I pretend to fix the cushions on the sofa, bending over so he can get the perfect view. I move fast so that he just gets a flash before I plop myself down to see him looking at me and shaking his head with a laugh, reminding me of those prominent dimples.
I laugh too. “What?”
He blinks at me, holding gadgets in his hands as he says, “Nothing.”
He’s screwing something in the wall exposing circuit boards and wires. I walk up behind him. “What’s that for?” I ask.
I seem to have interrupted his focus but he turns to look at me with a look of pleasant surprise. “This will connect to something even bigger,” he says, eyeing me before turning to gesture to another piece of equipment I know nothing of. He continues, “So that if someone trips your alarms again, your whole downstairs area will be filled with laser beams.”
I don’t know if that’s strong enough. I know I’ve disabled laser beams in my day. “What if they find a way around it?”
“I’ll give you a remote that you’ll be able to use to control the beams once you’re out of the way, of course because once you hit that button, you’ll be able to apply intensity to the beams, causing them to electrocute someone if you want.”
My eyes widen in surprise. “That’s incredible,” I tell him. “I’m impressed.” And I mean it. I’m so impressed, I’m flustered, eyeing him with the need to climb his body. “Does this even exist on the market yet?” I ask.
“Only for the ones who can afford it,” he says.
Woop. And that’s not me.
“Damn, really? But you didn’t ask me if I can afford it,” I say.
He licks his lips as he looks me up from my toes to my mouth. “We can work something out.”
Heck. Now I don’t know who’s playing who. My intention is to tease him not fuck him because a man like him, built like him with a face like his is trouble for a girl like me. Yet as I watch him work and our eyes keep making contact, I’m starting to wonder if a tease is enough forme. I smile at him and turn away, working to make some refreshments; some of my leftover waitressing and homemaker experience taking over again. He finishes up the security system downstairs before asking me where I want to set up the booby traps. He tells me to lead the way and I know it’s just because he wants to watch my ass as I walk ahead of him. I milk the moment, moving with intention and swinging my hips as I make my way up the stairs.
The further up the stairs I go, I can feel him underneath my skirt causing my pussy to get wet. The walls of my vagina clenches like a spasm I can’t control and I feel my thighs come together as pleasure hits me. I clear my throat as I hear his breath hitch. I have a mind to turn around and throw myself at him but the job’s not done yet and I don’t want to give in too soon, only for him to leave without finishing it.
I grip the banister as I get to the top of the stairs, inhaling to calm my spiked hormones. I pause to demonstrate where I want the trap, bending over to show him the exact corner before showing him specific areas in the bathrooms and bedrooms, tipping on my toes to suggest other hiding places.
I watch him while he works and he lets me know what to expect. As he crouches to work on the floor and I stand next to him, he looks up catching the outline of my pussy. I watch him staring, stumbling over his words and my nipples grow hard and I feel my pussy gush.
I’m about to lose it and he’s finding it hard to concentrate, if we keep tempting each other like this we’re either going to both explode and he won’t get any work done or he’s going to end up being too distracted to do a proper job.
“I made some drinks for you and a couple sandwiches we can share after. I’ll go check on those,” I say as I excuse myself, hurrying down the stairs where I can inhale and catch my breath.
I don’t know how long I’ve been in the kitchen but I’ve been busying myself, even managing to make a fucking dessert at this point. My back’s turned and I don’t hear him as he comes up behind me, maybe because I’m trying so hard to focus my energy on nothing else but my hands dressing up this extravagant snack.
“All done,” he says and I jump. I feel the heat of his breath on my neck and I just fucking lose it, turning around to look at him.
“Fuck it. Kiss me,” I say and as his lips suction mine, he reaches for my ass beneath my skirt, groaning. I throw my arms around his neck, eating his face as I push him up against the wall, dipping my hand in the waist of his jeans.
He breaks the kiss to moan, “Fuck,” as his lips crash down on mine again.
I am the one to break the kiss next. “Fuck me,” I beg. He spins me around and I gasp as his hand comes around my throat.
His wet tongue samples my neck and I can hear the buckle of his belt come undone. He pulls me by the neck up against his chest, squeezing it as he breathes into my ear. I pant and moan before his other hand drops to my soaking wet crotch. He dips his finger into my panties, rubbing me as my legs splay beneath me and I squirm, moving my bottom against his hardness. He doesn’t stop rubbing me, no matter how much I slam my hips against his. He goes until my legs bend inward and I start to sink, feeling my knees buckle.
He releases my neck to push me forward and I bite down on my index finger as he pulls the string from my ass aside and fills me up. Oh, fuck, he fills me up so good. He holds my hips taut and begins to hammer me, enough to shake my body without hurting me. It feels so good, I find it hard to hold my own weight up so I reach forward to grab on to my kitchen counter as he drills me. I’m crying “Yes” as he swears, detaching himself from me before he spills over on my kitchen floor. My legs shake as I try to remain standing, needing him to bring me to orgasm.
“Wait, please. Not yet. Don’t stop,” I beg, still bent over on the counter. I know already that this has been a mistake because what I feel now is so reminiscent of what I used to have with the men I love and so far from the desperate fucks I’ve been having with Snow to fulfill the urge. This, here, is addictive and it’s dangerous. I should lock my legs and thank him for the work he’s done; send him on his way. But I’m so fucking horny that I can’t make rational decisions.
“I’m sorry, I just can’t believe you agreed to fuck me. I lost myself,” he tells me before I feel him behind me, chuckling as I’m crying for him to fuck me again.