Page 40 of Broken Reign
She shoots daggers at me as if asking how dare I address her in public. She walks over to me and grabs me by the neck, pulling me out of the line and taking me off to the side. She rounds her fist up to punch me and I yell again. “Leave town!” My eyes are squeezed shut and I wait to feel the impact of her fist but it doesn’t come. I open my eyes to watch her studying me. “Please, pack your stuff and go.”
“What are you talking about?” she asks.
“I saw the news,” I respond.
“How the fuck did you see that?” She lowers her lids, threatening me with her eyes.
“Don’t worry, your recruits followed me to the bathroom. You can’t do this, Julissa, they’ll kill you. You’ve got to get out of town.”
“I’m dead already, anyway.” She folds her arms in front of me. “And who the fuck are you to tell me what to do?”
I ignore her question. “Surely you have people who love you,” I say. “What would they think?”
“I have no one,” she says.
I won’t dare to mention myself because I’m in such a state of confusion, I don’t know how I feel about her, I just know that I feel the need to protect her despite my resentment.
“What about that dude? Uh…uh…Mikhail? And the other dudes? What about them?” I try to get through to her.
She starts to hyperventilate and her voice starts to tremble as she cries.
“It’s okay, it’s okay. Calm down,” I say to her. Her eyes take on the look of pure insanity and I fear I’ve just set her off to do something crazy to get out of here. “Tell me about Mikhail,” I say, trying to get her to focus her wild eyes on me again. “And the other dudes. What are they like?”
I can tell that she’s not about to give up on her plan but I manage to distract her for a bit as she goes into an incoherent rant about her exes. As much of what she’s saying is confusing to me, I try to focus on the information about her exes that does make sense and I hold on to that for when we’re taken to the streets again tonight because if I can’t stop her, maybe they can.
Chapter 34
I don’t know how I do it, but I manage to sneak away from the recruits and make it back to the bar. I let out a sigh of relief before realizing that I probably didn’t manage to sneak away, they might have seen me walk in here and didn’t choose to follow me. It doesn’t mean that they aren’t waiting for me to come back out. I walk with caution into the bar, staring at Mitch as I pass, hoping that he looks the fuck over at me and when he does, I shift my eyes to the side, indicating for him to follow me.
It’s not the first time we’ve signaled to each other to meet in private. I’ve had many dodgy occasions whenever I used to come to this part of town for business where I’d have him sneak away to tell me what he knows for a fat payout or a promise of protection or some shit. So he knows how this works. He needs to give me five minutes before he follows me.
I walk into the bathroom where I wait for him. Earlier tonight, I’d given him all the information I gathered from Julissa and I told him that I wanted information on where to locate these men; Mikhail, Calder and Axel. I didn’t tell him why I needed the information, I just told him that I needed it before the end of the night. I’m hoping that he managed to come through for me. This man knows all kinds of people. I also asked him for a cellphone, a change of clothes, some money and transportation to get me the fuck out of here without being seen. I’m pacing in the bathroom yelling at whoever opens the door that’s not him.
At last, he opens the door and I rush over to him. “So, did you get it?”
He smiles at me. “I sure did,” he says as he hands me a piece of paper. “This is their contact information.” He hands me the phone as I asked and a change of clothes, hat and a handkerchief to tie around my face. All kinds of dealings happen around here; drug deals, robbery, etc. If it’s not sex trafficking, Julissa’s recruits don’t give a shit if they spot a person pulling off a robbery. They’ve seen it and they just turn their backs on it. So I’m confident that I’ll be able to come out of here without them batting an eye, if in fact they are waiting for me to exit.
“Thanks, man.” I give him a pat on the shoulder. “I’ll pay you back for this as soon as I get settled.”
“Don’t even sweat it, man. I know you’re good for it.” He smiles before handing me the keys to a vehicle out back. I hurry toward the exit, my feet moving as fast as I can get them to move as I try to stop myself from bending over in pain since that would be an obvious tell. They’d be suspicious of me at the very least. I don’t waste any time looking around me. I keep my eyes focused on the vehicle in front of me, hopping in as soon as I’m next to it and backing the fuck up out of there.
I don’t start to breathe again until I’m a couple hours outside of Vegas. I can’t believe I’m fucking free. I pull off to the side of the road, resting my head on the steering wheel, vowing to track down every person who fucked me for money that I couldn’t keep and kill them but first, let me reach out to these three men who can help rescue Julissa from herself as I get as far the fuck away from her as I can.
I dial the first number. A robust voice answers.
“Hey man, is this Mikhail?” I ask.
“Who is this?” he asks, avoiding the question.
“Listen, man. You don’t know me and I don’t know you but I just thought you should check out the Las Vegas news. Your girl Julissa could use your help.” I hang up the phone and make the same call to the other two dudes; Calder and Axel before tossing the phone out the window and driving off.
Chapter 35
“Iwishyoudidn’thave to work this late,” my fiancé, Daisy, throws her arms around my neck as her soft face frowns at me. Her name is a perfect fit to her personality and looks with her bright blonde hair curled with an iron almost white in the sun. It falls just below her shoulders over the spaghetti straps of her pale-yellow sundress resting a little above her knees. She’s got a slight thickness to her, making her a lot of fun to hold.