Page 8 of Broken Reign
“So, uh, I’ll be honest with you,” I say to the driver as I make my way back to him. I’m not afraid of how he’ll react. In fact, I’m begging him to try something.
His smile switches up.
“I ran the passport through the system and it didn’t check out,” I tell him.
The girl holds her head low still. Not once has she looked at me.
His smile runs the fuck off his face now. “You’re new here, aren’t you?” he asks.
I don’t answer.
“How old are you?” he asks, letting his eyes roam over me. I keep a poker face even though I’m shaking inside from the need to slap him here and now just for looking. When I don’t answer him, he keeps going. “You look young. Like you’re out here all day just trying to make a bit of money. I bet you don’t earn much, do you? What do you say we forget all this and uh, I’ll offer you $3000 to just let me get on through, huh?”
I stare at the money, with invisible disgust and refuse to take it. Dusty ass motherfucker.
“Okay, fine.” He grunts and as if it pains him, he takes out more cash. “$5000?” he asks.
“What are your reasons for being in the U.S?” I ask him, ignoring his offer.
“Little girl, the less you know, the better. I suggest you take the money because I’m only gonna offer it once. I won’t be this nice next time. You don’t know what you’re messing with and if you don’t send me on through, you’ll regret it,” he says.
I think about snatching him up by the neck and pulling his ass out of his car but then we’d really be brawling and I’d draw too much attention to myself. With a bitter taste in my mouth, I pretend to be horrified by his threats. I step back inside the booth and place a miniscule tracking chip on the inside of both passports and hand them back to him.
“That won’t be necessary, sir. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to offend you. You may go through,” I tell him with begging eyes, smirking as he drives off.
As the next car pulls up and I begin questioning them, I place an earpiece in my ear, hoping that the last man starts acting up so that I can offer to help the other recruits take him down and make him eat his threat. That’s the job I wish I had but I’m apparently still too young to be doing all that, according to Julissa. I’m lucky that some of the other recruits will call me up when one of the people with my tracking chip reaches them and they’re noncompliant because those recruits are like my besties, they know I love to be all up in the mess, get my hands dirty and we all hide it from Julissa. If I end up with any injuries, I’ll end up hiding from Julissa for days until they heal or I’ll tell her I got in a fight with another recruit or something.
After I check out that vehicle, I receive the signal. I almost jump in joy but try to maintain my composure. “Hold him there for a bit,” I tell them as I make a call to my supervisor to let them know that I need to take a bathroom break. My feet tap on the floor as I look through the documents of the other driver, asking them questions and waiting for my supervisor to relieve me. As soon as they come, ooh, I’ma bolt!
I spot them making their way over to me and I pull out the dramatics, doing the pee waddle and the poo squirming, handing them the documents as they approach me and I yeet my ass out of there, running toward my vehicle and pulling up alongside the highway where I can hear gunshots before I see that slimy fucker with the girl as hostage as he fires at the recruits dressed in fake police uniforms. I hop out of my vehicle and approach quietly. The trafficker’s eyes are trained on the recruits. He doesn’t see me coming. I have my gun that I took out of my truck, tucked to the side of my leg as I crouch down and make a dash toward them. The other recruits know I’m there but they don’t turn to look at me. They don’t want to alert him. They hold their hands up in the air as he yells, “Fucking back off or I’ll kill her.”
The girl’s legs visible in baggy jeans shorts wobble in fear as she cries. Her tears rip into my bones. The other recruits pretend to comply, holding their hands in the air and making a move to lower their weapons. In a rush to get off the side of the road, it seems, he pushes the hostage forward, telling her to get back into the car as he trains the gun in front of him, pointed at the recruits. That’s when I shoot his gun out of his hand and he yells in pain as the bullet fucking lands in the back of his hand. He’s stunned as his gun goes flying and he turns around to look at me. I walk toward him as some of the recruits grab the girl to take her to safety and others come up next to me.
“Took you long enough,” a tall, blonde recruit with muscles says to me as she tucks her gun in her holster.
“Thanks for holding him for me.” I laugh as I walk up to him. “About that five grand, I’ll take it now if you’re still offering it.”
He looks around him and I guess he’s feeling a pump of adrenaline paired with the fact that he thinks we’re all ladies so he can take us down or something but he jumps up with his bleeding hand and charges toward us. I take a shot, kicking him in the shin while another recruit hits him in the neck. He collapses, passing out as I make my way over to his car to get that $5000 I saw him stash in his glove compartment.
Chapter 5
I’msittingatmycomputer doing a search online for where to find prostitutes in Las Vegas. Within seconds, I’m staring at a list with raving reviews from people who visited Vegas and apparently had the time of their lives there having sex all over the place. Yeah, I bet they had the time of their lives. I make a note of their names as well. I may be paying them a visit in the future or maybe I’ll make them my clientele, I haven’t decided yet. Depends on if they’re in the mood for what my stock has to offer. But first, I’m getting ready to go on my first raid in public since I’ve been back to Vegas and ooh, it thrills me! I’m finally at the point where I have everything I imagined set in place to prepare me for an attack once they see my face, clearing up any doubts they had on my return.
I don’t have any big plans on any particular places to make my first hit, I just pick the first place on this list before me. It’s a brothel which is perfect. It means I’ll be able to capture a batch of traffickers and free a bunch of victims at once. I can hardly wait. I’ve already got my team ready. They knew we were going on a raid today, they just didn’t know where. They’re waiting on me outside. I grab all my armaments, wearing them on my body and I step out in clothes made for kicking ass and shoes made for running.
There’s a truck outside my gate with a couple of my recruits waiting for a signal from me. I climb into the bus where I hand the driver the address and catch them all up on our plan. The bus driver radios in the truck driver to let them know where we’re heading. I’m in the zone but I can’t help smiling all the way to the brothel with all the giddiness I feel inside. It’s been nice taking a break and watching as my recruits do an excellent job delivering these pimps to me but fuck, it feels good to be back.
Both my hands are positioned on the back of both the front seats as I stare through the windshield mirror like a happy puppy learning that it’s going to the fucking park. I catch a glance at myself in the rearview mirror and think it’s funny as fuck. The closer we get to the brothel, I’m busting out of my shirt to get the fuck out of this bus and inside to get started as soon as possible but they’ve never been here before and I haven’t been here for a while so we’ve got to scope the place out to make sure our plan goes off without a hitch.
We drive past the place and there’s not much to see from the outside. Unless you knew it was a brothel, the place could easily be mistaken for your average bar. It operates legally but I remember being trafficked there. Some of the workers were there of their own free will while I was being trafficked. How lucky for them. Traffickers used the whole “legal” mambo-jambo for their own benefit making a deal with the managers of the place. Some of the girls who chose to be there knew we were being trafficked although they didn’t do anything to help us. I suppose they couldn’t have. I don’t know.
The truck that followed us here is parked a couple buildings away as we park up the road, pulling in at the back of some random building. From what I can remember, traffickers aren’t often out and about in the open. They’re usually in the back with the managers and security guards are inconspicuous. While there seems to be no one on the outside guarding the place, they’ve got outside security keeping an eye. They’re usually positioned across the street from the brothel at one of the other establishments or they’re out back, undetected but easily reachable.
We try to be fast as we unload out of the bus. A few recruits stay behind to bring the bus around and alert the truck driver when it’s time to go. We’re all wearing wristbands that will buzz at the tap of our fingerprints to alert specific people if we run into problems. There’s too many of us to sneak up to the entrance of the brothel during broad daylight so we hop a few walls landing behind a few buildings before we get to the back of the brothel which is perfect because we can take out the guards outback sitting in a room with their little monitors that can see what’s happening as soon as someone walks in through the entrance. I let a couple recruits take out those guards while I sneak in through the back door. I place my booted feet on the tiled floor soft and slow as I creep into the red lights that bathe the hallways and offices. I can smell sweat and sex before I even hear the moaning and grunts coming from the rooms.
I give the door to one of the rooms a soft tap not wanting to alarm whoever is inside. As the door opens a naked woman stands in front of me staring down the barrel of my M4 Carbine. Caught off guard by the weapon, her pupils go wide as she stares at me frozen. I place a finger to my lips telling her not to make a sound and to get dressed and leave the building. Stunned, she goes back into the room, grabbing her clothes off the floor and running out of the room.