Page 13 of Tanner
Rising from the chair, he hurried out of his aunt Rose’s office. Jumping on the elevator, he descended until it landed on the main floor. With a sigh, he pushed open the outside doors and bumped into Joshua.
His cousin grinned at him. “Did you get in trouble?”
“Yes,” he said.
“You should have waited until the two of you were alone,” Joshua said, standing outside the administration building. “Why did you confront her in front of everyone? We were all shocked.”
He shrugged. “I was surprised to see her. It just came out.”
“That’s not how you handle a beautiful woman after having sex with her,” Joshua told him.
He was known for being the family hound dog who got into more trouble with women. Already he’d had two false paternity suits filed against him. Thank goodness, he’d proved the babies weren’t his.
A sultry summer breeze blew and Tanner ached with the knowledge that Joshua was right, but this was his first fling and he was learning. Even so, that didn’t mean he wanted her to stay. If she stayed, he feared what would happen between them. The chemistry had been off the charts explosive last night.
“She wasn’t supposed to be our cook. When I met her, she didn’t mention being a cook.”
Thinking back, he realized she had said very little about her life. They had mostly talked about him working as a horse wrangler. In fact, he knew she was from Boulder and that she was previously married, but nothing more. Nothing.
Joshua laughed. “Sounds to me like neither one of you were completely honest with the other. Why didn’t you tell her you were Tanner Burnett? Last night would never have happened if you’d been honest.”
With a sigh, his mistake seemed to fill him with disgust. “Because I was trying to protect the family name.”
“That’s smart,” Joshua said. “It’s just your timing really sucked.”
Too many people knew them in this area and he didn’t want her to realize that his family owned a huge ranch and had billions between them. She wouldn’t be the first gold digger to come looking for love.
“You had a hookup with a woman. I’m proud of you,” Joshua said with a grin.
“It was the first time since I left for Iraq. It’s the only way I’m ever going to be with a woman unless I hire one and I refuse to stoop that low.”
“Well, now, you’re going to have to face the consequences.”
“Besides how do you know I slept with her?”
“It’s obvious. Both of you were shocked at seeing the other one, and from the look on her face after you spoke to her, and your look. It was one of thosedamn, I want you, but I can’t have youandwhat the hell are you doing here?kind of looks.”
His cousin had just described how he’d felt when he saw her. If he could have, he would have taken her to his cabin and had his way with her once again. But not with the family gathered around.
And now not ever unless he wanted to be fired.
Sometimes his cousin was too smart for his own good. Sometimes it was hell working with your family and them knowing everything about you.
“Look, you’ve got some issues, but you’ve come so far since you came home. You’re starting to crawl out of your shell and the old Tanner is peeking through all the armor you ply yourself with. Maybe she would be a good one to try to test a relationship with.”
Oh no, that could never happen. He’d already done too much damage.
“Do you want to get me fired? Aunt Rose has forbidden me from getting anywhere near Emily.”
Joshua laughed. “And you’ve let that stop you in the past? I know she’s told us no before, but who has she sent packing?”
“No one, but I don’t want to be the first.”
“Tread lightly for a few days and then go at her again,” Joshua said. “If anyone deserves a woman, it’s you.”
“Thanks, Joshua, you tell my cousins I said to stay the hell away from her.”
Joshua laughed and walked on inside.
The next few days, he would be determining how he could convince her to pack her things and head back to where she came from. That woman was a temptation he didn’t need.