Page 44 of Tanner
Most of the time, Tanner enjoyed the rodeo. During the summer, it was put on once a week and some of the local cowboys came over to take advantage of the experience of riding a bull or roping a calf.
There was barrel racing for the kids, and overall, it was just a good time, and their guests loved it. Some of them even participated in the parade at the beginning and the end of the rodeo.
It was a guest-favorite event and even Tanner was having fun. Though sometimes the animals, especially the bull, gave them trouble.
Lucas, the old bull, could be a stubborn animal, but so far, he’d not hurt any of the riders. But that didn’t mean there wouldn’t be a first time, and they always advised their guests not to get too close to the fence surrounding the bleachers under their big top tent.
Every precaution was taken to make certain the riders were safe. They even had a few clowns to distract the bull when he went after a cowboy that had been bucked off.
Hitting the dirt could stun you, but an eight-hundred-pound animal charging you had you moving quickly up and out of the arena.
Those dudes were as crazy as they came, though they loved to jump the fence to get away from the bull. Some of the clowns were daring in their approach to drawing the attention away from the fallen rider. And there were always two men on horseback that would intervene if needed.
Most of the time the two men on horseback escorted the bull to the gate after a ride and he went not giving them any trouble. But occasionally, he could be ornery. Occasionally, he resisted.
Tonight, Tanner was riding a horse and escorting old Lucas out of the arena. It was a job he enjoyed and one he could do without much stress.
The night was almost over. They had a parade and a salute to the flag at the beginning, then the barrel racers, the calf roping, and finally, they ended with the bull riding and the final parade around the arena.
People sat in the stands while the cowboys lined up to take their turn riding The Beast as he was affectionately called. Since he had been back in his section of fence and not out visiting the ladies, he should be spoiling for a fight tonight.
And the riders would love how it did its best to send them flying off its back.
“Next up is the bull riding,” Tanner heard their announcer call. “Jet Randolph will be our first rider. His stats for the summer are three rides and one nosedive.”
The crowd laughed. While they tried to make it seem like a real rodeo, the only people who saw the riders were the townsfolk who were invited to attend and the guests at the ranch. They were not professionals but locals.
His brother Travis’s job was to make certain that the cowboys were safely on the animal and not trapped or pinned when the gate opened. He was the last set of eyes before they hovered over the top of the animal and took off when the alarm sounded.
This was a challenging and scary position to be in at the rodeo.
Glancing out into the crowd, Tanner saw Emily handing out cookies to the guests in the stands. Warmth filled his heart and he knew she took her job here very seriously. So far, their guests were raving about her cooking and even his Aunt Rose said they had found a gem.
The older woman was sitting in the stands tonight. Sometimes she attended, but often she stayed home. It was hard to believe she’d soon be seventy-eight, and the family would hold a big party for her.
One day, she would move out of the old house and give it to Travis and Samantha. Travis’s woman sat in the stands and watched the rodeo. He said she was working on a documentary about ghosts but promised that nothing would be included about their great-great-great-great-grandmother. Though if a film would send her hightailing it back to the grave, that would be great. A relief for all the single Burnett men.
It was a warm summer night and the show was almost finished. All that was left was one more ride and then the closing ceremony. And he couldn’t wait to spend some time with Emily.
In the last few days, they seemed to have reached an understanding, and he was happy. They were taking each day as it came and enjoying being together.
Emily finished handing out cookies and was coming down the stairs of the stands. Tonight, he planned on going back to her place and sitting outside with her on the porch. They would have to battle mosquitos, but it would be nice to hold her hand, steal a few kisses, and talk about their dreams, their wishes, and what they wanted in life. Mainly, it would be nice to spend time together.
Next up was the last rider. The gate opened. The bull came charging out of the gate with the rider on its back. It flipped and jumped and did everything it could to toss the cowboy into the dirt.
Watching closely, Tanner realized the rider’s hand was stuck under the rope and he couldn’t release safely.
Furious that the man still rode its back, the bull headed to the fence surrounding the arena to knock him off. When crashing head-on into the wood, the planks made a loud cracking noise and the fence collapsed. The rider finally released, flying up and out of the way. But the bull had gained its freedom, escaping into the area surrounding the bleachers.
All the men jumped down off the fence and raced toward the animal.
Emily stood frozen, staring as a ton of pure animal muscle charged her.
Dear God, no.
Tanner kicked the sides of his horse and galloped full speed toward her. He prayed no one would step in front of his horse as he sprinted to her side knowing if the bull gored her with its horns, she’d be killed. There stood the woman he loved with all his heart and soul, and he couldn’t live without her.