Page 3 of Finding Summer
I hide my sigh as I lead the way to the baggage claim.
“There any good bars here?” Viv asks as she pulls her suitcase off the revolving carousel. “There were twin babies in the row in front of me crying theentireflight.” She flips her hair over her shoulder and situates her luggage behind her. “I could use a drink. Or four.”
“Um, what if we stop and get a bottle of wine to go with our dinner?”
“Twins, Asie. Not one baby. Twins.”
“Two bottles?”
“A bar, Asie. You’re putting something decent on and we are going out.”
“Iofficially hate twins,” I mutter into my drink several hours later.
We’ve danced. We’ve drank. Well, Vivian’s drank. I glance down at my third Shirley Temple and shrug. She’s complained every time I’ve ordered one, but I know my limits. I’m going to be pushing them enough this week as it is. Don’t need to add alcohol to the mix.
Scooting back in my booth, I take another sip and watch Vivian dance out in the crowd. She’s having fun, that’s all that matters. I rest my legs up on the seat cushion, wincing at the slight pain radiating from my knee. Yep, no more dancing for me. I probably won’t even be able to run for the next few days. Hopefully, it doesn’t get any worse.
“This seat taken?” a male voice asks, leaning in to occupy the empty booth across the table from me.
“Yeah,” I barely glance his way as I roll my eyes. He’s not that bad looking. I’m sure to someone he’s kinda hot. But no. Just no.
“Funny, I haven’t seen anyone in it all night.”
“Well, he’s invisible.”
He laughs, but not like it’s funny. More like out of pity. “Can I at least buy you a drink?”
I hold mine up, turning my attention back to the dance floor. Only, Vivian’s not there. My heart spikes. “Sorry, gotta go.” Without waiting for his reply, I hop up and make my way through the crowd, trying not to limp.
Yep, definitely, definitely hate twins. It hasn’t even been one full day, and I’m already in pain. It’s going to be a long, long ass week.
Scanning the mass of partiers, I try to spot Vivian. Everywhere I look, there’s some blond in a black dress. Over at the bar, except her hair’s too short. Two more are twerking at the edge of the dance floor, except their hair’s longer and dresses shorter than the one Viv’s wearing. My heartbeat speeds up a little more, my head starting to hurt.
The bar isn’t that big, I couldn’t have lost her in the minute I was talking with what’s his face. On the other side of the dance floor, I spot her signature blond hair, and some random guy in black practically groping her. Steeling my nerves, I push through the crowd, earning more than a few angry stares and words. I reach out, ready to pull him off of her, until I spot the flower tattoo on her shoulder.
“So sorry,” I mutter, spinning around. Wrong girl, definitely wrong girl. As I shake my head, I spot Vivian strolling out of the women’s restroom.
“Heeey, you,” she slurs, prancing up to me. “Finally decide to dance with me?”
“Actually, I was thinking about a movie?”
“Oh, come on,” she pouts as the song changes, “we can’t leave yet, this is my faaaavorite song.”
I roll my eyes, but follow her onto the floor. She’s happy. Besides, I’m not tired, just tired of all the other people. Wincing, I plant my feet and wave my hands in the air, doing the worst ‘dad dance’ ever, but hey, it gets her to laugh. And hopefully, it will get us out of here faster.
Thick, plush lips gentlytouch mine. It's featherlight before he pulls my head closer and kisses me like the world might end if he stops.
My hands glide up his chest. Firm muscles flex under my fingers. He sinks his weight into me. I whimper, squirming beneath him.He breaks our kiss to stare into my eyes. Bright-blue orbs stare into my soul. He opens his mouth.
A thunderous crash escapes his lips.
There’s another boom. Or maybe a bang.
“What the?” I mumble, pulling my blanket off, not sure if the noise was from my dreams or real life. A sliver of bright light sneaks through the crack in my blackout curtains, filling my bedroom. “No. Just no,” I whine, pulling the blanket over my head and rolling over. Screw whatever is happening outside of my bedroom. It’s too bright to be awake. Besides, closing my eyes to return to the shirtless man from my dream is definitely better than investigating some horrible noise.
I snuggle down into my pillow, a smile on my face.
The banging persists.