Page 44 of Finding Summer
While Brendan grabs some plates from a cupboard, Breckin opens a second fridge, revealing several cases of beer and a few bottles of wine. He grabs two bottles of a dark beer and looks back at me.
“Um, water,” I squeak.
Breckin pauses with his hand in the fridge. “Are you fine if we drink? Or we can always –”
“No, it’s fine,” I blurt. “It’s just a personal choice.” I try to force a smile. This meal has gone from awkward to hot to - I don’t even know what - straight back to awkward. Hugging my arms around my chest, I shrink back against the counter. Maybe I should just leave before it gets any worse.
“One water coming up. Ice?” He nods to his brother who grabs a glass. No fuss, no pressure, no explanation.
My shoulders relax a little. “Yes, please.”
They work together, silently getting the ice, pouring the filtered water in the cup, grabbing all the silverware and napkins we’ll need, then each grab one of my hands and lead me out onto the deck.
The sun hangs low on the horizon. Vibrant oranges and red splash across the darkening, blue sky, reflecting off the still waves. While I soak up the beauty, glad it’s dark enough I don’t need to put my sunglasses back on, the guys busy themselves with rearranging their deck furniture.
“Ready to eat?” Breckin’s smooth voice whispers in my ear.
“Um,” I glance around, noting how all three plates are filled, “yeah.”
Taking my hand, he leads me to the chairs. Sparks fly through our connected fingers up my arm. I take a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. I don’t date. I don’t allow myself to get close to anyone. Survival instincts and all that. I know I’m not strong enough to survive another person leaving because of my health problems. Yet, here I am, with two guys, doing something I never do, opening myself up.
He sits down on one of the chairs, then spreads his feet wide. Patting the space between his legs, he stares up at me expectantly. “Come here, Asra.”
I bite my bottom lip, but sit down in front of him. His warmth envelops my back as he leans close. Gripping my waist, he pulls me back until I’m nestled between his legs. His thighs brush against mine, his hands rubbing my shoulders. Forget foreign, I might as well be in Narnia. Scooting another chair right in front of ours, Brendan sits down in front of us and picks up a plate.
He slices, then stabs a piece of steak and holds it up. “I think I want to try something.”
My nerves stand on end as he brings the fork to my lips. He hovers there with his arm outstretched before I part my lips and accept the bite. It melts in my mouth. I moan, my eyes closing as I chew and swallow. I swear, it’s the best steak I’ve ever eaten.
“Delicious.” I nod, then take the next bite Brendan offers.
He reaches out and caresses my bottom lip and neck as I swallow. His touch is like a feather, hesitant and unsure. Yet I feel it in every nerve inside my body. It lights a torch I thought long extinguished.
“Good, try another bite.”
This time he feeds me a slice of salmon.
It’s just as mouthwatering as the steak. My eyes roll back in my head.
“Keep eating, Shades,” Breckin whispers in my ear before nibbling on my neck.
For the next half hour, they continue to feed me. Each piece tastes even more delicious than the last. All the while, Breckin slowly rubs my back and arms. He peppers kisses along my neck and shoulders. It’s torture, sweet, delicious torture. Every light tease along my heated flesh, every new taste on my tongue sends new sensations coursing through my veins.
Brendan feeds me the last bite of shrimp, then runs his rough finger along my lips. Chills run up my spine. “Why are you shaking, Little Girl?”
I stare into his green eyes as the sun sets behind him, unable to find a single word that fits the emotions running through me. Scared, turned on, nervous, completely out of my depth, terrified. The more I try to analyze it, the more confused I get.
“Are you scared?”
“I . . . Um . . .”
He leans closer, his face an inch from mine. “Does this scare you?” He places a light kiss on my lips. It’s soft, yet holds so much desire and promise.
I shake my head.
“What about this?” his brother asks, placing another kiss on my neck.