Page 71 of Finding Summer
He shrugs and rotates his marshmallow. “I found this neat sweet shop downtown when I was hunting for a car wash this afternoon.”
“Of course, you did.” I roll my eyes. He was the one poking fun at me all afternoon for my picnic bag, and here he is buying gourmet chocolates. Still, a smile fills my face as I set out a plate and prep Asra’s s’more. At least I’m not the only one looking for ways to make tonight special, even if it does seem to have been in vain. At least, for now, she’s ours. Eventually, she will realize it, the chemistry is simply too strong to ignore. “Which type would you like, Shades?”
“Um,” she glances up from the fire, “caramel. Definitely caramel.”
“Salted caramel coming right up.” I place a square of the decadent chocolate truffle on the Graham crackers as Brendan brings over the marshmallow. Sandwiching it all together, I hand the already gooey concoction over while Brendan shoves another marshmallow on his skewer.
Beside me, Asra’s eyes close as she takes her first bite. “Mmm,” she moans, the sound jolting straight to my dick as Brendan drops his stick, “this is sooo amazing.”
Her eyes remain closed, head tilted back as she takes another bite. Little moans and noises fill the air around us as she chews.
Brendan picks up his skewer, but drops two more marshmallows trying to get them on. “Fuck.” He whispers the word, setting the skewer down and running his hands through his hair. We share a glance as he adjusts himself, then paces in a small circle away from the fire.
It’s like the forest heated up fifty degrees. Maybe a hundred. I’m sweating, my pulse racing, blood pressure through the roof, and I cannot take my eyes off the brunette moaning beside me like she’s having an orgasm simply from an easy camp-side dessert.
“Good?” I ask as she plops the last messy chunk in her mouth.
She nods as her eyes meet mine. They’re darker than they were a moment ago. Everything about her appears more sultry, her nose ring, the line of piercings curving up ear, her windblown hair, even her posture. A smear of melted chocolate and caramel drops down the side of her lips. Even that is sexy as hell.
“You um,” I point to the corner of my lip, “missed some.”
Eyes wide, her tongue darts out as she licks those plump lips.
My dick strains against the zipper of my jeans with the slight movement. All thoughts flee from my mind. Forget want or desire, I need her. Need to feel those lips on mine, that tongue licking me as she sucks my length deep down her throat.
She twists to face me. “Better?” The whispered word begs so many more questions than came from those plump lips. She’s close, so fucking close. The heat pouring from the fire pit has nothing on the inferno boiling over between us. Her gray eyes search deep inside mine, waiting, wanting.
Blinking through my tunnel vision, I look at the corner of her mouth. “Not quite,” I lean closer, until we’re a hair width apart, “you missed some here.” I lick the corner of her mouth.
The sweet taste of chocolate and caramel teases my taste buds as she leans farther into me. She moans, parting her lips. In an instant, my lips cover hers. “Asra,” her name comes out a groan with our lips still connected.
She reaches up, grasping my arm. My heart races. I fist my hands into her hair, kissing her like she’s my life force. A little moan escapes her lips as she breaks for air, only to climb on my lap and resume kissing me.
It’s real. We’re kissing again. She’s in my arms, her thighs straddling my waist. I need more of her, all of her. But I don’t want to rush this and have her flee like last time. So I let her set the pace.
With my hands in her hair, I hold still, content merely kissing her. Her hands trail up my biceps, nails digging into my shoulders. She kisses me harder. It’s subtle, barely a sign, barely a movement, but she might as well be screaming, yes.
She’s on my lap, kissing me like I’m her next breath, nails digging into my skin through my shirt.
As I trail my hands down to her torso, she moans again, her hips rocking into me.
Fuck. That’s definitely a yes.
Still kissing her, I glance up. My eyes connect with Brendan’s, the marshmallows long forgotten as he watches from the other side of the fire. I look at the flames, then back at him. He nods followed by a smile.
Not wasting any more time, I pick Asra up. She wraps her legs around me, never breaking our kiss. I groan, loving the way she clings to me, the way every muscle in her body reacts like she needs me, needs this just as bad as I do.
We kiss and tug at each other the few steps to Brendan’s truck. Glad I left the back open when I grabbed the cooler, I set her on the tailgate. Our bodies shimmy, tugging at each other, her hands reaching up my shirt as we claw our way up into the bed.
Leaning up, I tug my shirt off, glad the camper shell is tall enough for me to sit up in here. I’m also glad Brendan set up the travel mattress in here along with a few blankets and pillows. It might not be an actual bed and there are windows all around, but it’s dark enough outside. It will work.And it’s a hell of a lot better than a sleeping bag on the hard ground.
Asra shimmies up to the top of the mattress, her eyes never leaving mine. She sighs as I sink my weight on top of her. I groan as she leans up, her lips connecting with mine, her hands locking around my neck and pulling me closer. Her legs wrap around my waist, her back arching as she rubs against my hard length.
As I grind my hips against her core, her moans drown out Brendan climbing in and shutting the hatch. As soon as the doors are shut, the windows steam over. I grind my hips in another circle. She whimpers.
“Fuck, Little Girl.” His whispered sentiment matches my own thoughts as I ease up.“Not quite the prude you pretend to be, now are you?”
Rolling over to my side while I keep kissing her, I make enough room for him to join us. After yanking his shirt off and tossing it behind him, he crawls up to us.With her legs still wrapped around me, he settles in behind our girl.