Page 71 of His Innocent Muse
“It’s fine. I trust her completely.”
That stalls his fuming, and he blinks at me several times.
Lucy is dumbstruck, staring at the elevator like it’s grown legs, but when I touch her cheek she startles, jumping to her feet. “Ghost. Mister Ghost. Uh, Sir? I know you probably don’t want to brand—I mean, that’s a—where would it go? Who would—Never mind, I just want to say, I get it if—”
Excitement, then. God, what did I do to deserve this woman? I grip her chin and kiss her deeply, stealing her air. By the time we break apart, she’s wonderfully glassy eyed, licking her bottom lip.
“Above your heart. Like mine. And I’ll be doing it myself.”
“Okay,” she whispers with a smile, “I’d like–I’d like that.”
“Well. Fine. But I still don’t get the Chuck connection.” Murder drops down with a huff.
“Maybe that’s who he paid Mabel’s money to. Pointless attempt at a buy-in. He probably gave it to a lackey who pocketed it.”
“Oh. Yeah, maybe. So glad that shit-ass guy is dead. Okay. I’m off to crack heads and find out what there is to know.”
“Uh, wait. I have another task for you all, too.”
I trot back to the bedroom and grab my phone, flying off a group text as I walk back.
Me: I need the venue decorated for Lucy’s birthday party.
Murder’s blaring text-tone sounds echo across the whole loft as he fumbles his phone out of his pocket.
KittenKins: You can’t be serious.
He glances up at me and I glare.
KittenKins: Okay. You’re serious. Fine. Is this before or after I go on the info hunt?
Wet Noodle: Fine. If she gets one, I get one. I want a dick cake so I can smash Murder’s face in it.
Murder barks a laugh and clears his throat. Even I can’t keep my chuckle in as I step back beside Lucy. She tries to peer at my phone, but I tilt it away, giving her cheek a kiss instead.
KittenKins: What colors does she like?
Me: Dark green. Maybe gold accents.
Wet Noodle: …you’ve gotta be shitting me. Did you clone yourself when we weren’t looking?
Me: Nothing too fancy. Also, get a cake. You have an hour.
I pocket the phone, ignoring the following pings.
“See you around, Luce,” Murder mumbles, staring down at his phone as he walks. Instead of the elevator, he hooks right and heads to the stairs.
Alone again, finally. I hold out my hand to Lucy with a smile. “Let’s get dressed. I’d like to take you somewhere.”
* * *
With everything being organized, the only thing left to do is get Lucy decorated. I glance at her again, fingers threaded with mine as we stroll along the sidewalk heading toward Savage Couture, the super high-end boutique just a few doors away. She gives me a coy, side-ways smile, clutching my fingers tighter, and I inhale, smirking as I refocus ahead of us.
Mere days ago, I wouldn’t have dared to dream of someone like Lucy. The bleak future as I saw it was more of the same until I died, either by old age or at the hands of someone from the Cartwright family. Now, everything is brighter. Hope colors my thoughts, and I couldn’t be happier. All because of a little firefly.
I tug the door open, greeted by an electronic door chime and a female clerk, Angela, I believe, who quickly stands stock still, eyes wide.
“This is a pretty place,” Lucy says when I urge her through.