Page 72 of The Sicilian's Surprise Love-Child
Instead she was a… Well, all Aurora could think of was a vast Italiannonna, who hugged Aurora as if she had raised her and was besotted as soon as she saw Gabe.
‘He looks just like his daddy!’
‘That’s the assumption we’re working on,’ Nico said, to the nanny’s bemusement, but it made Aurora laugh.
And as the nanny got to know Gabe, so he wouldn’t get a fright when he woke in the night and saw her, Aurora and Nico ate dinner. A gorgeousosso buccoin a wine and herb sauce. There was even bread! Well, there were rolls…
And as they sat at his gleaming dining table, and dinner was served by staff from the hotel, Aurora’s stomach growled as wine was poured.
Nico must have sensed her discomfort and dismissed the staff back to the hotel.‘Grazie,’he said.
‘But dessert…’ one of the waiters said.
‘We can manage.’
That was what he would do, Aurora thought. Nico would manage this situation as best he could.
‘I’m sorry to have landed on you,’ Aurora said.
‘I’m glad you called.’
‘Please, Nico, don’t be polite.’
‘Okay,’ he said. ‘I won’t be polite. Are you wearing underwear?’
She gave a shocked laugh, but then her smile faded as she felt his eyes on her.
And then Nico was serious. ‘Iamglad that you called.’
‘Yes. I just wish that it had been sooner.’
‘And what would you have done?’
‘I’d have done better than a summerhouse in winter.’
‘Please don’t…’ She was starting to cry. ‘I did my best, Nico. I got us into this…’ She looked at him. ‘You think I trapped you.’
‘Did I say that?’
‘Nico, I wasn’t on the Pill.’
‘And I didn’t use a condom.’
‘But youthoughtI was on the Pill.’
‘Aurora, I am arrogant, yes, but not arrogant enough to expect you to remain on contraception for me because of one night four years ago.’
‘If you had actually told me that day that you were ovulating I don’t think I’d have even heard. I was going to have you—’
‘Oh!’ She said it out loud this time.
Actually, she was surprised he knew such a word—but then the witch in her head flew in and reminded her that Nico knewallabout female anatomy.