Page 12 of Billionaire Doctor
As they tended to the patient, both paramedics managed to have a cheeky laugh at Annie’s predicament.
‘You just can’t keep out of trouble, can you, Annie?’ Eric laughed.
Seemingly not as, standing on legs that were rather shaky, one hand holding the vital towel, she finally picked her way out of the tiny cubicle. But instead of immediately heading for her clothes, she lingered. Staying to watch for just a moment more—seeing a patient in a hypoglycemic coma being given IV dextrose was just one of those things that as a nurse it was nice to see—hopefully a rapid, happy outcome to a medical emergency.
She watched as Iosef picked up a wallet from the floor and pulled out a driver’s license before delivering the vital solution. As a nurse Annie knew how important it was to use a patient’s name, particularly as they regained consciousness. Wow, he was impressive.
Annie couldn’t help but smile as the instant miracle occurred.
‘It’s OK, Grace.’ Iosef’s voice was calm and reassuring as his patient’s eyes flickered open, flaccid limbs suddenly jerking into motion, a look of confusion on her face as she struggled to sit up and orientate herself. ‘Your blood glucose was low but it’s OK now. Just lie back down... ’ A look of horror darted across Grace’s face as she started to process her surroundings as her hands flailed to cover herself, but still he reassured her. ‘You’re fine, you’re covered. I’m a doctor and there are paramedics here. In a moment we’re going to move you onto a stretcher.’
And a nurse, Annie thought, a flash of something she couldn’t quite identify coursing through her as with a shrug she sorted out her clothes and slipped unnoticed into one of the cubicles, wondering why she let him bother her so.
As an emergency nurse, recognition and appreciation was always lacking—not just from patients, from colleagues too sometimes. But something,somethingabout Iosef’s dismissal of her efforts, her everything, irked her.
‘I don’t need to go to hospital,’ Grace attempted, but Iosef was having none of it.
‘You’re going.’
She was. In no time the paramedics had her on a stretcher and on her way, shouting a quick goodbye to Annie as she pulled on the top of her uniform behind the cubicle door.
‘See you guys. Thanks!’ Annie called cheerfully, pressing the towel to her shin to stop the blood flow, feeling stupid for the tears that were filling her eyes because her leg hurt like hell.
It was pure adrenaline, Annie told herself, sticking on a few plasters retrieved from the bottom of her bag. Then, having pulled on navy stockings and a skirt, she hobbled out of the cubicle to the mirror. The previously deserted changing room was fit to bursting now as it filled with the backlog the emergency had created. Dragging a comb through her hair, she saw her red nose and the overflowing pool of tears in her eyes and attempted a sniff to hold them back.
It was the excitement of the morning catching up with her and the fact she’d barely eaten a thing since Monday. Tears were really threatening now and, angry with herself, Annie held them back. She slung her bag over her shoulder and hobbled out of the gym. It was nerves about the wedding perhaps, Annie explained to herself, and her now very sore leg wasn’t helping much. Taking a gulp from her water bottle, Annie willed herself calm before starting the car engine and heading for work.
She certainly wasn’t upset because Iosef Kolovsky hadn’t even bothered to say goodbye.
Chapter 4
‘It’sbad enough you’re late, but then you have the nerve to swan in here with a bacon sandwich and a take-out coffee.’
Walking into the staffroom to dump her bag, Annie jumped as she unwittingly walked into the midst of two senior doctors rowing. Jackie was apoplectic, her hand shaking as she ripped off her white coat and sensible shoes, her eyes bulging with rage as she changed into a pair of killer stilettos and spritzed herself with deodorant. ‘You know there has to be a senior doctor here at all times. Marshall’s working tonight and you know I’ve got to see the florist and caterers this morning...’ On and on she went as Iosef just stood there, leaning against the lockers, lazily eating his sandwich, as Jackie raged on.
Lazily leaning against Annie’s locker!
‘Excuse me,’ she mumbled to him when Jackie paused for breath.
‘Have you any idea how hard it is to arrange a weddingandwork up to the last minute? All I asked is that you get here at eight sharp this once.’ He wasn’t leaning against the lockers now—in fact, he was heading for the door, turning his back on the consultant. Enraged, she called him back. ‘I haven’t finished yet, Dr Kolovsky.’
‘I’ve heard enough,’ he called over his shoulder as he opened the door, and Jackie literally froze on the spot. Iosef was possibly the first person to ever really stand up to her when she was in one of her moods, but Iosef hadn’t actually finished yet. Before walking out, he turned and looked at her. ‘In fact, to be totally honest, I think everyone’s heard enough about your wedding! Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got patients to attend to.’
The silence that followed the slam of the door was excruciating. Jackie’s cheeks flushed with rage and embarrassment and Annie wished a trapdoor would magically open beneath her, especially when anxious eyes met hers.
‘Is that true?’ Jackie’s voice was wobbly, the efficient controlled consultant gone as she ran a shaking hand through her newly highlighted hair. ‘I mean, I might have gone on a bit...’ Her voice trailed off, her eyes darting as no doubt she relived the past few weeks through her colleagues’ and family’s eyes. ‘Did he mean that?’
‘He’s just upset,’ Annie attempted. ‘A woman collapsed at the gym this morning.’
‘At the gym?’ Jackie frowned.
‘In the shower next to me. Iosef was there, swimming. He must have heard the commotion and stepped into help. She was wedged behind a door—it took for ever to get her out.’
‘That’s why he was late?’
Annie nodded. ‘Mind you, given the circumstances, I guess stopping at the canteen for a dose of bacon and coffee was pushing it a bit.’
‘He’s supposed to be on a day off,’ Jackie said through pale lips. ‘He’s covering for me—I’ve got back-to-back clinics this morning as well as covering Emergency. Hell, I’d have stopped for something to eat—he’s not going to get a chance all day. I’ve been a real pain, haven’t I?’