Page 15 of All The Best Men
But too late now. Once the fabric had been reduced to ashes and the fireplace turned off, I wandered around the apartment, tidying up after my hasty morning spent getting ready for the wedding, pushing any thoughts of the alpha billionaires to the back of my mind. Even while eating a snack and relaxing in the shower, my brain managed to keep them at bay. But now that my nightly routine was over, the doubts overwhelmed me. As I lay in bed, thoughts flooded my mind.
OMG, did that just happen? Did three different men just feast on my curves like I was a supermodel, someone beautiful and precious?
Although precious is a funny word. On the one hand, yes, they worshipped me. But on the other, Mason, Kane and Tyler were dirty as hell, doing things I’d only imagined in my wildest fantasies.
Fingers rubbing lightly at my pussy, I stretched languorously, eyes closed. A deep voice spoke in my head then.
“Did you like what you saw?”
And Tyler’s words shook me to the core. Because yes, I’d liked what I’d seen. That magic stick during the ceremony, making me blush. But even more, there came the startling, electrifying kiss that had started it all. It was just like Gone with the Wind when Scarlett kisses Rhett Butler. There’s something so wrong about it, but devastatingly real and vibrant as well.
Was this truly happening?
I wasn’t sure.
Three men at once? Who does that?
But a swift pinch to my nub ensured that it was real.
Because they wanted me. The men had praised my curvy figure. My lush breasts and wide swinging hips attracted them, instead of being repellant. And I smiled like a Cheshire cat in the dark then, warmth suffusing my form. I was a beautiful, desirable woman, and there was no doubt anymore. Those guys could have gotten anyone, but they chose me.
Me, the curvy girl.
Me, the girl who’s only been out on a couple dates in her life.
Me, the girl who’s usually reading by herself on Friday nights.
A huge dose of confidence shot through my frame, making me grow warm once again in the privacy of my bedroom. After the session with the three alphas I was a changed woman.
Would anyone be able to tell?
Was it obvious?
Elaine would die if she knew what had happened.
Why tell her? the voice inside went. Elaine’s so judgmental.
Hmm, that was true. She’s a good friend, but you have to take people as they are. And Elaine’s downfall was jumping to conclusions about everything. More likely, she’d call me out and say I was crazy for doing this.
But that’s the thing.
I am crazy.
Real crazy … for three men.
So smiling mischievously, I decided not to tell anyone. After all, why? It’d probably never happen again. It was a one-time thing, wham, bam, thank you ma’am.
Plus, there were all these sordid bits that had no explanations. For example, the glaring fact that these men were strangers to me. Kane, Tyler and Mason all seemed like great guys and they were Bobby’s friends, but I didn’t know them from John Doe. They’d flown into town late last night and would more than likely be gone by the morning.
Yet, I’d let them eat my pussy in a hallway during a wedding reception. If the situation were different and I’d been out with friends at a bar, there was no way I would have allowed three random men to do that. Why was my mind rationalizing now? I hadn’t even paused to think it through, never asked any questions.
But the train of thought just wouldn’t stop. Was I a dirty slut? There were always the girls that we secretly slut-shamed, no matter how liberal our attitudes on sex. My guilty conscience gnawed away, remembering a conversation from just last week.
“Oh my god, you know Linda? She just met the guy a day ago and she’s already slept with him!” Elaine whispered secretively. I nodded my head and tried to put in a good word.
“Well maybe he was really hot,” my voice trailed off.
“No, he’s not hot!” raged Elaine. “Linda can’t get anyone hot. And why would it matter? That’s not the point. They don’t know each other,” she whispered venomously again.
At this point, I just kept my mouth shut. There was no sense in poking the bear.
“So yeah, Linda’s screwed,” announced Elaine imperiously, tossing her curls back. “Sleep with a guy so fast and he’ll never come back.”
I was sure my pal had missed the point. Linda probably didn’t want to see that man again, that was the whole goal of a one-night stand. But Elaine’s set in her ways, and it’s hard to get anyone to change. So I just mumbled, “We’ll see. We’ll see.”
And that was enough to placate my friend. But still. If Elaine knew what I’d done, would she talk smack behind my back? Was I okay with that? Besides, what would other people would say? All sorts of terrible things, surely.