Page 30 of All The Best Men
And again, her response took our breath away. Because Katie selflessness was incredible, her ability to give like a well that would never go dry.
And what could I say to that? Katie is worth more than me, Kane and Mason put together. Scratch that, she’s worth more than all of us times ten. Fortunately, the taxi pulled up in front of a stately, nineteenth century mansion right then, conversation cut short for the moment.
And Wayland Manor was magnificent. Surrounded on all sides by a garden overflowing with rosebushes, the building was well preserved. High stone walls gave a sense of permanence, opening to a gracious courtyard below.
Taking the girl’s hand, I helped her from the car before guiding her to a ticket office in a nearby cottage. As the female made arrangements, the three of us looked at one another.
“You know, I thought I’d seen everything,” ground out Mason. “But Katie threw me for one hell of a loop just now.”
“Yeah,” grunted Kane. “She’s really selfless. Fucking unbelievably selfless, if you ask me. Is it crazy that I’m curious to know more about her? Like not just boning her, but actually getting to know her?”
We stared at each other for a moment. Those words were a startling admission, but the answer was crystal clear.
“Naw,” I replied. “Absolutely not weird. After all, it’s not like every chick is like this. Katie’s smart, fucking sexy as all get out, and kind with a real good heart. How many girls are like that? All the way down to the core, genuine and caring?”
But the conversation was cut short because Katie sashayed back, all smiles.
“Here,” she said, handing us tickets. “Tour’s starting now, come on!”
And we quickly made our way to the fountain in the courtyard, where the tour guide, a distinguished looking older man, took charge. Leading us into the mansion, he began to speak.
“As you can see, many of the furnishings from the late 1860’s have been preserved. Please adhere to the rules posted and stay behind the velvet ropes,” he admonished, bowing like a butler. Then turning, the elderly man proceeded to the next room, already droning about this or that.
It wasn’t bad, to be honest. I’m no furniture expert, but this stuff was real nice. Chairs with matching pillows, everything color-coordinated. Don’t ask me about interior design, I don’t know much, but it looked good.
But the thing is, there was just too much to see. The group kept getting ahead of us, moving like quicksilver through the mansion. We could hear the guide’s voice through the walls, but pretty soon, it was just the four of us in a gilded bedroom.
And as our sweet female bent over a dresser, examining the ornate trim, Kane shut the door with a click. There was the unmistakable sound of the lock sliding into place.
“This is beautiful,” she breathed, still examining the knobs on the dresser. “Cut glass shot through the blue dye. Just exquisite,” Katie murmured, never taking her eyes off the dresser.
But we were after something else entirely.
“Sure thing,” growled Kane, staring at that big rump bent over. “Exquisite is the right word.”
“And juicy,” drawled Mason. “Juicy with a side of bacon.”
Who cares if his words didn’t make sense? Because Katie jerked upright then, the change in our tone sounding alarms. Immediately her eyes flew to the locked door, our three forms surrounding her on all sides.
“What are you doing?” she breathed, still as a doe. “What are you doing?”
But it was totally obvious what we were doing.
“What do you think?” I drawled. “This here bed looks pretty good. Old, but it’s solid oak. It’ll do.”
Katie threw a glance at the bed.
“No,” she whispered, even as her breath came quick, those big boobies heaving. “We can’t! We’re on a tour, people will notice our disappearance. More groups will come through and they’ll wonder why the door’s locked.”
Her hands were held in front of her chest in an attempt to keep us away. But resistance was futile because in an instant, I pulled that curvy form towards me and branded her with a fiery kiss. Kane came up on the other side and dipped his head to glide his tongue along her throat.
“We just want to have a little fun Katie,” I rumbled against that peachy pout. “No one’s going to miss us, trust me. Just be quiet and they’ll never know.”
Katie threw her head back a little, eyes closed as Kane trailed his tongue up that swan-like throat.
“Ohhh,” she murmured, already lost. “Ohhhh.”
“That’s right,” I rumbled again. “Quiet, just like that and we’ll be good to go.”
And with that, it was on.
Mason stalked toward the girl’s left side and immediately began toying with her earlobe as Kane suckled her neck. Once that happened, she was defenseless. Three against one broke down the women every time, the sensations just too good. And Katie’s soft little pants and moans were no exception, the sweetest music ever.