Page 37 of All The Best Men
Clearing my throat, I growled.
“Let’s give her what she wants,” came my low rasp. “She wants a non-profit. Let’s give it to her.”
“Right on,” rasped Kane.
“Absolutely,” said Tyler, and the three of us clinked beer bottles.
“Yeah, it’ll be perfect,” I mused, hands busy on the chopping board once again. “Our lawyers will take care of the paperwork, deal with all the red tape setting something like this up. Plus, there’s the money, I’ll put my banker on that. And taxes, shit, there’ll be taxes in a while. We gotta get that under control.”
But I’m not the only one with experience running an empire. Kane and Tyler jumped in as well.
“And she won’t have to fundraise,” growled Kane. “Let’s give her plenty of working capital to get a staff up and onboard immediately. No need to go begging for cash.”
“Plus, I saw a great piece of real estate on our way to the zoo the other day,” growled Tyler. “Would make a great location. Prime spot, strong financials, and all that.”
I nodded in agreement.
“Let’s make it happen, gentlemen. Let’s make this sweet girl happy because she deserves it.”
And like maniacs, the food practically began to prepare itself. Why were we acting like eager puppies, tumbling over one another to please our woman? Who knows?
But hey, everything in its own time. Preparation done, we parted ways, heading to separate bedrooms to get ready. Katie would be here soon enough, and it was important to look our best.
Fresh from my shower and still sporting damp hair, I did a walk-through of the living area to make sure the place was spic and span. Of course it was. This place is a five-star hotel, the cleaning service comes through every day. And just as my examination ended, the doorbell chimed musically. Kane and Tyler were still in their bedrooms so I let Katie in.
My breath stopped as the door opened.
Because the girl was gorgeous.
Absolutely captivating.
The brunette stood before me in a billowy, off-the-shoulder summer dress that was a perfect mixture of innocent and sexy. It was hard not to imagine removing that outfit and sliding between her creamy thighs right then and there. How ripe would she be? How willing?
But a melodic tune shook me from my sordid thoughts.
“Mmm, it smells wonderful in here,” she murmured teasingly. “What’s for dinner, Mason?”
I closed the door and followed the brunette, unable to stop staring as her rump swayed. She was such a beautiful woman, absolutely mouth-watering.
But right. Katie was looking at me knowingly, a smile playing at her lips. I snapped to attention.
“It’s Tyler’s specialty, coq au vin.”
Those beautiful lips quirked again.
“I’ve never had that before,” she murmured suggestively. “Sounds good.”
“Looks like you’ve been enjoying a lot of firsts with us, sweetheart,” came my low growl. “You’ll love it, I promise.”
The girl blushed then, and it was a gorgeous thing. Pinkness crept down her throat, slowly sweeping over the tops of her breasts, turning those creamy mounds rose.
“Mason,” she scolded playfully, a sparkle in those big brown eyes. “You always do this to me.”
But before I could steal a kiss, my bros made an appearance. Fuckers. Damn.
“Sweetheart, it’s good to see you,” rasped Tyler. He and Kane both came over, embracing that curvy form.
“Why don’t we all move into the dining room so we can have dinner?” ground out Kane. Escorting the female to a seat at the head of the table, we took chairs on either side.
“Honey, a drink?” asked Mason, pouring wine into goblets. “You good to go?”
The girl flushed a little, biting her lip.
“Yes please,” she murmured. “Just a little, thank you.”
Good girl. Our female is no drunk, she’s able to control what she imbibes. Meanwhile, Tyler poured wine into delicate glasses, the red fluid swirling graciously as Kane served the meal. Once the chicken slid before her, Katie leaned over and inhaled the aroma, shutting her eyes and savoring the scent.
“It smells divine,” she breathed before opening her eyes and smiling at us.
“Have as much as you want,” I rumbled. “Seconds, thirds, even fourths. Don’t hold back.”
Because it’s nice to see a woman enjoy her food and not be worried about what was in it or what it would do to her figure. It’s nice to see a woman eat, instead of picking at a piece of lettuce while downing wine like it’s water.
So we all dug in, and for a minute, only the sound of cutlery hitting china could be heard. But after a few moments, Kane broke the silence.
“So tell us more about you, honey,” he invited. “I know these fuckers real well,” he said, jerking his chin at us. “No need to hear them talk. We want to know about you.”
“Yeah, spill it,” I grinned at her, setting aside my knife and fork to give her my undivided attention. “Tell us all the nasty details, juicy parts that you’ve never shared.”