Page 42 of All The Best Men
But in the meantime, I was here to chitchat with Elaine. So much had happened recently that we hadn’t had a chance to catch up in a long time, and my best friend was dying for deets.
Standing on her doorstep, I took a deep breath. Could I reveal what I was up to? How to share the truth, when it was admittedly shocking? After all, I was in love with three men, giving my all to three powerful alpha billionaires. Knowing Elaine’s judgy nature, it was a little nerve-wracking to say the least.
Ringing the bell, I shifted my weight from foot to foot, butterflies making me nauseous inside.
Stop! the voice in my head scolded. She’s your best friend, it’s going to be fine.
And Elaine opened the door just as I pasted a smile on my face.
“Well aren’t you a sight for sore eyes,” she smiled warmly while embracing me.
“It’s good to see you too,” I managed in a reasonably confident tone.
But Elaine is still Elaine because as we walked into the living room, I gasped at the chaos and destruction. Her closet had exploded with the contents landing everywhere. Bathing suits, dresses, sandals and lingerie littered the couch, coffee table and floor. Just about every square inch of space was covered, not an inch of carpet peeking through.
“Whoa, what’s going on here?” I gasped. “Are you guys okay? Did a hurricane come by?”
My hand reached out to pick up a random article of clothing, dangling it with quizzical eyes. We both shared a laugh as she grabbed her dress out of my fist.
“I’m trying to pack for my honeymoon, silly. Bobby and I leave for Tahiti the day after tomorrow and I’m having a horrible time deciding what to take.” She plopped down on the floor where her suitcase lay open, but empty. “But now that you’re here, you can help me decide,” she said cheerily, holding up a tiny bikini top. “What do you think?”
I sat down near her on the floor with my legs tucked.
“What do you mean, what should you take? It’s your honeymoon Elaine, do you really plan on wearing clothes?” was my jest. My hand grabbed a silk teddy and folded it. Unable to stop her laughter, she playfully slapped me with the t-shirt in her hand.
“Look at you, Little Miss Modest! Talking like you know!”
A blush spread hotly over my face then, toes curling. Because Elaine thought I was still a virgin, it was one of her favorite subjects. She thought I’d never been touched, reading about dreamy romances through books.
And my friend kept going with no idea of the changed circumstances.
“Since when would you know anything about being naked with a man for a whole week?” she jived.
Thankfully, I was able to shield my nervous embarrassment by pretending to dig through some random clothes.
“I’m just saying, it’s your honeymoon. Most people spend the whole time in their hotel rooms,” was my mumble.
Elaine shot me another weird look and I quickly added, “Or so I’ve heard.”
Neither of us said anything for a moment as the blonde stared at me oddly. My hand suddenly found something interesting in the carpet and I looked down, fidgeting. But the moment passed, and Elaine hauled a pile of clothes into her lap, busy sorting before speaking again.
“So, where have you been? I haven’t seen you for a while.”
Her eyes were studiously careless, flipping clothes right and left.
“I …” But before being able to say where I’d been or who I’d been spending time with, the woman interrupted again.
“Ooh, I almost forgot to tell you, Bernard called asking about you. You remember Bernard? Bobby’s co-worker from City Hall. A tire around his midsection, but it’s just a small tire, not a big one. He’s a press secretary for some higher-up, one of those up-and-coming political types. Do you want me to …?”
But the minute she said Bernard’s name I knew I couldn’t let her finish that sentence.
“I’ve been spending time with Bobby’s friends from New York,” came my blurted reply.
Elaine paused for a moment, confused.
“Really?” she said disbelievingly. “Really? Well that’s … unexpected, to say the least. I didn’t even see you talking to Mason, Kane and Tyler at the wedding. How did you guys come to hang out?” she asked, brows lowered in confusion.
And the motormouth in me started then. Was it so weird that three alpha billionaires could be interested in a curvy girl like me? The story came pouring in waves as I blabbered endlessly, telling all.
“It’s been amazing. I know I’m not the prettiest girl in town, but these guys adore me. They constantly tell me how beautiful I am.” I was hesitant to tell her about the three of us together, but Elaine was my best friend, so I took a deep breath before spilling the beans.