Page 47 of All The Best Men
And it was as much my fault as theirs. Because I’d told myself to have fun and go with the flow, to break free and be the new Katie. But now, look what had happened. I was sitting on my sofa crying my eyes out over a trio of men that didn’t give a damn. The revelation just made me sob harder.
Elaine clucked again.
“So you’re not a good time girl, Katie. Some chicks can do it, they can waltz off and not care after a session of hot sex. But that’s not you, okay? Remember that the next time temptation comes around.”
My head shook sadly, voice tremulous once more.
“The thing is, I was so determined to see them as knights in shining armor. You know, three alphas who rode into town who made me feel sexy and attractive. Doesn’t happen to someone like me,” was my piteous explanation. The hot tea stung as I tried to swallow. “Should have known it was too good to be true.”
“Stop beating yourself up,” Elaine soothed. “What happened is natural. You’re a young, innocent girl who was overwhelmed by three much older men. That’s all. Could have happened to anyone.”
But it got worse in my case.
“I was a complete idiot though, because I fell in love!” came my frustrated cry. Burying my face in the throw pillow, the tears started pouring then, drenching the fabric, sobs wracking my frame. God, how could I have been so dumb?
Elaine had nothing to say, merely wordlessly rubbing my back in circles. Finally, I sat up, a sobbing mess.
“I shouldn’t have, but I did,” my eyes met hers. “Who falls in love with three men? What sane person does that? Tell me.”
My friend’s expression was kind and she shot me a sympathetic smile.
“It’s okay. Stop worrying. You’re just inexperienced and new when it comes to guys. You thought that sex meant love, that the physical and emotional are one and the same. It happens to everyone at first, mixing up these two. You’ll learn, sweetheart, you’ll learn.”
But that didn’t make me feel better. Because right now, I had a broken heart and how were words going to help? How was anything going to help, for that matter?
But before either of us could say more, a loud banging sounded at the door.
“Should I answer it?” Elaine looked at me concerned. Clearly, I was in no state for visitors. But maybe it was the FedEx guy with a new shipment of much-needed Kleenex, given the balled wads strewn all around. So I nodded, still lost in a personal pity party.
And then I felt, rather than heard them. A shiver ran through my spine, every hair standing up on my arms.
“Katie,” bit out Elaine, an edge to her tone. And as I turned, there they were. Kane, Tyler and Mason loomed large in my tiny living room, devastatingly handsome, dark and possessive. Of course, Elaine was glaring daggers but they ignored her, calmly cool and collected.
“Do you want me to stay?” my friend spat, glaring like a hellcat. “Seriously honey, I don’t mind. Someone needs to make things right.”
But I shook my head, hollow and numb on the inside. After all, how much more could they hurt me? My emotions were a wasteland, my heart a blackened piece of coal.
And after grabbing her purse, Elaine pushed past the men, giving each a dirty look on her way to the door.
“Call me if you need me Katie,” she called, still bristling at the intruders. “I’ll be over in a jiff.”
And slowly, the door swung shut behind my friend’s form. Oh shit, did I make a mistake? Should I have kept reinforcements close? It wasn’t too late to ask Elaine to come back.
But the men locked the front door then, turning to look once more at me, blue eyes clear and penetrating. I swallowed hard, unsure how to start. But why did I need to start? They were the ones who’d come to find me.
Finally Tyler spoke.
“Sweetheart,” he began.
Bile rose in my throat again, literally making me nauseous.
“Don’t call me that,” I snapped. “Don’t ever call me that again. I already told you once.”
Tyler held his hands up to placate me.
“Okay, okay,” he said quickly. “Just listen, okay? We know you’re angry, but we want to make things right.”
But like a she-cat with a score to settle, I leapt to my feet, hissing wildly.
“Make it right, how? Are you going to seduce me again? Stroke my boobies and touch my asshole? Are you going to buy me off? Give me money to start a second non-profit, wiping your conscience clean? I don’t think so,” were my furious words.
The billionaires looked at each other, stricken.
“Naw honey, that’s not what we had in mind,” said Mason quickly.
“Then what?” I screeched, uncaring if I came off like a hyena. “Then what? What’s going to make this okay? You were going to take off without saying goodbye! If that doesn’t sum up the state of things, I don’t know what does!”