Page 4 of Lies For My Good Girl
"Nah, not with Xander the cockblock up there." He jokes and pushes me towards one of the back walls.
"Cockblock?" I raise an eyebrow at him. How the hell can Xander be a cock block if I'm not interested in his cock? I don't want Matteo to get the wrong idea. Sure I think he's hot, and maybe down the line, I'd be willing to let the man deflower me, but right now, I'm just trying to get home after a nice dinner.
"No, he's not," I say, getting more and more uncomfortable as the second passes. "Let's just keep on going."
"Why, don't tell me you're shy now. I mean, people do this all the time. You said you were having a good time at dinner, right?" He presses himself against me so I can't move from where I am on the wall.
"Yes, I was having a good time, but I'm not really into groping and stuff outdoors. PDA just isn't my thing."
"I can show you what kind of things you'll like. Trust me, Mel. I want to make you feel so fucking good." He leans down and tries to kiss me, but I shove his face away. "I said no, eww. I'm going home." He backs off a bit, and I start walking quickly in the direction of my off-campus apartment.
"Aww, wait, come one, Mel. I was just playing with you." Matteo rushes to keep up with me, but I no longer have anything to say. I should have fucking listened to Xander. "Don't be like that."
A man walks quickly on the sidewalk in our direction and bumps into Matteo hard, who in turn bumps into me.
"Hey bro, what the fuck is your problem?" Matteo asks.
"Both of you get in there." The man in front of us pulls out a gun and points it in our direction.
"Oh shit.” I squeak, but my body immediately freezes in fright.
"I said fucking move!" The man screams at us to back up into an alley. It's so dark in this part of town I know for sure no one will be able to see what's going on.
"Look, man, This is all we have. Take what you want, just don't fucking shoot." I hear Matteo talking and realize it sounds like he's crying. Is this bastard crying for his life?
"Give me your fucking wallet! And your purse! I want it all!" The man with the gun says, and I see his eyes darting from side to side as if he is waiting for someone to come out and catch him.
"Okay, can I take my ID out?" I ask, knowing I'm not going to be able to get any of my things back unless I have some ID.
"Don't be a fucking twat. Just give him the whole fucking purse!" Matteo snatches my bag out of my hand and shoves it at the robber. He then reaches into his pocket and takes out his wallet.
"Give me the jewelry, too. That shit around your neck."
my heart stops beating for a second when I realize what he's talking about. It's my mother's name chain. It was a thin gold chain with her name on it. It's all I have left of her after she died. I never took it off, and I forgot it was even there most times.
"No, please, it's my mothers. I've given you everything else, not that. It's all I have!" I cry out.
He pulls back his hand and strikes me across the side of my face. I fall to the ground, my head landing in something warm and wet. I hope to God it's just water and not piss. By the smell of it, though, I'm saying my hopes of it being just water are wrong.
"I said fucking give it to me!" The man screams and kicks Matteo in the dick causing him to fall to the ground.
"Just give it to him, fucking give it!" Matteo wheezes out.
The robber bends down and rips the chain from my neck, and it feels like he's ripping a memory away with it. It's a one-of-a-kind necklace. I'll never get something like that back. He checks Matteo for anything else worth having and takes all that as well.
Once he's done taking everything he can from us, he proceeds to kick both Matteo and me around a bit before taking off without stuff.
I can taste the tangy metal-ness of blood in my mouth, and my side aches from the force of the man's boot. "fucking hell, this date sure as fuck wasn't worth all this."
I hear Matteo groan out, and when I go over to where he's lying, I watch him get up and slowly crawl out of the alley. He left me here. He didn't check to see if I was okay. He just left me here like I was another piece of trash on the street.
Big tears roll down my face--some from humiliation, others from anger and pain but finally, most of them just from fear. I want to go home. I want Xander.
"What are you wearing?" I croon into the phone. Lisa giggles telling me all I need to do is ask her to come over, and she'll be on my dick faster than I can get it out of my name-brand boxers.