Page 29 of Hidden in Darkness
“Hey, Q.. Baby look at me.” He lifts my face up to meet him.
“There’s nothing to be ashamed of. I want you too. You honestly have no idea how much. But I need you to be sure. We can’t go all the way just yet so let me take care of you, yeah?” He kisses me harder as he fucks my hand, pushing his hand under my skirt and matches the tempo of his hand to mine. All I can think about is putting his dick inside me.
“Cohen, please. I need you.”
“Shh, I’ll take care of you love.”
He places himself at my entrance and eases just a couple of inches, just a little more than his head into me. He’s not forceful and I know he’d have to push a lot harder to settle his full length inside of me.
Even this little bit has me tightening my core muscles in lust and fear. I’m too tight for the size of him but I keep moving slowly against him as he reaches back down and pinches my clit, I feel the newly found overwhelming sensations start to take over my body. I grab his length and use my hand to bring him over the edge with me and he pulls himself out of me just in time as he starts to come.
We both shudder our release and he drops his forehead to mine. I open my eyes and look back up into his.
“I love you, Alessandra.” He whispers.
Oh, god. I’m not prepared to deal with this. I look up wide eyed and frozen in fear, only to see raw honesty shining through his eyes and I can’t look away.
“I don’t want you to say anything back. I know how hard it is for you to open up. I just needed you to know how I’m feeling. Our alone time feels limited sometimes so I’m taking what I can and putting it to good use.”
“Cohen. You understand me in a way that very few people do. You see me for exactly who I am and you are content to let me be myself. I am so thankful that you broke down my barriers and forced yourself into my heart. I just don’t know how to express myself the way you deserve. I- I love- Um, I love you too. I couldn’t have trusted you to do that with me if I didn’t.” I look at him feeling almost ashamed to admit it out loud but I force myself to keep being open.
“If I want to be honest, I think I love all three of you. How crazy is that?” I shake my head as I put my face in my hands.
“C’mon love, let’s go see the guys.” The smile he gives me in response is almost shy, like we’re sharing the most intimate of secrets as he leads me into the car. Thankfully changing the subject.
“Oh, and we stole your car for the day because one of your Valentine’s presents is this dope new system. I hope you like it” He says, winking at me before he turns Ed Sheeran’sKiss Meon full blast and sings to me at the top of his lungs. I’ve never felt so free and happy.
* * *
“Whoa, what’s different about you?”Noah asks after I run into his arms for a hug and he twirls me around. He moves to hold me at arm’s length while looking me up and down.
“Ha. Stop it. I’m not different. Just, I don’t know. Happy.. I guess.” I say, beaming up at him.
And it’s the honest truth. These guys have done something to me. It’s not just physical satisfaction either. They’ve busted through every wall I had built up. I smile more. I laugh all the time. They thrill me and challenge me both physically and intellectually. They support me and understand me.
I look at all three of them and see that they are dressed impeccably.
“You all look fantastic. Why do you all look like you’re in a ‘best dressed’ competition while I get to wear my school uniform?”
“Go up to our room, beautiful. There’s a surprise up there for you.” I lift one eyebrow towards Matteo.
“Ourbedroom? Hmm, and what would my mother say about that?”
“Hush, my queen. We are here to stay. It’s been cleared with your mom and grandfather already. They feel it’s the best way to keep you safe. Either we move in with you or you move in with us but technically our house is my dad’s house so we opted for this. Our parents have already been notified of the changes and most of our things are already moved in. It’s what we spent a majority of this day doing.” ‘Teo tells me.
“Wait... You’re serious? Don’t you think that’s moving a little too fast?” I say feeling all of the blood draining from my face.
“I mean, we are only juniors in high school. Shouldn’t you at least take your own rooms or something?”
“Technically yes, we’ll each have our own room but my guess is, you don’t make it a day without wanting us in your bed. We all know how much you love it when we make you come.” He pops an eyebrow and gives me that all knowing grin of his.
Ugh, the nerve of these boys! I mean, they aren’t wrong but they don’t need to know that.
“Oh, hell to the no. What makes you think you can come in here and just act like I can’t live without your dick, huh? You really want to play that game, today of all days?” I argue.
“Baby, you haven’t even had my dick yet. When you do, I guarantee you’ll never leave my side. I know just how to make your toes curl and I only need my hands or my mouth to do it. I can practically taste you again already.” My king smirks like he knows I’ll cave first thing.
Challenge accepted. Not today sir, not today. I scowl at them, damn near ready to cancel the rest of the night just to prove a point. Noah reads my face right away because his panic gets real.