Page 31 of Hidden in Darkness
“Shut up, you know I love you.” My eyes widen as I realize what I’ve just said out loud in front of all three guys.
Oh my god, no.. What have I just done?
“You love me? Like love me, love me?” Wringing my hands, I realize the situation I’ve just put myself in and now I just have to own it. I’ve already told Cohen how I feel anyway so why shouldn’t I be able to be brave enough to tell Noah also?
I feel ‘Teo’s eyes burning into the side of my face as I avidly avoid his stare and look head on into Noah’s eyes.
“Yeah, Pretty Boy. I really do.” I say as he sweeps me out of Matteo’s grasp and kisses me with every ounce of passion and possessiveness in his entire being. I feel this kiss rooted into my heart and soul as it lights me up from within.
As our tongues grapple with each other’s for dominance, I forget that the other boys are there for a moment as I move to straddle him. Feeling his hardened length at the apex of my thighs has me grinding down so hard, I can’t help but feel stimulated. I’m sure I’m quite the sight dry humping one of my boyfriends in a moving vehicle while the other two sit back and watch. Only once that thought processes, do I remember the other boys and pull myself away from our mind numbing kiss.
“I love you too feisty girl.” He whispers into my hair, causing me to shudder and goosebumps to crawl all over my body.
Cohen is quiet, knowing Noah and I need our moment since him and I already had ours. He’s respectful and gracious, true to his personality and I’ve never appreciated it more.
Matteo is quiet as well but he looks contemplative, if not slightly jealous? It’s kind of at odds with his usual overly confident persona. But if I’m being truthful, I could never share his affection with someone else, so for him to have to witness my verbal outpouring of affection to someone, even his best friend, must be difficult to say the least.
I decide to move back into my own seat and take a sip of my champagne while watching us travel along the coastline. It really is a beautiful scene to travel.
* * *
By the timethe limo stops, it’s pitch black out. It took about an hour to get here, wherever we are, and by the time we get out it’s about dinnertime. My stomach is starting to growl both from hunger as well as the uneasiness I feel from not knowing where we are or what we’re doing.
The boys put a blindfold on me about ten minutes prior to our destination so the only thing I have to go by is that we drove north along the coastline for about thirty minutes and then the roads became a bit more forested for the last half. I’ve never seen trees as big or as beautiful as I have so far on this short trip.
Stepping out of the car, I hold tight to Matteo’s arm. The ground beneath my feet feels softer than it would if we were on a paved path. It smells fresher here, also. Like the air is cleaner and nature has started to overwhelm my senses. It’s wonderful.
I feel Matteo lift my hands from his arm as he moves behind me and settles in with his hands clasped around my tummy.
“Take off your blindfold, my queen.” He whispers.
Oh my damn.
I have to blink a few times to make sure this is all real.
The boys have brought me to a quaint campground with the most magnificent wood cabins gathered in a circular shape. They surround what appears to be a large gathering place for a firepit. Beautiful little lights are strung up all over the place, giving it a fairytale like quality.
There are rose petals creating a path to the gathering area where a table full of food and candles are set, giving off a very romantic vibe. I’ve never seen anything more beautiful. How is this my life right now? I don’t deserve these men. Especially after how poorly I treated them in the beginning.
“Do you like it?” Matteo asks.
“It’s.. I mean, it’s the most enchanting thing I’ve ever seen. Thank you. All of you. I don’t have anything to give you that could compare to this.”
And I mean it. This is an astonishing gift because I’ll treasure this memory until forever.
“All we want is you.” And that husky growl damn near does me in.
I turn and kiss him with all that I am. This kiss is not only a thank you for tonight but a thank you for teaching me to love someone beyond myself. It’s meant to physically show my appreciation for who they are. These big tough guys. These boys, bred to be mafia soldiers, show more compassion and love than anyone I’ve ever known. They realize that strength doesn’t come from hatred and darkness and they allowed me the opportunity to learn from them.
So I pour my love and appreciation into this lingering kiss and hope that he feels everything that I’m giving him. I may not have said it yet but I’ve already given him a piece of me. He’s already got my heart.
I hold on tight and pull back from him just enough that my lips still softly graze him.
“You are everything I never knew I needed. Thank you for showing me the way to your heart. If you hadn’t opened up first, we may still have been stuck at square one. You light me up like no one else and it’s been a rough road but there’s no one else I’d rather give my whole heart and soul to. You have me. You have all of me. I love you.”
Giving a part of myself to Matteo is a whole other level of intimidating. Where Cohen has my heart for his quiet strength, tenderness and compassion. Noah has my heart for his easy going demeanor, playful attitude and hidden intelligence. Matteo though, he’s stoic and difficult on the outside. He was clearly raised to be a leader. But he’s thoughtful, charismatic and so fierce in his love for people once you really get to know him. And for all of that and more, I’ll gladly let go of my doubts and truly give them all exactly what they’ve asked for.
I’ll give them all of me.