Page 37 of Hidden in Darkness
“Ok, sounds good. Wake me up in a couple of hours if she doesn’t make any moves first.” I tell Noah, just before I lay down and pass out ready to dream of having my queen back in my arms.
Chapter Twenty-Four
We’re hours into this shit and I’m seriously ready to beat her ass. Not literally or anything but damn if a nice red handprint wouldn’t look amazing on her fine ass. Mmm... Yeah, just a little somethin’ somethin’ to show her that she’s not always the boss. It would be an absolute pleasure.
This beautiful woman that I can’t get out of my head. This feisty, annoyingly stubborn, god damn female. She’s making me crazy. Like full on, blood vessels are definitely gonna burst, up the fucking wall, crazy. Pazzo. Loco. Absolutely loony, man.
I’ve been watching my feisty girl’s room for a few hours now and there’s been no sign of life. Her lights have stayed out since she shut them down hours ago and she hasn’t even so much as shifted a curtain that I’ve noticed.
I bet she’s passed out after such a long day on the road. I know I should wake the guys and try to get a little shut eye before we are potentially up and moving again but I can’t bring myself to pull my gaze away from her room. There’s no way my baby is camping out in this dump longer than tonight, I can feel it. Everything about whatever this shit is feels fucking wrong.
Working myself up into a simmering rage just thinking about it, I start pacing trying to calm myself down, but I know it won’t make a difference. I’m too lost in my own head, my thoughts overwhelming everything. I’m itching to fight or fuck. Maybe both. No, definitely both.
What I wouldn’t give to shove my dick down my baby’s throat right now. My girl needs spanked real good and I have no problem volunteering as the one to do it. I need my woman. She can both fight and get pretty damn dirty in the sheets. Just the thought alone is HOT. AS. FUCK.
The only thing that will likely calm me at this point is hate fucking Alessandra. My baby caught up in the sheets getting rough and dirty is exactly what I need right now. Well, except for the potential death note I’d be writing for myself if I actually did sleep with her before she’s legally wed to Matteo and spiritually bound to us all in one big ceremony. Knowing she’d be contractually ours does something to me. We would never force her to do such a thing but knowing she’d willingly commit to each of us like that has my heart beating an irregular fast beat. Fuck, I miss her.
I’m a pretty easy going guy for the most part, some might even call me the outgoing, or fun one of our little brotherhood, but our girl brings out the best and worst in me. She brings out the monsters in me that most people actively avoid, and only she can be the balm I need to soothe the beast inside.
I’m still in my workout clothes from yesterday, the only one who hasn’t taken the time to shower and change, hardly capable of leaving the sight of our girl.
Making a quick minute decision to go out and walk the grounds surrounding her cottage. Hopefully, it’ll calm my nerves a bit and ease my restlessness.
Grabbing a black hoodie, I make my way outside. We are just across the path, about twenty five yards apart from Alessandra’s cabin. Looking around, I see that the guy who fucked up earlier is still strung up in the tree by his own cabin, not a soul awake to help him out yet. He’s spread eagle, strung up to a couple of different trees, gagged and a bloody mess from where we carved him up. I wish we’d done more but we didn’t cut him up enough to kill him, the cuts only deep enough to leave some nasty, wicked scars but not bleed him out completely. It should be just enough to remind him not to touch anyone without their express permission. Although, his scars will for sure keep him from ever getting to touch the female body again. They’ll be ugly and menacing to the eye.
Disgusting to anyone who may witness them in the future.
Meh, he’s a sick douche canoe that clearly needed a lesson in basic manners. We’ve done more for less and there’s not a thing I wouldn’t do as retribution for my love. I may look like the big, dumb jock of our group, maybe even the muscle to back everyone up. But what very few people know is that I’m meticulous and strategic in the art of torture. My hidden truth is the cunning ruthlessness that hides just beneath the facade of my carefree demeanor. I’m a happy guy, a silly guy even, but I do love the darker side of me that I keep hidden the most.
Don’t get me wrong. I love sports. There’s something special about the rambunctiousness of a good crowd and the athleticism of playing in a game or match but what really gets me going is the strategy and planning. It's the winner's mentality and thought process it takes to game plan and secure the win. Also, maybe a little of the violence that ensues with the more physical sports makes me more apt to enjoy them.. Or a lot of it.
I work up to a brisk jog, making my way around her cottage, double checking for anything suspicious. As I come up to Alessandra’s window it’s immediately noticeable that she left a crack in her window, probably to cool down her room a bit. I test it to see how fully it will open and notice that she locked it at the point that she could just barely get a small breeze through the window but not enough that someone could break in.
Thank fuck my girl is smart enough to lock herself in, and probably had done her own safety checks too. She’s smart, strong and so damn beautiful it hurts. Now that she’s taken this time to walk away from us, it’s easy to remember how lucky the guys and I are to have even had the smallest sliver of time with her. If we’re lucky, when this is all over, she’ll still let us have her love forever.
I can barely fit two of my meaty fingers through the crack, it’s just enough that I can slightly pull the curtain aside to peek in at her. My brain is screaming at me to make sure I can see her enough to know that she’s safe. We couldn’t get in there ahead of her to do our own safety check and my mind won’t stop reminding me that any unknown dangers could be lurking from within.
Really it’s just my own selfishness and ego that wants her to need us as much as we need her. I want her to rely on us to keep her safe. I want her to talk us through her problems so that we can work out a solution together. I need her to trust us enough to shoulder the weight of her burdens when they feel too heavy. I need her to love us enough to want us in her corner to back her up, not because she isn’t strong enough to fight her own battles, but because she wants us as badly as we want her. Forever and a lifetime.
Peeking in, I follow the beam of the moonlight straight to our feisty girl. I see my beauty startle awake, writhing on the top of her sheets. Even though it’s semi dark and hard to see clearly, there’s just enough moonlight streaming across her long, lean body. She must’ve been having some pretty naughty dreams because it doesn’t take long before her left hand is squeezing her breast, every few moments plucking and pinching her hard budded nipples. In my mind, I can see the dusky rose buds peaking to perfection. Her breasts are a work of art, so beautiful I could spend hours teasing, tonguing, biting and even just looking at. In fact I have. I’ve never been jealous of her own hands before, it’s an odd concept for sure.
Her right hand is definitely playing with the heaven between her thighs, finding her pleasure with slow caresses along her clit, thrusting one, then two fingers into her silken heat. It’s only then that I hear her melodic soft moans reach my ears. Just watching her has my dick thickening in response but damn, those fucking noises are just... Mmm…
Alessandra hadn’t taken advantage of our hands or our mouths before she took off for this random as fuck road trip so it’s not even a little bit surprising that she’s as desperate for an orgasm as the rest of us are. This is the longest any of us have gone without getting each other off since living together. My poor baby must be feeling so needy right now. It takes my every ounce of willpower not to barge in there and take control of the situation for her.
Grabbing a hold of my cock through my basketball shorts, I try to grasp it hard enough that I can keep myself from coming from her voice alone. I may still technically be a teenager but I’m not some prepubescent fuck that can’t stop himself from coming in his pants at the thought of a hot girl. Even if she is my hot girl.
She’s working herself over real good now, thrusting her hips up off of the mattress. Her groaning is getting a little louder now and I’m practically salivating over the memory of the taste of her lips, her tongue, her silky skin, her delectable pussy and her cum. My whole body starts vibrating with lust as thoughts of her flood my brain. As a horny son of a bitch on a good day, I’m watching my real life wet dream in the making and it is fu-uh-uh-cking me all the way up. I’m hovering outside her window like a total creeper but even that thought can’t make me walk away. I’m rooted to this very spot, unable to keep myself from watching and waiting for my love to come. Hard. I don’t even care if she catches me anymore because there’s nothing I love more than witnessing the frenzied way she releases her orgasm and I’m not willing to miss it happen.
My breathing is becoming heavy and erratic as I watch her work the tension out of her body with her fingers buried inside of herself and a few flicks to that sweet little clit. It’s so fucking sexy. I’ll creep on her forever and not care a single bit how weird it may seem to anyone else. I love this woman. Period. She’s it for me. I’m not just some skeevy weirdo stalking some random. At least, that’s how I’ll justify it in my own mind anyway.
There’s no holding back now, I have to touch myself. I have to pretend it’s her I’m pumping my thick length into and not my hand. Working my dick over with a tight fist, I move faster, moving to match the pace in which her fingers now move, in and out of her swollen, juicy cunt. It’s when she starts moaning mine and the guys’ names over and over again in a chant that I start to fall apart.
“Cohen, ‘Teo, Noah. Ohhh.. Cohen, ‘Teo, Noaaaaahhhh, Oh my god..” She whisper yells.