Page 5 of Hidden in Darkness
It’s a plantation-style white chateau, like some modified variation of a manor you might find somewhere in the French Quarter. A dark wooden porch wraps around the lower level and the most intricately designed black balconies surround the upper level of the house. Deep crimson accents the windows. And what looks to be two converted garages are on either side of the main house with a winding driveway ending in front of each. The surrounding grounds are pristine.
The driveway ends in a large round-about that allows you to reach either garage and has a small walking path to the front door. Two enormous palm trees frame the main entrance and planters of big beautiful flowers ranging from delicate ruby to sophisticated wine hang strategically along the porch. There are two cozy, mahogany porch swings swaying in the breeze on either side of the massive crimson front door. I’m supposed to livehere? This can’t be real.
“It’s... wow. Definitely a few steps up from the dilapidated joke of a place I grew up. One time, a classmate tried to make fun of me for living in the ‘Jason shack’ and even though she wasn’t really wrong, I still knocked her ass out.” I say as I choke out a small humorless laugh.
Cecelia tries and fails to smother the heartbreak shining through her eyes. Her entire face is just too damn expressive. I can tell she’s barely holding onto her composure when she finally talks to me.
“Let’s get your stuff situated and then I can give you a tour of the house. I hope you don’t mind, but I ordered a few basic things to get you by until we can go shopping. Your room is pretty bare since I figured you would want to pick things out for yourself. I know we have a lot to talk through, but I figure you probably want to get settled first. If you’re anything like me, you need to get a good grip on how things are going to go and clear your head before you jump headfirst into an emotionally charged situation. Logic is overtaking your fear and you are game-planning how to kick some serious ass, whether you actually need to or not. I just need you to let me know when you feel comfortable enough and we can go shop for whatever you may need. We can talk later or vice versa, whatever you want. I want you to feel comfortable here. This was always meant to be your home and I’ve missed you more than you’ll ever know.” She looks down to the floor like she’s trying to regain some semblance of self-control before rummaging through her purse.
“Oh! I almost forgot. Here’s a phone so you can contact me whenever you may want or need to. My number is the only one programmed into it for now.” She pulls a sleek black phone out of her purse and hands it to me. I look at it with mild interest, because let’s be real, I’ve never actually had one, but honestly I can’t imagine I’ll use it much.
“Uhh, ok, thanks.” I say, feeling unsure of what to do with it, so I put it in my back pocket for now.
We walk through the front door and if I hadn’t figured it out before, I now realize how incredibly different my life has just become.
Cecelia guides me into the foyer, points straight ahead, and explains that the large open room is called the grand salon, also known as a big ass room, that you host parties in.
“If you follow it through, it leads to the back of the house which leads to the garden, outdoor cooking suite, and pool area. To the left is the kitchen, dining room, a guest bed and bath, plus a theater room and family room. To the right, you’ll find a library, my office, the laundry room, and my bedroom. From here, you’ll notice to the right is one of two grand staircases to the upper level of the house.”
Once we reach the top floor, the layout is similar, leading into an open space that surprisingly appears to be a full gym with an actual boxing ring. Damn, maybe I could get used to this after all. I’m itching to tape up my hands and throw down a bit. It would definitely help burn off some of this anxiety. Cecelia regains my attention as she points out a club room,
“It houses a pool table, wet bar, dart board, surround sound system and leads out to one of the bigger balconies, which holds the sun deck and staircase to the pool. Over this way are the library, an additional three guest suites and your room. Are you ready?”
* * *
My room is ridiculous.I swear to Zeus and Hades, it has to be bigger than the entire house I grew up in. I mean that isn’t saying much, but still. I have a walk-in closet and a full bathroom in my room. I have my own balcony with a perfect view of the sunset that’s currently happening. The sun dropping low into the sky, creating a beautiful scene for me to view each night. It’s big and comforting and absolutely perfect. I couldn’t have imagined anything better. This is luxury at its finest.
“So, I noticed on the plane ride that you are pretty attached to your music. When I was your age, I was as well and luckily thought ahead enough that you have a full surround sound system setup that syncs to both your phone and your tv. You’ll have a lot of freedom up here to play your music as loud as you want to, plus the walls are all soundproof. I also made sure your bathroom is fully stocked with anything I thought you might need, but if there’s anything specific you want, we’ll make sure to get it when we go shopping. Mrs. Ward mentioned that you were anxious to get back to your classes, so you’ll start first thing Monday morning. There is a full set of school uniforms in your closet. I registered you during the trip home. There’s a car in the garage for you to use, provided you have a license?” She looks at me expectantly.
“Uhh, no. I’ve never needed a driver’s license since everything was within walking distance. Not to mention, I couldn’t afford a car so there was no point in trying to come up with the money to get a license. It would’ve been an unnecessary expense I couldn’t afford. I can drive though. Drivers-Ed was an elective at my old school and it seemed like fun. Look, no offense or anything, but I’d rather go to an ordinary public school. I’m not sure I’ll vibe with anyone that thinks school uniforms are a good idea. I just want to be left alone, study, and graduate.” I say, feeling the need to make something go my way.
She shakes her head like I’m being silly.
“I know it’s a bit daunting to have so many big changes so fast but I promise, this school is one of the best on the west coast. I went to high school there, even. It will work in your favor to go to one of the best high school academies in the nation. Plus, your great-grandfather is basically responsible for the entire campus. They’ll take good care of you.” She says, taking in my unconvinced look.
“Just give it a shot.Please. If you truly hate it, we’ll re-evaluate at the end of the term. As for your license, just let me handle it.” She pleads with me.
I give her a hesitant nod in response only for her to quirk an eyebrow and give me a smirk that makes me think she’s up to no good.
* * *
What in theactual fuck is happening?! I roll over and see that it’s six in the freaking morning and this stupid new phone is telling me to get my ass out of bed. Hell to the no. I hit the snooze button and shove my face under my pillow, annoyed. I’ve been sleeping so well lately that I just want to keep doing it. Knowing my luck, my nightmares could come back at any time. A few minutes pass and... Nope! I’m awake. Stupid alarm. Might as well start getting ready for my first day at this new, oh so fabulous school.
Cecelia finally got me to cave over the weekend and took me shopping for all of the things I didn’t actually need. I now own enough clothes and shoes to fill that cavernous closet. I own makeup and hair straighteners and curlers that I’ll probably never even use. I think it made her happy and if I’m totally honest, it was a nice distraction from talking about me. And a way to get her to talk about herself without all the heavy shit weighing on both of us. I found out that I have one more living family member — my grandpa. From the sounds of it, she and her dad are pretty close. She said he’s always been her best friend. Weird, but okay. I’ve never had a dad so I guess I can’t relate to being a ‘daddy’s girl.’ Apparently he’s the only other person who never gave up hope on finding me but was pretty tight lipped about him otherwise. Only saying that I’ll be able to meet him when the time comes.
I slip into the most amazing shower I’ve ever been in. It hasthreeshower heads. Like c’mon, that’s not even necessary at all but I’m not really mad at it either. It’s nice to know I’m actually going to be clean and not have to worry about catching some disease one of ma’s “special friends” left behind. No reason to be upset about the random perks of this new life, right?
The shampoos and soaps Cecelia bought me smell insanely good, like magnolias. I’ve never smelled so good in my entire life. Getting out, I go to grab a towel from the cabinet, only to find a towel warmer built into one of the sections of shelving. Not only are they ginormous and the softest towels known to planet earth, but they’re also warm. What evenis this life?
Although I’ve yet to see any house staff, I never seem to have dirty clothes, so I assume there’s someone doing the laundry when I’m not looking. I quickly dry off and throw my towel in the hamper with my discarded clothes. Everything keeps magically showing back up in my closet clean and pressed. Maybe Cecelia just really quietly sneaks in to take it all. I don’t know.
Standing in my closet, I look around for those uniforms and when I see that I only have five black pleated skirts to pair with ten button ups split between white and red with five red hideously skinny ties, I’m instantly heated. Where the fuck are all of the pants? Seriously, what kind of misogynistic, patriarchal bullshit school am I going to? Does this school realize that women have the same fucking rights as men? We are all human beings. It shouldn’t matter our gender; we should have the ability to cover our asses when we want to! Ugh, this is already starting off bad. At least there are red-trimmed blazers to jerk on over the ugly shirt to hide how stupidly tight they fit. Deep breath in.. two, three, four. Deep breath out.. two, three, four.
“One day at a time. You can do this. Just one damn day at a time,” I tell myself.
I know I shouldn’t complain. Things realistically could always be worse than me having to wear a skirt. I mean, look where I just came from. But fuck if that isn’t some annoying shit.