Page 7 of Hidden in Darkness

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Page 7 of Hidden in Darkness

“Obviously not.” I huff. Picking my stuff up from off the ground.

“Girl, you really need to get it together. I promise you don’t want him on your bad side. That, my new friend, was Matteo DeLuca and he’s one of the reigning kings of our not so humble kingdom.” The girl tells me.

Ha, what a fucking joke. We’re basically in the middle of nowhere in the northern part of California. Rich people, yes, but royalty? I think not.

“Pfft, I have absolutely no desire to fall in line with some bullshit high school hierarchy. Thanks for the advice, though.”

“By the way, I’m Stephanie. Stephanie Bradheart. Most people call me Steph, though.” I look over to see who this chick is that talks so much and all I can see is a spastic girl under a mess of crazy red curly hair and bright seafoam green eyes. Her wide smile makes her kinda look like one of those cartoon princesses now that I think about it.


“Oh, I know who you are. You don’t need to introduce yourself, Alessandra Salvatore. You’ve already caused quite a stir here. Three point nine GPA, somehow managing to outrank your entire class and about ninety seven percent of ours, even coming up from the slums. You were abducted as a baby and when you were put in the system after your abductor died, your mom was able to finally track you down. Your last school gave you the highest of recommendations as far as your grades are concerned, but said you were challenging and have trouble with authority.” She’s grinning cheekily while rattling off facts about me, like I don’t know my own damn self. She does a quick assessment of me, scanning me head to toe.

“You, miss ‘challenging to authority’ are going to need me. Starting now, we’re best friends. Cool? Cool.” She says, pointing back and forth between us, winking saucily like I’m in on whatever private joke she’s got going on in her head.

“The fuck? How do you know anything about me? Nah, we ain’t doin’ this. You should probably just walk away now, stalker. I don’t need some freaky girl coming at me first thing in the morning.”

I take a step towards her ready for a fight, but she starts laughing and claps her hands like she’s so excited she just can’t contain her joy. This bitch is mental — straight looney bin crazy. This is weird as fuck and I’m not sure I’m cool with it. I knew I should’ve stopped for caffeine this morning; I’m not prepared for this shit.

“Ha, the more you know, right? Actually I know most everything about everyone. My mom is on the school board and I sneak a peek on everyone’s files from time to time. I’m a firm believer that knowledge is synonymous with power. I like to know about the people I spend my days with. Here, let me show you to the main office. The headmaster will likely want to meet you. Plus, you’ll need a student guide after you get your schedule so I made sure they knew I was available. Like I said, we’re meant to be best friends.” She winks and skips ahead only turning back to make sure I follow. Blowing out a breath, I start forward.

“This is going to be alongfreaking year.”

* * *

This bitch...I mean, she wasn’t wrong. I’m gonna need her help. We’ve only just reached the main building and I’m already lost. We take a turn and I can now see the administrative office straight ahead. I half expect Steph to wait behind while I go handle the paperwork but she power walks her sassy ass right through the doors.

“Gooooood moooooorning Nancy!” She’s practically yelling as she sing-songs to the receptionist. The woman, Nancy I assume, rolls her eyes.

“Good morning, Miss Bradheart. That’s Mrs. Sheldon to you. What can I do for you?” She looks past Steph and sees me.

“Oh, I see you’ve brought a newcomer. I assume you are Miss Salvatore?” She says my name like it leaves a bad taste in her mouth. Narrowing her eyes at me, she studies me like she already knows I’m trouble. Word must travel fast around here. I’m pretty curious as to how they’ve gotten such accurate information to gossip about. Huh, well I guess she’s heard about me too, then.

“Uh, yep! I prefer Quinn, though. I’m just here to pick up my class schedule and be on my way. It looks as though I’ve got myself a student guide and I’m a really fast learner, so I really don’t need you to drag this out. If you can just hand over the schedule, I’d rather not miss my first class, thanks.” I hold my hand out and she scoffs at me, rolling her eyes again.

While I’m fully aware that I could have been able to be more polite, I really don’t appreciate her shitty attitude and judgy eyes giving me a once over. This woman isn’t better than me and she needs to learn her place — fast. Before I put her in it. Her entire demeanor is disrespectful as hell. It’s a bad look all around for this to be my first impression of the school and it’s staff.

“Excuse me, but-”

“Ahem! Miss Salvatore. How lovely to meet you. My name is Albert Clifford, I’m the Headmaster here. I think I can take over from here, don’t you, Mrs. Sheldon?” He gives her an odd look as he reaches over and takes my paperwork from his receptionist. For one fleeting moment, she looks almost scared before she puts her snooty mask on. She slams down into her chair and starts typing furiously with her nose up in the air.

“Ah, hello Headmaster. Is there something special that needs done or paperwork that needs filled out? I’d really appreciate being allowed to go to class. I know I’m cutting it close as it is. If there was anything that was missed as far as my registration, it’s likely best that you contact Cecelia anyway.” I say, wanting to get out of there. Dude gives off some super weird vibes that are sketching me out. Hard.

He gives me a strange look. If I were a weaker person, the look would give me goosebumps and chills for how intently he watches me, studying me as he hands over my class schedule, my locker number and keypad access number as well as a school campus map.

“I trust you’ll do a superb job of setting a proper example for our fine educational establishment. We set the tone for our future generations and hold our students to the highest of standards, both academically and physically. You may notice that you’ll need more than the regular allotment of credits to graduate. However, you’ve done well to stay ahead of your class, and at a public school, no less. You’ll be allowed to make up any additional credits you may need with extracurricular activities. A minimum of one sporting activity is mandatory. Only because you’ve done so well academically did I allow your late acceptance. Do not make me regret it. Oh, and welcome to Salvatore Preparatory Academy.”

Chapter Seven


The final bell rings right as I walk into my first class of the day. At least I won’t be considered tardy.

“It’s lucky we have the exact same schedule, right?” Steph shoots me another little wink that tells me luck had nothing to do with it.

“C’mon SB, don’t tell me you’re a computer hacker as well as a top notch stalker. I’m starting to fear for my life” I joke.

I realize only too late that the entire class is deadly quiet and everyone is staring directly at us. Thankfully my supposed new bff takes it in stride and just smiles the cheesiest smile I’ve ever seen before laughing. The teacher looks up and just points to the two open desks at the back of the class.

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