Page 2 of Hidden in Darkness 2
My texts seem to have woken her up. I knew she hadn’t been reading my notes, otherwise none of this would’ve even been a problem. It’s well into March now and I’ve watched all along since she’s been here these last several months. I’ve watched her grow into her own power and seen the glow radiate from within her as she learns her place in our world. She has always been the light in the dark, but now she shines so bright, even the darkest demons can’t compete with her brilliance. She’s a queen among men and she’s allowed herself three strong kings to accompany her as she navigates through her upcoming role as a leader, an underboss. Eventually meant to beLa Don.
Climbing quickly up the ranks to join her grandfather at his side. She’s everything I hoped she would become. She’s just done it in the wrong place. She’s meant to be bymyside. Once she’d accepted that we belong together, that’s when she was meant to make her entrance into the world she was so cruelly ripped away from. Together we were meant to merge the East and West coast and rule with a strong unified hand. Now I have to play stupid games to chase her away from the life she’s grown to love and take her back into my arms. Plus, I have to hope that she doesn’t fight too hard to get away from me. My jealousy has overwhelmed my good sense and I can’t wait any longer.
I sent her some shitty text messages two days ago and now my men and I are tailing her across the United States. I can only imagine she’s going back to Chicago to figure out who’s behind all of the secret messages. Honestly, it felt all kinds of wrong to do everything so mysteriously, but I have to protect the administration as well. Especially since I’ve been more neglectful of my station in La Cosa Nostra than ever before.
I’ll have to send someone over to her old house to clean up any messes and to set up something special for her. Although, I’d like to leave her another handwritten note so I may need to let my security detail take over tailing her and fly out to set something up myself. Hmm. that actually sounds like a better plan.
Calling up Piero, who I left in my place while I’ve been living in the shadows of Northern California, I fill him in on my plan and make my way to the nearest airport, knowing he’ll make sure the rest of the guys I had with me stay with Quinn.
By the time my driver pulls up to the airport, I’ve already gotten a team to go clear out the old shack of a house she grew up in, making sure all of the squatters have been kicked out. They are set to clean up her room and set the scene I’ve requested. I also have a seamstress rush order a custom-designed wedding gown for my girl to leave for her so she has a full understanding of what is about to happen.
“Hi! Welcome to Northwest Air, how can I help you?” A young blonde woman greets me, fluttering her fake eyelashes flirtatiously once she takes a good look at my face.
“I’d like the next available flight to Chicago.” I tell her, in no mood to waste time.
“Oh, why the need to go so far away?” She pouts.
“I’d love to help, is this for business orpleasure?” She purrs, her question heavy with innuendo as she starts licking her glossy lips. She looks me over from head to toe like she wouldn’t mind me whipping my dick out and fucking her here on her workstation.
“Just get me a ticket. I don’t have time for this and you aren’t my type. First class. Chicago. Immediately. Find the ticket.” I say, growling out my annoyance. Although, Idotake some pleasure in her shock at my statement. She’s not an ugly girl and I imagine she doesn’t get turned down very often.
“Of course sir, I’m… I’m so sorry.” She has enough sense to look embarrassed, stuttering and shifting her gaze down to type quickly to find me what I need.
“It looks like we have a flight out in thirty minutes but you’d be pushing your luck for time with the security line if you have any baggage.”
“The timeline will be fine. I have loadsof baggage, but no luggage. I’ll take the ticket.” I say, handing her my debit card and ID.
“Have a lovely day and good luck, sir,” she says, handing me back my cards along with my plane ticket.
I make my way through security fairly quickly since I have nothing with me other than my wallet and phone and get to my boarding gate just in time for them to call for priority seating to board the plane. Handing over my ticket to the attendant I get another heated glance sent my way, hiding none of the attraction she feels toward me. These bitches are fucking thirsty today.
I get this a lot. I’m by no means ugly. I’m not self-centered or anything, but I’m also not delusional enough to pretend like I didn’t win the genetics lottery. I’m what some would call classically tall, dark and handsome, but with a sinister twist. Tattoos cover a large percentage of my body, mostly to hide some of my battle scars and typically in places I can cover in my suits. Raffaele Gavino isn’t much of a fan and before bisnonno died, he couldn’t stand to look at them either. I’ve tried to remain fairly respectful of that. My piercings didn’t go over well with anyone at first either, but oh fucking well.
I’m one hundred percent not interested in anyone that isn’t Quinn. When she touches me while handing me my boarding pass, lingering and tracing her fingers along mine, my whole body stiffens. I slowly pull my hand back with a glare aimed her way.
“Not gonna happen,” I growl out, unwilling to hold back the disgust in my voice. I watch her face redden and take a small amount of pleasure in her embarrassment, before moving to take my seat on the plane. I belong to one woman and only one woman. And she may not know it yet, but she belongs to me.
I don’t want or need anyone else touching me. It’s common amongst the mafia for men of power to have wivesandmistresses, girlfriends, or toys on the side. I’m not that kind of guy. Quinn is it for me and I’m okay with that. I just hope she is too.
* * *
As I writethe note I’m leaving behind for Quinn, I realize how disturbingly nauseating I’m coming across. Seeing the words in print is bone-chillingly disgusting. To an extent, I need this to be the case. I have to make her understand the reality of what’s to come and also hopefully throw her off my scent a little bit. Maybe when she finally meets me, she’ll notice that I’m not as bad as the letters, notes, and texts make me out to be. Well, I am, but never to her. Even I’ve noticed how badly I’ve made myself out to be, but what’s done is done. I’m not a good guy. I’m not nice or sweet or kind. I’m a killer. I’m an underboss for the goddamn mafia.
My grandfatheristhe mafia. La Don of all the Eastern territories and the head of the Gavino family. There is no coming back from that. I can’t make myself deserving of the love I’m so desperate for.
I finish the note and lay it down next to the gown specifically designed for mia bella. This dress is made for her deadly curves - I swear her wicked body was made for sin. The lace shows more skin than I’d typically like others to see but there’s no doubt in my mind that she’ll look stunning in it, provided I can get her to willingly put it on and walk down the aisle. I know what a spitfire my girl is and I’m prepared for the worst of things. I’m not beyond forcing her hand, though I’d prefer her to actually want me.
Once I set up all of the candles and lay everything out for her, I leave. I don’t want to watch this part. Knowing she wants nothing to do with me and seeing it are two different things. I’m not sure my heart or my ego can take the rejection. I’m a ruthless, sometimes downright evil guy, but with her I seem to turn to goo. I always have and I don’t think I’m capable of witnessing her find these things and hating me for it. Because shewillhate me. It’s inevitable. I’m about to take her back and there’s nothing anyone can do to stop me. Not even Matteo, Cohen or Noah. I know they’re tailing her. They’d have been stupid not to.
Unfortunately for them, the odds are stacked in my favor. They know little to nothing. I’ve laid out some breadcrumbs for them to learn the truth but honestly, by then I’ll already have my girl and they’ll be too late. Like I said, I know I’m the villain in our story and I’m okay with that as long as Quinn is willing to learn the truth and can accept me for all that I am, and all that we will be. After all, this is all for her.
Chapter Three
Iget in my car and drive to meet up with Piero. We have to plan her kidnapping and while it’s necessary, it’s also annoying. I own almost everyone in Chicago so it won’t be hard. It all just feels like a necessary evil. I loathe the idea of hurting her or making her fear or hate me. I know it is going to happen whether I like it or not, but still. Who in their right mind enjoys the love of their life despising them? Even with all the stalking and creepiness, I’m still of sound mind despite the image I’ve created for myself.