Page 6 of Hidden in Darkness 2
“No need for that. It’ll all be taken care of for you. Come, let’s go.” He says, as he offers me his arm to grasp.
I’m sure as shit not touching this stranger, even if he does kind of look like someone’s gramps. Giving him a slightly skeptical look, I pull a robe over my silk and lace tank and pants pajama set, and then gesture for him to take the lead.
“I’d rather keep my hands to myself, if you don’t mind.” I say, trying to reel in my natural sass. Even doing my best impression of a sweet and innocent girl, I fail miserably. Really, it must be obvious that I just want to take his ass out with a lamp or something and run. Too bad I can guarantee that won’t work out for me. For now, I have to go with the flow and work out my escape plan.
“Of course Miss.” He says, a genuine sparkle in his eye, as he smiles at me. The look he gives me, tells me that he finds me entertaining, if nothing else. Maybe he can tell that I’m a fucking fake from my shit acting ability. He must expect my inner hoodrat to come out strong. Even if I say all of the right words, my resting bitch face hides nothing. I’m not exactly the sweet and sugary type of girl as it is, so let’s hope I don’t fuck this up.
He takes me along and we wander down two flights of stairs. I make sure to pay extra attention when we get to the bottom floor for any and all exits, as well as guards.
In a place like this, they aren’t meant to be seen or heard, but they exist. I can feel the lingering presence of the unknown. It fills the air, suffocating me with their unseen presence. From an untrained eye, the manor is spectacular. If you didn’t know better, you could assume this is just another show of wealth and luxury but anyone that’s lived in the shadows of darkness as long as I have could sense the overwhelming danger that’s stifling the air in the mansion.
“We’ll start down at the bottom and work our way back to the top. You’ll have noticed that there are fewer doors on the third floor and that is simply due to it being the residential space for you and the master of the estate. If you’re lucky, you may even meet him today. He’s been locked up there in his office for days working. I’d be curious to know if your presence is enough to pull him from his workspace.” The old man says with a hopeful look in his eye. There’s something there that tells me that he genuinely cares for whoever this masked man is.
Me on the other hand, I’d rather not deal with the guy today. I don’t think I’m ready to face whatever monster has brought me here. I’d like to build my strength back up so I can fight him if need be.
Shivers race down my spine at the thoughts that take me back to the strange feelings from when he took care of me in my cell. Trying to suppress the shudder that’s running through me, I pull my robe around me tighter, suddenly feeling too exposed. I wish I had jeans and a t-shirt available. What I wouldn’t do for a pair of boots, or even sneakers.
Admittedly, I’m in a much better situation than I imagine most would find themselves in during captivity. Much worse happens every day, I know that. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. I really am a selfish dickhead to think I’m anywhere near on the level of others who get kidnapped. Sure, I’ve been stripped of my family and friends, my belongings and my freedom. I’m told I’ll be forced to marry a man I do not know and do not want. But I’m alive and well. There’s always a chance that I can escape. I’m strong enough to deal with what’s being thrown my way.
The worst of it is that my pride has taken a hit. More than that, my entire existence is now meant to rely on a man to take care of me and tell me the who’s, the what’s, the when’s and the where’s of my life. My self-reliance has been taken in an attempt to strip me of my autonomous personality. To tame me and mold me into what is expected of me for the rest of my life.
Even Matteo’s stubborn, possessive ass didn’t do this. He and the guys recognized my need to control my own life, and while they pushed the boundaries and stretched all my limits, they still respected who I was and worked their way into my life instead of trying to take over, which goes against everything that Matteo is. It’s making me appreciate who they are that much more, knowing how much of themselves they were willing to sacrifice to be with me. Knowing how much of themselves they gave to love me, makes my resolve to find a way home stronger. I will make it home to them. I have to.
“Um, I have kind of a weird question but do you know where my things went from when I was brought here? It would be nice to have some clothes other than pajamas if I’m going to be allowed outside my room. My current attire feels… well, inappropriate to say the least. Also, I was wearing an important piece of jewelry, it means everything to my family. A necklace that I’d very much like to keep if possible. Especially if I won’t be allowed to speak with my family. It’s all I have left of them.” I ask, putting all of my acting skills to work.
My attempt at manipulation may fall flat unless the house staff hasn’t been filled in on who I really am. I might be able to get away with the shy, nice girl act, but so far I haven’t gotten much out of anyone. It’s worth a shot, anyway.
“No, Miss. My apologies, but I do not. The master was the one to take care of you during your first several weeks’ stay on the estate. He must have your belongings with him. You’d do well not to ask him for too much regarding your past. He’s not a man you’d like to see angry. You’re meant to start a new life here, my dear. It’s time to leave the life you led behind you. Do you understand what I’m saying?” He asks me, looking genuinely upset about the wrath of his boss, but is he worried about me or worried that I’ll upset the man he clearly cares about. It also sounds a little bit like he’s trying to put me in my place. Well, fuck that.
“What, will he, like, beat me or some shit? I get that you don’t know me but I’m not one to put up with a man putting his hands on a female. I don’t give a fuck who he is.” I spit, venom coloring my words before I can realize how much of my true self I just shared with the old man.
Looking affronted, James slowly shakes his head like I’ve somehow disappointed him in my assumption. Uh, did he forget about the threatening way he literally just described his boss not a full minute ago? How am I the bad guy here?
“Come Miss. We’ve much to see and little time to do so. Dinner will be served soon and we’ll need to get you back to your room before then.” He conveniently avoids answering my question while pointedly reminding me that he’ll be returning me to my lovely jail cell. What I said clearly pissed him off and now I’m back in trouble. Fuck.
Chapter Seven
All in all, the first two floors of the mansion here isn’t all that different from my house back at home. I don’t know why but I really expected some weird red room of pain type shit. The guy I -sort of- met wears a mask, sends me devil roses and obsessive love notes. It didn’t seem like too far of a stretch for him to possibly have some fucked up, kinky lair or whatever. I don’t know, maybe even a full-fledged stalker room full of my pictures, given that he’s stalked me basically my whole life, or like a room of dead animals and things?
Honestly, in my mind it made more sense I guess. There’s a few extra amenities that I’ll never use and several extra guestrooms. Just beyond the property line is a private beach that spans out for miles. I’m not allowed outside but the large floor to ceiling windows show off the insane view. The manor itself is more modern in design than that of my real home, more sleek and showy. It’s made up of mostly different variations of grays, black, white and chrome. My new jail cell seems to be the most feminine of all the rooms in the large house.
“As you can see, we are back on your floor. Obviously, this is your room. Across the hall from you is the master’s bedroom and next door is his office. Shall I knock to see if he’s available for you?” James looks to me expectantly, like answering this correctly will forgive my earlier bitchiness downstairs.
I look to my trembling hands, whether it’s from anxiety or adrenaline, I don’t know, so I clasp them together to avoid him seeing it as a weakness. Looking up, I square my shoulders and nod my head. I don’t want to see him, but I will not cower to this fucker. I will not allow myself to feel weak or vulnerable. I’m strong and fierce. I haven’t taken shit from anyone since I was a small child and I don’t intend to start now.
My mental pep talk is working wonders. Psyching myself up is giving me the clarity I’ve needed this whole time. I always work best under pressure, but how could I have forgotten who I am so easily. All these weeks and I’ve been such a soft bitch. Not today, not anymore. It’s time for me to take back the control.
Knock.Knock. Knock.
James raspshis knuckles solidly on the door before opening it slightly and announcing his arrival. He looks back to me and holds up one finger before shutting the door in my face.
What the hell? Why does everything around here have to be so suspicious? I mean, they’ve already kidnapped me for shit’s sake. They have security up the ass and I have zero idea of where I am or how to leave. The secrecy might as well get thrown out the window now, since this guy assumes he’ll be marrying me.
Oh, shit. I wonder if he’s beastly? Maybe he wears the mask because he’s ugly as hell and is afraid I’ll run and hide once I see his ogre face. How could I not have thought about that before? For the longest time, I genuinely thought it was Lorenzo DeLuca but that can’t be right. The guy that’s been visiting me in the cellar seemed younger and his oddly familiar raspy smoker’s voice had the faintest of Italian accents. Plus, his entire being exudes power.
It’s one of the reasons why I was so dazed and confused in the cellar. I could almost put Matteo in his place in my mind. Matteo’s father may have continued to build his ‘business’, using it as a front for his shady dealings, after my bisnonna sold most of her shares. It’s now nothing more than a low life, underground, shady as fuck sex slavery business, but he isn’t strong or powerful. He’s insecure and pathetic. A weak man that wears his evil as a mask for all to see to hide the spineless, gutless piece of shit he really is. It’s what makes him seem like he’s a proud businessman who takes charge and doesn’t take shit from anyone, but really there’s a reason he went into a business that allows him to prey on those weaker and more vulnerable than anyone else. He couldn’t control the mafia if he wanted to. He’d be chewed up and spit out. He may have control over women and children but he could never rule over a kingdom of powerful men.