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Page 7 of Hidden in Darkness 3

You’d think I wouldn’t get embarrassed, but I’m starting to feel like I’m intruding on her time. Who am I to be a cock block—ehh, cunt block? Is there a word for that? Would blue balls be blue ovaries? Meh, whatever. Nah, I’ll make sure she gets to know this guy if they both want it.

“Excuse me,” I look to the guy still working out some kinks in my shoulders. “Is it possible that I get my manicure and pedicure done last? I’d like to be escorted to the main salon to speak with my hair stylist. As long as that’s okay with you SB.” I turn my attention to my best friend.

“Hm? Oh, yeah. I’ll check in with you a bit later. I’m just going to relax here for a bit,” she tells me, her cheeks flushed and her voice breathy. She doesn’t even look at me, she’s so locked in on the cute guy massaging her feet.

“Of course, right this way,” my ‘beauty guru’ says knowingly with a chuckle. He helps me from my pedi station and we walk a ways down the halls before I ask him,

“My friend will be safe with that guy, right?” I look at the guy and he responds by letting out a small laugh, causing me to frown. I won’t put up with some bullshit no matter how nice this place is. He must see my reaction written all over my face because he quickly corrects himself.

“She’ll be fine Mrs. Gavino. Not a soul here would dare dream of doing anything untoward to our guests. Especially not such important ones such as yourselves. My co-worker seems to have taken a liking to your friend, but the most that will happen is that he’ll give her a professional massage, make her nails beautiful, and maybe start a conversation that leads to flirting and some exchanged phone numbers,” he promises, easing my mind a bit.

“As long as I don’t have a reason to worry, no one has to get hurt today,” I retort, smiling to soften the truth of that statement. I enjoy the brief moment of tension in his shoulders before he relaxes and smiles at me though, because it shows me that he fully understands that while I may be semi-kidding, I’m also not, and that I very much care for the safety and comfort of my people—my family.

“Here you are, make yourself comfortable in Melisande’s chair and she’ll be with you shortly. Would you like a drink?”

“Sure, a water would be great. Thank you.” I smile at the guy who’s name I'm only now realizing, I never thought to ask.

He walks away and I notice just a moment too late that a familiar presence overshadows me from behind. His fresh rain scent assaulting me with memories of myself being marked by him. The giant mass of his body is pressed up against me within an instant and every ounce of restraint I have is used as I do my best not to lean into his warmth the way my body demands.

“You shouldn’t be hereAlessandra.” He’s bent low to breathe the words into my neck, and I hold back the shudder of revulsion at his use of my name. He speaks it like it’s poison on his tongue. If it were anyone else, I wouldn’t hesitate to whirl around and stomp out like a light, but he has me at a disadvantage right now and he’s playing on that fact. It’s like he can sense that I’m not ready to put on a front just yet and now I’ll have to fake it to make it. “Whyare you here? Wasn’t us leaving you behind for dead not enough to show you that we’re done with you? We want nothing to do with you and all your secrets,” he spits his venomous words into my soul and it destroys me from the inside out because at the core of it all, he’s absolutely right.

I hurt them first.

The clever witty banter that’s normally foreplay for us, now has me holding back a certain level of fear that I’m not used to. His monster knows my monster and nothing good can come from that. I won’t cower and show him even an ounce of emotion at his surprising presence, but when he runs his nose up the length of my neck, I worry he can smell it on me; the aching sadness, the empty void he’s left in my heart, the fear of facing him for the first time, and the lust he inspires whether I want it to happen or not. His crazy has always matched my own and he can read me like a book.

“Noah,” I breathe, only barely able to make my voice work. Turning to look him up and down, it damn near kills me to see his deadened gaze stare back at me, where they’re typically lit with mischief and humor instead. Only sheer force of will keep my demeanor cool. “Fancy meeting you here. Finally fixing the mop look you’ve got going on, I see,” I quip. Keeping my face as stoic as possible, I flick a finger and gesture towards his head as I move out of his space and toward the stylists’ chair.

When I take my seat he moves silently with me, giving me no time to resist his encroachment of my space. He’s instantly leaning down and boxing me in by placing his hands on either side of the arms of the stylist chair. I refuse to do anything else but stare him dead in the eyes, otherwise he’ll see right through my false bravado to the misery swirling in my gut. Surprisingly, he doesn’t even seem the least bit shocked to see me, considering the condition he left me in.

“You just can’t help yourself, can you? You can’t just let us move on from you. You’re like the worst natural disaster to ever hit California. You roll into our city, our school, and our fucking hearts without any warning. You tear shit up like a goddamn tornado and then take off when the winds change direction, not a care that you’re always leaving behind a wake of utter destruction. Your existence is like a series of hurricanes blowing in with the wind and the rain, taking everything from us and leaving nothing but wreckage and misery time and time again. We’d be better off living through a forest fire razing our city to the ground,” he growls out, offering a small glance to my mouth before abruptly turning on his heel and stomping to the chair next to me, falling into it angrily without another word.

Clearly he doesn’t want a response, and to be honest, I’m not sure I have one right now. I planned on making my own entrance, not getting caught off guard by the emotionally damaged side of Noah, who clearly affects me just as much now that I’m angry as he did when I loved him so much I knew I’d die for him. Seeing him like this makes me wonder if my anger is a mask for the pain that’s seared into my being at the loss of him and the other guys. It doesn’t take me long to figure out though that I really am just pissed the fuck off.

His stylist comes out before mine and even though I’ve slightly gotten lost in my own thoughts, I manage to tune in at just the right moment to make my blood boil. Especially when I look up and make note of how perfect this woman is with her long blonde hair and big blue eyes. She’s been graced with a slim waist but tits and ass for days and she knows exactly what she’s doing when she bats her long lashes at the man in front of her. One of the same men who ran my heart through a meat grinder and tore my soul to shreds and tatters.

“So what are we doing with this beautiful head of hair today? Please don’t tell me you want it all cut off,” she pouts flirtatiously. “This full bodied length with your natural golden highlights is a beautician's dream,” she states dreamily, with lust heavily coating her tone, as she runs her fingers through his silky hair, practically molesting his head. Hair that I used to love pulling on when—

“Nah, I’d like to keep the length, at least on the top. Gotta give a girl something to hold on to when she’s riding my face, you know?” He says salaciously, winking at her and flirting so blatantly it hurts because I have to grind my teeth to keep from saying anything. I almost get up and throw this bitch on the ground when she fucking blushes and starts giggling.

Deep breath in. Deep breath out. Everything is fine and he’s not winning this round despite his obvious attempts.

“Alessandra!! Girl, how are you?” Melisande comes out to greet me loudly, and the stylist finally seems to notice who the client in the station next to her is. Immediately she schools her features and stops with her flirty bullshit when I raise an eyebrow in her direction before turning to Melisande and greeting her back. An evil thought hitting me as I immediately know how to pay him back for his flirty bullshit.

“I’m good, just back for school. I’m late to the term thanks to a last minute vacation I went on. I think they call it a… honeymoon?” I grin cheekily. “You won’t believe the summer I’ve had,” I laugh and then flash my wedding ring at her. The wedding ring that I wouldn’t let Ren buy me at first, but finally caved to shortly before we made the trip back to the West coast.

“Holy shit, girlfriend! That’s a damn rock! And look at you, you’re glowing! Ugh, marriage looks too good on you!” She beams at me while gushing over the news of my marriage and fake honeymoon. I take a moment to bask in my victory when out of my periphery I see a fuming Noah rip off the stylists’ cape and stomp out the door before the scissors even touch his long beautiful locks.

Check fucking mate.



The rumble of my new bike feels good underneath me. It’s a belated wedding present from Ren. He took over for his grandfather, of course. But he’s decided to leave his second in command, Piero, in charge on the East coast so he could be with me here on the West coast for my final year of school. He’ll remain involved in ongoing projects or business deals, but for the most part he’s finally letting himself be a normal eighteen year old going to high school.

Normally we’d ride in together, but I wanted to feel the wind in my face and the sun on my skin as I drove onto the school grounds. There’s an enormous sense of power that comes from controlling a powerful machine like this, and I need to feel powerful today. More so than ever before.

Ren technically already graduated high school, so we’ve made a special arrangement for him here at the academy. He’s in all of my classes but will be studying his online courses for his business degree instead. He’d already been maintaining his college courses before I met him so nothing’s really changing for him, other than having more time to dedicate to his studies. Essentially he’ll treat each course like a study hall instead of a legitimate class. Perks of ruling the fucking school.

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