Page 7 of My Ex-Boyfriend's Dad
I stopped when I locked eyes with her dazzling green gaze. Her eyes were like two brilliant emeralds staring up at me. She had a button nose and soft, full lips. Now that I was up close and personal, I could see that she was dressed far more modestly than I first realized, with her high-collared, loose-fitting blouse.
There was something vaguely familiar about her, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.
A flash of recognition washed over her face. “Mr. White?”
I frowned. “Have we met?”
Her cheeks turned bright pink. “Oh, I’m Vivian Jones? We met that one time for Christmas dinner? I’m Wally’s girlfriend. Well, ex-girlfriend, actually. We broke up about a week ago.”
I blinked. There was so much to unpack here and so little time to react.
Vivian Jones. My son’s ex-girlfriend. My son’s super gorgeous ex-girlfriend with the voice of an angel who was nearly half my age. Dear God, I needed to say something and say something fast or it’d look like I was having a stroke.
“Oh. I’m sorry to hear that,” I muttered dumbly. And then, under my breath, “Wally never tells me anything.”
“It’s okay. We, uh… parted on good terms. We decided we’re better as friends.”
“I see.” I swallowed, unsure why I was suddenly so stiff. “I’m glad to hear it. Very… mature of you two.”
“Thanks. And for —you know— that.” She gestured vaguely at the air around her, referring to the slimeball from before.
“Asshole was lucky I have self-control.”
“Yeah, but I wouldn’t have said anything if you wanted to deck him, either.”
A chuckle escaped my throat. “What are you even doing in a place like this?”
Vivian sighed. “I was supposed to meet a friend here. Drinks after work, you know? She told me to come early so I could save us some good seats, but it’s been—” she checked her watch “—Jesus, over an hour. My phone died, so I was trying to use the bar phone, but the bartender’s too busy.”
“You can use mine, if you want.” I handed her my cell. “You don’t even have to give me your number.”
The corners of her mouth tugged up into a smile. “You heard that, huh?”
“Lamest fucking pickup line ever.”
“Iknow, right?”
“What ever happened to originality?”
“You’ve got me,” she said, punching in her friend’s number. She held my cell to her ear and waited, only to pull back after a few seconds with a disappointed look. “Weird. She normally always answers.”
“What are you going to do now?”
Vivian clicked her tongue, handing my phone back. “I might just go home. This isn’t really my scene. Mind if I make one more call to get a cab?”
An odd sense of protectiveness churned in the pit of my stomach. It was late and raining. We weren’t exactly in an unsafe part of town, but Chicago was a big place with its fair share of unsavory people. The creep from before was a perfect example. I didn’t like the thought of Vivian waiting out by the curb for a ride from some stranger.
“I’ll give you a lift,” I offered.
Her eyes widened. “I wouldn’t want to inconvenience you.”
“It’s not an inconvenience.”
“Are you sure?”
“Wouldn’t have offered otherwise.”
She breathed a sigh of relief, shoulders visibly relaxing. “Thank you, Mr. White.”