Page 15 of Ruthless Vow
It doesn’t take longfor the reward gambit to work. Whatever reasons Vance had to try and kill me, I know he won’t be able to resist claiming the credit,when that credit comes with a million bucks as a sweetener.
Sure enough, I’m meeting with Chase and Miles at the house when the call comes through.
“What I want to know, is who put him up to it?” Miles is asking. “Your father sent him. He was supposed to be a loyal Barretti man.”
“Did ten years in lockup, never once rolled,” Chase agrees. “Why the fuck does a guy like that turn around and try and take you out? It doesn’t make sense.”
I see the number and snatch up my phone, holding up my hand to gesture for them to quiet.
“Yeah?” I bark.
“He surfaced.’ Igor doesn’t fuck around with small talk. “Our guys put it around that the money was waiting, as a sign of our gratitude. He contacted a friendly party, made it clear he wants to collect.”
I nod, glancing to Miles and Chase. They’re watching curiously, only able to hear my side of the conversation. I didn’t share details of this particular play—and Chase still doesn’t know I’m negotiating with our sworn enemies. He’d hit the roof if he knew.
“You have a meet scheduled yet?” I ask carefully.
“Tonight. Eight p.m. Louie’s bar, downtown. I take it you’ll handle it from here?”
“I’ll send someone. And… Thank you. I appreciate this.”
Igor sounds amused. “See now, Mr. Barretti, a little friendship can go a long way.”
I hang up. Friendship? I don’t trust Igor for a second. The man is a ruthless killer—just like me. But right now, our interests are aligned. We’ve been working on a deal to hand over Barretti territory and assets to his people, so it’s in his best interest to keep me alive, long enough to continue our negotiations.
Negotiations that will have the Barrettis exiting the organized crime game for good.
I’ve been trying to take us legit for years now, away from the murder and mayhem, and into the real money. Real estate. Investments. I pulled off a massive development deal with a land parcel downtown, and we’ve already broken ground on construction for luxury retail and apartments. Those things print so much money, our criminal activities are small fry in comparison. Finally, a way out of the crime business is within my grasp.
IfI can stop any more explosions—literal or otherwise—blowing it all to shit.
“What’s going on, boss?” Miles asks.
“I have a lead on Vance,” I say, my gaze shifting to Chase.
“A lead? From where?” Chase asks.
“A reliable source,” I reply, keeping it vague. “He’ll be at Louie’s. Tonight at eight. You should be there to have a word,” I tell Chase meaningfully.
He gets to his feet. “Oh, you can count on it. We’ll have a whole damn conversation. In fact—”
Miles coughs loudly. “As your lawyer, I should remind you, we may be questioned about this conversation. By officers of the law.”
Chase snorts. “Like I said, we’ll talk.”
“Just make sure you have the last word,” I add, as Miles sighs again, muttering about plausible deniability. The guy’s a good lawyer, but who are we kidding? I may not say the words out loud, but Chase knows his assignment:
Make sure Vance doesn’t live to come after me again.
Chase exits, but Miles stays behind. He waits a moment after Chase is out the door before speaking.
“So… When are you planning to tell Chase about the détente with the Kovacks?”
I sigh, leaning back in my chair. “Soon. He’s not going to be happy. You know Chase is tied to the old way of doing things. Things are volatile enough as it is, the last thing I need is him kicking up a fuss about the deal.”
Miles makes a face. “Don’t leave it too late,” he warns me. “Shit’s gonna hit the fan one way or another.”