Page 48 of Ruthless Vow
Sebastian chuckles in amusement. “I just stopped by to check out your little show. Shame you didn’t roll over for me when you had the chance,” he says, and Caleb immediately steps up with a growl. Sebastian raises his hands, “Easy there, tiger,” he says, clearly enjoying the reaction. “I was talking about Sterling Cross, and my takeover attempt. Obviously. Not that your wife isn’t a charming woman,” he adds with a wink.
“Get out.” Caleb snaps.
“Don’t worry, I have more important places to be,” Sebastian says, adjusting his tux. He glances to Nero. “The invitation to join my card game is still open. If it’s not too rich for your tastes.”
I’m expecting a sharp comeback like last-time the two met, but Nero doesn’t say a word.
“Suit yourself.” Sebastian gives a nod. “Ladies, you have my sympathies, as always.”
He strolls away.
Juliet exhales. “I hate that guy,” she says, scowling after him.
“What happened with him, anyway?” I ask, curious.
“Oh, hostile takeover, back-stabbing, the usual,” she replies. “But Nero fixed it.”
“He’s good like that,” I smile in agreement, but Nero remains stone-faced. When Juliet and Caleb move on to mingle, I sigh.
“Okay, what’s going on?” I ask, grabbing Nero’s arm to make him turn to face me. “I thought you liked Juliet, but you couldn’t even pretend to be happy for her pregnancy news!”
“What do you want from me?” Nero shoots back. “I didn’t want to come to this thing, but I’m here. Now I’m supposed to put on a show, turn fucking cartwheels?”
“No,” I step back, stung. “I just thought…”
“I’m going to get a drink.”
Nero strides off. I watch him go, but he doesn’t head for the bar. Instead, he exits through one of the open patio doors, moving outside.
I follow.
I find him standing in the shadows of the terrace away from the crowd, restlessly playing with his cufflinks. “Nero, talk to me,” I say, approaching him. “You’ve been in a terrible mood for days, and I want to know why. Did something happen with the Kovacks?”
“You mean more than the bullshit we’re already knee-deep in?”
His harsh tone makes me step back, but I won’t be dissuaded. “Talk to me,” I say again. “Please?”
“Fine.” Nero pauses a moment, and reaches into the inner pocket of his tuxedo jacket, pulling out an envelope. “Here.”
“What is it?” I take the envelope but don’t open it. I want him to talk to me.
“A plane ticket to Paris.”
“What?” I blink. Of all the things I was expecting him to say, I definitely wasn’t expecting this.
“You heard me.” Nero watches as I tear the envelope open. There it is: first class to Paris, leaving tomorrow. “I know you’ve always wanted to go,” he says.
I squeal in excitement, I can’t help it. I even bounce up and down on my toes. “Are you serious?” I gasp, already picturing the two of us walking hand-in-hand along the Seine. “Paris?”
“You’ll love it,” he says quietly. “You can see all the galleries, eat French food, and even study there. I’m sure there are some great art schools in Paris.”
I pause, realizing something for the first time. He’s saying “you,” not “we.”
“I don’t understand.” I ask, confused. “Aren’t you coming?”
Nero shakes his head. “No. No, I’m not.”
“But…” I come back down to earth with a bump, trying to make sense of it. “Is this just to get me away while things die down here?” I ask, hopefully. “A month away, until the danger has passed?”
Nero swallows, finally meeting my eyes. “No. It’s not just for a month, Lily, you’re going for good. I’ve set everything up for you, I got you an apartment, completely in your name. Visas, everything. And I’ll be moving money to a bank account for you, too. You’ll have a whole life there, the one you’ve always wanted. Far away from all this bullshit.”
Far away from him.
I stand there, gripping the ticket. I can’t believe what he’s saying, I don’t understand. “But what about you?” I ask.
But I already know. It’s in the hardness of his face and the cold stare he levels at me.
“I’m staying here. I’ll file for divorce. It’s over.”