Page 65 of Ruthless Vow
What happens next is a blur.Nero calls for help, and soon the woods are swarming with cops and paramedics. I’m led away to the back of an ambulance to be checked out, where I sit, numb and trembling while a sympathetic paramedic runs all my vital signs.
“I can’t stop shaking,” I whisper.
“It’s the adrenaline.” She smiles slightly, and I notice that she has a dimple in one cheek. It’s strange, the things that I find myself focusing on right now. Everything just feels so surreal.
I killed Chase.
“What?” I ask, confused.
“The shaking,” the woman explains. “It’s from the adrenaline that floods your body when you’re in danger. It what causes the fight or flight reaction. I’m guessing that you went with fight,” she adds, glancing to the body bag being wheeled past
I swallow hard. “Not by choice.”
She goes back to stitching up a cut in the back of my head, and I sit there, trying not to wince.
Nero strides over. He’s been caught up talking to the cops, but he’s been sure never to be far away from me.
“What’s the verdict?” Nero demands.
“I’m fine,” I insist.
“She’ll be fine, eventually,” the paramedic corrects me, finishing up. “But you need rest, and time to heal. No more cross-country runs or wrestling matches."
“That won’t be a problem,” Nero says immediately. “She’s not getting out of bed for a month.”
“At least buy me dinner first,” I joke weakly. He doesn’t laugh. Nero’s looking at me with fierce protection in his eyes.
“So we can go?”
The woman nods. “I don’t suppose you’ll let me take a look at that cut,” she says, nodding to the place where Chase’s blade nicked Nero’s arm.
“Nope. We’re not spending another moment here. Come on.”
He carefully helps me down from the ambulance and steers me over to his car. A cop meets us there. “Heading out?” he asks.
Nero nods. “You have my statement.”
“Yes, but your wife…”
“Can talk to you back in the city.” Nero gives him a cool glare. “She’s been through enough today.”
The cop pauses, but then gives a nod. “Fine. We’ll take her statement later. It’s a clear case of self-defense,” he adds, reassuring me. “The kidnapping, attempted murder… I’m sorry you had to go through this.”
I give a nod. “Thank you.”
Nero puts me in the car, handling me like I’m made of glass. Then, finally, we’re driving away, leaving the cabin in the rearview mirror.
I’m going home.
When we arrive at the house, Nero insists on carrying me inside, scooping me up into his arms and taking me all the way up to our bedroom. I could walk, but I don’t protest. It feels too good to be back in his arms.
“Are you hungry?” he asks, placing me gently on the end of the bed.
I nod. “I’d love something to eat. But first… I’m going to need to get out of these clothes,” I say, glancing down at the muddy, bloodstained outfit I’ve been wearing for two days straight.
“Coming right up.”