Page 48 of Love at the Lottie
“Really?” I smiled through my tears.
“Really. But you must promise to talk to me.”
“Honestly, I am so, so sorry.”
I leapt into his arms, my legs wrapping around his waist while we kissed each other as if it was our last ever kiss. It was getting hot and heavy when Luke over-balanced and I heard the crack of poles. We landed in a tangle of limbs, amongst broken poles and runner bean plants. We didn’t care and continued kissing. I heard him grunt and pulled back.
“Are you okay?”
He pulled a cracked pole out from under him, waving it at me. “Yeah, now I’ve got this stick out of my ass.”
We giggled and kissed again. I heard someone clearing their throat. We looked up to see a very bemused Toby looking down at us.
“I’m happy to see you’ve made up. But, Fliss, your aunt is going to be raging when she sees what you’ve done to these poor plants.” Then he burst out laughing, and we joined in.
Luke helped me up and we surveyed the devastation we’d caused.
“Oh God, she’s going to kill us, Luke.”
He didn’t appear to be at all concerned. “I have plenty of spare poles.”
“We’ll see what damage you’ve done to the plants. If any need replacing, I can help with that.” Toby smiled. “I’ll go and sort us out a cup of tea.” He headed over to his shed.
Luke and I faced each other. He grinned and pulled bits of plant out of my hair. There were smudges of dirt on his face, which I wiped away with my fingers.
“Is this how it’s always going to be with us?”
I frowned. “What do you mean?”
He chuckled and stroked the hair away from my face. “Well, you know… fighting, falling over in the dirt, that sort of thing.”
I ran my hands up his chest. “Hmm, maybe. But I’m guessing the make up sex will be worth it.”
We both eyed the shed where we’d first got down and dirty, and I laughed when Luke swore.
“If Toby wasn’t making us a cup of tea, I’d have you bent over that bench and…”
I gasped. “Stop it.”
“Because you’re turning me on.”
He stepped up to me and held my face in his hands. “You’re turning me on too. Maybe we’ll go for round two in the shed after Toby’s packed up and gone.”
And we did.
“Has everyone put their produce up on the tables for the judges?” I called out to Luke from the shed at Aunt Doll’s plot.
“Yes. Your aunt, Sally, and Toby are telling people where to display them. You got the trophies?”
“I’ve got them in two boxes in here.”
I heard him enter. I was kneeling on the floor, carefully pulling the trophies from the boxes. Glancing up at him, his expression still made me breathless even after a year of being with him. He closed the door, moved over to me, and helped me to stand.
“Why have you shut us in?”