Page 71 of A Stronger Impulse
Georgiana took a shuddering breath and would have replied, but at that moment, the door opened, and Miss Bingley entered.
Lizzy had forgotten, in her memories of malicious speeches and cutting asides, just how pretty was Caroline Bingley. In her elegant rose silk, lace sleeves, and rich brown ringlets, she was the exact opposite of Lizzy’s dusty, drab dress and matron’s muslin cap. Had he ever stolen a kiss from her? she wondered with sudden jealousy. But she crushed the thought in an instant. It was heretofore none of her concern.
“Eliza, how…surprising to see you.” Caroline glanced at Lizzy’s grimy hems with disapproval. “Or were you just leaving?”
But Mr Bingley gave her a firm look. “Caroline, it is good you have come down, for Elizabeth has just arrived with her uncle. Jane has invited her to make her home with us, and she has graciously agreed. Mr Gardiner, my sister, Miss Bingley.”
Caroline looked as though she had swallowed something unpleasant.
“Miss Bennet—oh, pardon, Elizabeth and I were just getting acquainted,” Georgiana said sweetly, plainly pretending they had never before met. “I believe we will become the greatest of friends.”
“Thank you, Georgiana. I look forward to it.”
Caroline gave a pinched smile. “I am sure. Perhaps I had better see how Mrs Nicholls does getting tea. If you will excuse me.” With the barest curtsey, she swept out.
The men resumed their conversation, and Lizzy watched Georgiana’s smile fade. “She has been hinting that she would like to address me less formally, but Lizzy, I cannot stand her simpering, unctuous manner. Rather, I try to avoid her if at all possible and ignore her fawning,” she whispered. “And for her to be so unwelcoming towards you, of all people…”
Lizzy put a hand on her elbow and murmured, “It appears Mr Bingley will keep her in line, for the sake of peace in his home. You need not fight my battles. But I thank you for it.”
When the younger girl contrived to move them further away from the men, on the pretext of showing Lizzy a view, she was further impressed. Georgiana, it seemed, had come a long way from the timid, cringing creature she had been—was it only two months past?
“When Matlock visited, did he have a private word with Miss Bingley?” Lizzy asked quietly.
“Not that I could see,” Georgiana said. “I do not believe so. She behaved no differently before his visit than after. And if he had spoken to her, or if she received a letter from my aunt suggesting a match, she would not have been able to resist hinting of it to me. Besides which, she has shown no more than the shallowest interest in my brother’s health, and that mere curiosity. If she thought to be his bride, she would be hounding me regarding his symptoms and illness.”
“Good news, then,” Lizzy whispered. “We have a bit more time. And every day that passes, Mr Darcy grows stronger. Soon this will all be an unpleasant memory. Things are looking up.”