Page 103 of Adrift in the Embers (The Game 7)
Good times.
I wasn’t going to complain, though. Because for as tired as I was, and for as long as my road to recovery was, I wasn’t lost anymore.
I knew where I was heading.
I was on my way.
“Wanna see something funny?” Greer asked me.
I looked up at him and nodded.
He grinned faintly, and we stopped swaying to the music. “Keep an eye on Archie for what’s about to happen.” He turned me around in his arms and pointed to where I could see Archie.
I tilted my head. “I can’t see anything.” Seriously, the place was packed!
He laughed. “Because you’re so damn short. Jump up on my back.”
He didn’t need to tell me twice!
I grabbed on to his shoulder from behind and hoisted myself up with a grunt, and he planted one hand under my butt.
“Do you see him now? By the server near the end of the auction table?”
I squinted and let my gaze travel across the crowd until I finally spotted him. Daddy was standing next to him.
“I see him.” I grinned in triumph—and a little humor, because Archie was busy. He was inspecting the snacks being served, at least one toothpick in his hand, and one of his cheeks puffed out from what he was munching on.
“Now, do you see Reese?” Greer asked.
“Yeah, I just did—yeah, there, at the bar.” I nodded. He was standing there with Tate, both looking gorgeous. Reese was dressed similarly to Greer in a three-piece suit without the jacket.
I noticed they were talking to someone I didn’t recognize, and it had to be a merry conversation because there were grins and chuckles all around. Then they reached some final destination to their talkin’, and the music changed at the same time. A much more upbeat country song came on, perhaps one I wouldn’t think would fit in a place with chandeliers and nice suits.
But the volume was turned down a bit, and I figured Reese was the reason when he jumped up on the bar, holding a microphone.
Tate followed.
“The surprise you asked about earlier isn’t for brats,” Greer told me. “Archie’s about to lose his English shit, though.”
That made me excited!
Reese tapped the mic before speaking into it. “Evenin’, everyone! They say it takes a village, and I gotta say my village is lookin’ fine as fuck tonight.”
“Yeah, baby!” I cheered.
Greer chuckled, and so did many others while clapping in obvious agreement.
“Before Tate takes over as our auction host, I want to introduce three new members,” Reese went on. And just then, more servers poured in from outside, all carrying trays with beer bottles and something snackish in wraps. “A long, long time ago, two computer whizzes worked together remotely, one in DC, one in Nashville. And they happened to be brats, because they always fucking are.”
“I’m not a brat!” Cam grated out.
“Hush, slave, you’re a brat sometimes,” Lucian replied mildly.
I giggled.
Reese went on with a wry smirk. “Then Noa got involved…and it all unraveled from there.”
“Go Noa!” I hollered.
“Team House Mclean!” someone else hooted.
“That’s hate speech,” Reese told whomever. I couldn’t see them. “Any-fuckin’-way, new friendships were formed, and recently Noa’s been in recruitment mode. He wanted his friend and his two Daddies to come out to us in Mclean, and now I guess we have our first hybrid membership with three members who will visit us occasionally when they’re in town.” He made room for that other man they’d been talking to, who climbed up next. “The reason I’m tellin’ y’all this is because one of those Daddies made a generous contribution to tonight’s festivities.”
“Fuck me,” Archie choked out.
My eyebrows flew up.
I was missing something here!
Did Archie know that man? He was older, very handsome, very distinguished-looking.
Greer laughed under his breath.
“There’s always room for one more Daddy named August, as I always say,” Reese joked. “Thanks to this man right here, you’re spared from cheese, crackers, and cheap wine tonight.”
The man smirked charmingly.
One of the servers reached us, and Greer grabbed a beer for himself and offered me a sip, but I shook my head and kissed his cheek.
However, when a second server whooshed by with food, I asked, “May I have some?” and Greer quickly snatched a couple wraps from the tray.
I opened mine and felt my mouth water. Chicken! Fried chicken! Oh my gosh. I was here for this. Fried chicken on a slice of toast and half a pickle. And yucky coleslaw, but that was easy to push to the side and give to Greer.
“All right, I see Archie, Ivy, and Macklin are about to burst,” Reese chuckled. “So we welcome August King and his partners Camden and Anthony to Mclean House.” Oh my goodness, Archie really did look like he was going to burst, and he started applauding with several others. I was so puzzled! “For those of you looking like question marks, August knows a thing or two about Southern cookin’, and he makes arguably the best hot chicken in the country. And several restaurants, books, and TV shows later, he’s come to DC to open a food truck franchise.” He clapped a hand to Mr. King’s shoulder. “I know you asked for a low-key introduction, but I’ve tried your food, man. Nothing’s brought my brother and me back to our Tennessee childhood quicker. Welcome to our community, and thank you for your generosity.”